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Ceramics and composites

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1 Ceramics and composites
Connect 8 November, 2018 Ceramics and composites Key Words Concrete Clay LO: investigating the properties of common materials Starter: Name five things that are made from concrete. What properties does concrete have that make it so useful in construction? Extension: what type of rock is used to make concrete? 1

2 Ceramics Ceramic materials:
are solids made by baking a starting material in a very hot oven or kiln are hard and tough have very many different uses

3 Advantages and disadvantages
Pros Hard and withstand pressure Cons Brittle

4 Composites Composites are a mixture of materials
Reinforced concrete is a good examples of this, it contains steels and concrete. This gives it the best of both materials, it is: strong when stretched (because of the steel) strong when squashed (because of the concrete)

5 Testing concrete and reinforced concrete
You will be provided with three materials, two composite concrete materials and cement . You should test how well they withstand impacts. (either repeated OR increasing mass) Before you begin you should consider the risk and the waste products.

6 Other composites Waterproof membranes Carbon fibre
A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to composite, which is the common name) is a material made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual

7 Plotting of graphs. Present this data in a graph. You should use a bar chart, but need to display both sets of data from each sample on the same graph. Compression Which sample of composite would you choose in the structure of a building?

8 Plenary How do composite materials help us?
Produce a 30 second sound bite on the use of composites in modern day life.

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