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Pitching and Networking in Europe Vincent Leclercq Hamburg, april 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Pitching and Networking in Europe Vincent Leclercq Hamburg, april 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pitching and Networking in Europe Vincent Leclercq Hamburg, april 2011

2 What constitutes a successful European co-production? a good story with a European potential a good presentation of the project a well-financed budget

3 What is Docu Regios objective? Mastering the art of pitching + creating a network of 15 films funds ready to promote coproductions among themselves

4 Who? When? How much? -Who? Documentary project with a European potential, in a development stage, suitable for a European co- production -When? Two sessions June and September -How much ? « All included » thanks to your film fund


6 Conditions = barriers? In each region, film funds are asking for specific conditions These conditions could be barriers to European co-productions We have listed 7 barriers we have to break down if we, film funds, want to be able to co-produce your projects

7 Condition n°1: you need to have a local co-producer Barrier n°1: does your region oblige you to be a majority producer? The answer is: no it doesnt! Exception: Aquitaine region asks for a minority associate co-producer

8 Condition n°2: you have to shoot in the region Barrier n°2: does your film fund oblige you to do more than half of the shooting in the region? The answer is: no it doesnt ! As long as you are working with a local co-producer, you can shoot wherever you want Exception: Aquitaine, Film Pool Nord, Rhône-Alpes (part of the shooting)

9 Condition n°3: you need to spend a certain amount of money in the region Barrier n°3: does your region oblige you to spend more than 100% of their support? The answer is: some do! PACA (150%), Film I Skane (200%), WDFF (200%), CFDB (200%), FFHSH (150%) Piemonte Doc Film Fund (120%), Zürcher Film (150 %), FFWien (100 %), Poem (100 %), Rhône-Alpes (200 %) VAF (100 %) Exception: Aquitaine, CRRAV, PIHN, Centre Images, IFB (to be discussed)

10 Condition n°4: you need the agreement of a broadcaster Barrier n°4: does your region require the agreement of a broadcaster? The answer is: it depends! Yes: Aquitaine, CRRAV, CFDB, PIHN, Centre Images, WDFF, Rhône-Alpes, Piemonte Doc Film Fund, FFWien (for TV production) No: Film I Skane, POEM, IFB, Zürcher Film, PACA, VAF, Film Pool Nord, Screen South, FFHSH (an exploitation concept isrequired)

11 Condition n°5: you need to have a minimum regional involvement Barrier n°5: does your region oblige you to have a minimum regional involvement? The answer is: more or less! Yes: technicians for Aquitaine, CRRAV, Film Pool Nord, FFHSH, Piemonte Doc Film, PIHN, Film I Skane, FFWien, VAF, Rhône-Alpes, Zürcher Film No: Centre Images, POEM, IFB, WDFF, PACA, Screen South

12 Condition n°6: you have to share the financial returns with the film fund Barrier n°6: does your film fund want a share of the returns? The answer is: it depends! No (subsidy): Rhône-Alpes, Aquitaine, Centre Images, WDFF, FFHSH,Pôle IHN, CFDB (devlpt and writing), Piemonte Doc Film Fund, FFWien (for TV productions) Yes (loan-equity): IFB, FFWien, VAF, Poem, Zürcher Film, PACA, Screen South, CFDB (Production) Yes (co-producer): CRRAV, Film I Skane, Film Pool Nord

13 Condition n°7: two film funds co- producing together have to invest the same amount of money in the project Barrier n°7: on average, do the film funds invest the same amount of money in a documentary? Around 10.000 : Film I Skane, Screen South Around 20.000 : WDFF, PACA Around 30.000 : CRRAV, PIHN, Aquitaine, Centre Images, Piemonte Doc Film Fund Around 40.000 : Rhône-Alpes More than 100.000 : VAF, Poem,CFDB IFB (max 50 % of total budget), FFWien (max 225 000 for tv documentary), Zürcher Film (max 500 000 ), FFHSH (up to 30 % of overall costs) No set limits: Film Pool Nord

14 DOES IT WORK? 20072008200920102011 Number of countries 89911 Number of film funds 13 1416 Number of coproductions 5433- Number of projects never produced 212--

15 TIME TO WORK! Now you know that coproducing is not easy But its not impossible once you have fully understood our differences Some people have already done it, so why not you? Anyway you have no choice because thats the future So, good luck! Bonne chance ! Viel Glück! Veel Succes!...

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