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Greek - The Odyssey Ted Talk.

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1 Greek - The Odyssey Ted Talk

2 Write down and answer these questions while watching:
When did the greek alphabet first appear? Which of the elements helped the rhapsodes remember and recite the poem? Which of the themes unites both "Iliad" and "Odyssey"? What is xenia? Which god has hindered Odysseus’ journey home?

3 Ted Talk - Odyssey

4 When did the greek alphabet first appear?
1000 CE 8th Century BCE 2nd century BCE No one knows for sure

5 2.Which of the elements helped the rhapsodes remember and recite the poem?
Stories that were familiar to audiences Organizing poem into sections Memorized passages, or “set pieces” The fact that “Odyssey” is a sequel to “iliad”

6 3. Which of the themes unites both "Iliad" and "Odyssey"?
The kindness of strangers The exemplary leadership of Achiles The strength of the greek city-state Characters hubris in thinking themselves superior to the gods

7 4. What is xenia? Wrath of the gods Excessive pride
A code of hospitality The specific meter used by the rhapsodes

8 5. Which god has hindered Odysseus’ journey home?
Poseidon Athena Aphrodite Zeus

9 Digging deeper #1 - Individual
Recall that the poem begins in media res, in the middle of things. From a narrative standpoint, what are some benefits of beginning in this fashion?

10 Digging Deeper #2 - Individual
The oral tradition of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" make these stories cultural, communal, entertainment experiences. Since Homer’s time, in what ways has public, communal entertainment changed today?

11 Digging Deeper #3 - Class
The stories of "Odyssey" originally gained popularity through social gatherings in which people listened to rhapsodes recite the poem aloud. What types of entertainment unite us in similar ways today?

12 Graphic Organizer Create a graphic organizer for the information found on the following pages in your textbook: 365 & 368




16 Create a graphic organizer
For pages 365 and 368

17 “Qualities of an Epic Hero” Chart
DEFINITION EXAMPLES with book citation

18 QUALITIES Noble Birth Supernatural Vast Traveler Unmatched Warrior
Cultural of Legend Humility Battles supernatural forces

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