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Otpad – klasifikacija i opasan otpad
Margareta Milosavljević Direktor Industrijske ekologije 23.Oktobar 2010, Beška Holcim’s standard SD presentation is suitable for both internal and external communication with our stakeholders. This ‘long-version’ contains all relevant information about Holcim’s commitment to SD, our various strategies and targets, as well as performance information across the triple bottom line and case study examples. Allowing for both delivery and question time, the presentation would last around an hour and a half. A ‘short-version’ with key messages only is also available. The purpose of providing notes to go with the presentation is to assist the presenter in his/her delivery. This will help to ensure, as far as possible/practicable, that Holcim’s message and position on sustainable development (SD) is consistent to all stakeholder audiences. Also, please note that you have the opportunity to add local examples, to increase the relevance of the information to your particular audience. This could include copies of your own policies and positions on sustainable development issues (including environmental and social policy statements etc) and local performance data as evidence of how Holcim performs ‘on the ground’.
Agenda Definicija otpada
Klasifikacija otpada i osnovne karakteristike opasnog otpada Upravljanje otpadom Zbrivanjanje industriskog opasnog otpada Pitanja We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Definicija i vrste otpada
otpad jeste svaka materija ili predmet sadržan u listi kategorija otpada (Q lista) koji vlasnik odbacuje, namerava ili mora da odbaci, u skladu sa zakonom Vrste otpada u smislu zakona su: komunalni otpad (otpad iz domaćinstva) komercijalni otpad industrijski otpad We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Klasifikacija otpada klasifikacija otpada jeste postupak svrstavanja otpada na jednu ili više lista otpada koje su utvrđene posebnim propisom, a prema njegovom poreklu, sastavu i daljoj nameni Katalog otpada je zbirna lista neopasnog i opasnog otpada prema: mestu nastanka poreklu predviđenom načinu postupanja Lista otpada je nomenklatura otpada prema karakteru otpada We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Klasifikacija otpada Otpad se razvrstava prema: Poreklu Karakteru
Kategoriji Poreklo - određuje se indeksnim brojem iz Kataloga otpada Karakter - određuje se nakon definisanja indeksnog broja postupcima kojima se utvrđuju: fizičke karakteristike hemijske karakteristike biološke karakteristike osobine otpada i da li otpad poseduje opasne karakteristike Kategorija otpada - određuje se pripadnost Listi otpada We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Klasifikacija otpada U zavisnosti od opasnih karakteristika koje utiču na zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu, otpad može biti: neopasan inertan opasan opasan otpad jeste otpad koji po svom poreklu, sastavu ili koncentraciji opasnih materija može prouzrokovati opasnost po životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi i ima najmanje jednu od opasnih karakteristika utvrđenih posebnim propisima, uključujući i ambalažu u koju je opasan otpad bio ili jeste upakovan pripada kategorijama iz Aneksa I i/ili sadrži supstance iz Aneksa II EC Direktive o opasnom otpadu(91/689/EEZ) We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Karakteristike opasnog otpada otpada
Karakteristika koja otpad čine opasnim su: eksplozivan oksidirajući visoko zapaljivi nadrazujući (iritativan) štetan (opasan) otrovan (toksičan) kancerogen (toksičan) korozivan infektivan We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Grupe opasnog otpada Neke grupe opasnog otpada:
Istrošene baterije i akumulatori Otpadna ulja Otpadne fluo cevi koje sadrže živu Otpad kontamiran dugotrajnim organskim zagađujućim materijama (POPs otpad) Medicinski otpad - infektivni deo Farmaceutski otpad Otpad koji sadrži azbest …. We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Upravljanje otpadom Održivi sistem upravljanja otpadom temelji se na sledećim principima: Izbjegavanje Minimizacija Obnavljanje materijala reciklaža i ponovno korištenje Termička upotreba Spaljivanje Hemijska i fizički Pre-tretmat Odlaganje Nekontrolisano spaljivanje i odlaganje Količina otpada Poželjnost Obnavljanje energije i materijala Eliminisanje otpada Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Zbrinjavanje industrijskog opasnog otpada
AFR Platforma Tržište Otpada Cement Peć Tržište Lobiranje Regulativa Predobrada Suspaljivanje Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Klasifikacija otpada Ministar nadležan za poslove zaštite životne sredine je propisao 1) katalog otpada; prilog\katalog_prilog.pdf 2) listu kategorija otpada (Q lista); prilog\kategorije_otpada Q lista.pdf 3) listu kategorija opasnog otpada prema poreklu i sastavu (Y lista); prilog\y_lista.pdf 4) listu opasnih karakteristika otpada (H lista); prilog\h_lista.pdf 5) listu komponenti otpada zbog kojih se otpad smatra opasnim (C lista); prilog\c_lista.pdf 6) granične vrednosti koncentracije opasnih komponenti u otpadu na osnovu kojih se određuju karakteristike otpada; prilog\_granicne_vrednosti.pdf 7) listu postupaka i metoda odlaganja i ponovnog iskorišćenja otpada (D lista i R lista); d_i_r_lista.rtf.pdf 8) vrste, sadržinu i obrazac izveštaja o ispitivanju otpada; 9) vrste parametara za određivanje fizičko-hemijskih osobina opasnog otpada namenjenog za fizičko-hemijski tretman; prilog\lista_parametara_za_fiz_hemijsko_ispitivanje.pdf 10) vrste parametara za ispitivanje otpada za potrebe termičkog tretmana; prilog\lista_parametara_za_termicki_tretman.pdf 11) vrste parametara za ispitivanje otpada i ispitivanje eluata namenjenog odlaganju; prilog\lista_parametara_za_odlaganje.pdf 12) način i postupak klasifikacije otpada prilog\nacin_i_postupak_klasifikacije.pdf We monitor and report our CO2 emissions according to the WBCSD Carbon Dioxide Protocol for the cement industry. Despite a 65% increase in our global cement production between 1990 and 2003, our increase in absolute net CO2 emissions was only 43%, due to improvements in energy and process efficiency and increasing substitution of traditional kiln fuels. On a worldwide level, our specific emissions have improved in the last two years, mainly due to the commissioning of new, more energy.efficient kilns in North America, and the increased use of mineral components and alternative fuels in Latin America, Europe and Africa Middle East. During 2003, we developed operational CO2 indicators consistent with both the WBCSD Protocol and our internal accounting and reporting standards, enabling us to fully embed CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting into our business processes from We aim to have our CO2 monitoring and reporting system audited by a third party by 2005. Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
Jacanje kapaciteta za upravljanje opasnim kucnim otpadom
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