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Option A.4 Innate & Learned Behavior

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1 Option A.4 Innate & Learned Behavior

2 Innate Behavior Genetically programmed (Inherited) behavior that develops independently of previous experience in the environment. Helps species survive pressures of natural selection Examples: Spinning webs or building a nest

3 Learned Behavior Behavior that develops based on environmental experiences and is not genetically programmed. Process of gaining new knowledge or skills Developed through trial and error Individuals can show variation

4 Reflex conditioning Learning to associate one stimulus with another previously unrelated stimulus Pavlov (classical conditioning) Unconditioned stimulus: food Unconditioned response: salivation Conditioned stimulus: ringing bell Conditioned response: Salivation due to bell ringing

5 Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning

6 Learning and Inheritance in Birdsong
Species specific behavior used by male birds to attract females for mates Innately know how to sing the song of their species Young birds only sing a rudimentary version Young birds learn to sing better by listening to older birds This is both innate and learned behavior

7 Imprinting behavior Combination of learned and innate behavior
Learning that occurs at a specific programmed time or stage of development Learning is rapid

8 Operant Conditioning A form of learning which consists of trial and error Uses positive and negative reinforcement

9 Operant Conditioning Skinner Box
Used to test both operant and classical conditioning

10 Learning The acquisition of skill or knowledge
Changes can occur throughout a lifetime Degree of learning dependent on Longevity Neural capacity Walking Talking Playing an instrument

11 Memory The process of encoding, storing and accessing information
Memory higher order function Encoding process of converting information into a form in which it can be stored by the brain Accessing Short term memory Long term memory Different parts of the brain have a role in encoding, storage and accessing memory

12 Taxis & Kinesis Taxis: directional movement
Chemotaxis phototaxis Kinesis: Non directional response to stimuli

13 Reflexes Animals sense and respond to stimuli in order to maintain homeostasis Automatic and involuntary A typical reflex response involves the following: 1. receptors detect the presence of stimuli 2. sensory neurons send impulses (action potentials) to relay neurons in the CNS 3. Relay neurons send messages from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron 4. Motor neurons send impulses (action potentials) to the muscle cells to contract

14 Pain Reflex Arc

15 Pain receptors Cells detect the pain
Message is sent to the sensory neuron Sensory neuron sends the message to the relay neuron in the spinal cord Grey matter: consists mainly of dendrites of neurons White matter: consists mainly of axons of neurons Dorsal root: composed of sensory neurons entering the spinal cord (afferent) Ventral root: composed of motor neurons leaving the spinal cord (efferent)

16 Option A.6 Ethology

17 Ethology Is the study of animal behaviors in natural conditions
Natural selection can change the frequency of observed behaviors Select behaviors help survival while others can be lost Best to do research in an animals natural habitat as behavior will change when in captivity

18 Animal response due to Natural Selection
Behavior response Evolutionary advantage European Blackcap bird Migratory pattern Shorter distance to travel Warmer weather More food availability California Garter snake Foraging behavior (new food source) Ability to inhabit new niche High protein provided by eating banana slugs

19 Altruism Behavior in which one helps another with no apparent benefit to oneself. Unselfish behavior Kin Selection (helping closely related individuals) Honeybees Naked mole rats Vampire bats Defending the heard Surrogate Cows et.

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