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State of the School Title Meeting Nellie Stone Johnson Community Partnership School October 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the School Title Meeting Nellie Stone Johnson Community Partnership School October 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the School Title Meeting Nellie Stone Johnson Community Partnership School
October 2018

2 Purpose of State of the School
Provide information about the current state of the school: Share priorities and strategies for improvement Report on progress Share strengths, challenges and next steps Provide ways in which families can be engaged throughout the year. Notes: This slide requires no changes (stays as is)

3 Nellie Stone Johnson Vision Today’s risk takers, tomorrow’s leaders.
Mission We are a community of learners that focuses on a climate of cooperation, academic excellence, and social-emotional competence to support students to reach their full potential.

4 Description 400+ PK – 5th grade students (African-American, Hispanic, Somali, Native, Hmong and White students). Four languages spoken at NSJ. NSJ is a Community Partnership School Unique programming-Citywide PH/D, Responsive Classroom Transitional Dual Language Program (Spanish) K-3 Collaborative approach with families and the community

5 Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ)
Who We Are Community Partners Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) YMCA Beacons ServeMN

6 Brief Description of ILT (Instructional Leadership Team)
ILT Members Mission: We are a community of learners that focuses on a climate of cooperation, academic excellence, and social-emotional competence to support students to reach their full potential. Amy Luehmann- Principal Karen Kennedy-Assistant Principal Rachel Flanery- SPED teacher Joni Kueng1st grade teachers Jessica Davies- Lopez2nd grade teacher Acceleration ,8,10 Ashley Jacobson- 3rd Grade teacher Sadiqah Jihad- 4th grade Julie Tennessen 5th grade Julie Ellingson-P.E. teacher Martha Shanesy-Assessment/reading Corps Heather Daivs- Interventionists ILT Mission/Vision/Purpose Vision: Today’s risk takers, tomorrow’s leaders.

7 Student Achievement Focus: Strategies: Reading
Increase from 31-39% Focus: Purposeful and intentional planning around Guided Reading groups Lesson design using Focused Instruction framework and F & P continuum Purposeful and intentional grade level instructional planning around standards Strategies: Reading interventionists in grades K-5. Selected students based on data. Instructional planning time for teachers to come together and plan lessons based on data to meet student needs. More intensive documentation and progress monitoring of students in intervention groups 3 data meetings through out the school year Scholar Coaches Student Achievement

8 Guided Reading

9 Student Achievement Focus: Math Strategies: Increase from 28-36%
Continue with guided math and implementing with fidelity Strategies: Teachers will meet in teams and review student data related to math concepts and discuss student work, assessments, and strategies for differentiation. Teachers will create and share (w/students and parents) individual student learning goals (based on assessments) and review progress towards goals. Extend learning opportunities through co-teaching model, smaller groups through interventions, team planning, and ALC in subject of mathematics. Student Achievement

10 Guided Math 1st Grade

11 Guided Math 5th grade

12 Instructional Planning Time
Literacy & Math 60 minutes weekly All grade level staff including Special education, EL, Literacy TOSA Essential question? How do we meet the needs of all our students for this standard Analyze student work and data Discuss best practices Create a common formative assessment


14 Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Coach supporting staff and students School wide Zones of Regulation implementation Chill Time Yoga Calm Social Emotional Learning

15 Attendance Goal Areas: Increase attendance for those here 90% of the time from 71% to 79%
Strategies Attendance team meet weekly to identify the frequently absent, send out letters, connect with teachers and make parent & student contact Daily parent contact for absent students Phone calls home Collaborate with NAZ Wake up calls for tardy students

16 Student Engagement (Behavior and Attendance)
Strengths Positive School-wide Engagement plan has been established and implemented Each grade-level team created engagement plans aligned to the School-wide engagement plan Climate team is meeting bi-monthly Weekly attendance meeting and monthly behavior meeting are occurring with the attendance team and SAT team. Teachers commitment to positive change School wide Engagement Coach for staff Challenges Consistency with documentation: referrals and attendance School-wide tier interventions being done with fidelity Student Engagement (Behavior and Attendance)

17 Strategies Establish a Climate team consisting of administrators, teachers, social worker, parent liaison, engagement staff. Implementation of positive school-wide engagement plan (workshop week) School wide engagement coach to support staff in implementation of student engagement strategies Continue structured play during recess for Grades K-5.

18 Student Celebrations Perfect Attendance Uniform Heroes VIPs

19 Family/Community Engagement
Strengths: routines for flyers and ROBO calls, communication is translated and interpreted in Spanish, Challenges: attendance at evening events, or other parent meetings Key Actions; Continue to send flyers and do ROBO calls. Have staff make personal phone calls to families inviting them to events, NAZ staff will call their families and invite to events and possibly provide transportation Monitoring: Sign in sheets for events, contact logs on CFS for family invites

20 Title I and School Improvement Plan
Title I is a federal program that provides money to schools and districts to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education to achieve proficiency on our state’s academic standards and assessments. Title I supports our School Improvement Plan and the funding we receive helps us to reach our goals. Title I and School Improvement Plan

21 Title I Do all schools receive Title I funds? Budget
No. Title I programs are available to schools with the greatest concentration of low-income families. Budget This year,5.0% of our school budget comes from this source. The total Title I amount is $338,200 We are a school wide Title I program, which means all students are able to benefit from Title I services.

22 Use of Title I Funds at Our School
To support our goals we are using the Title I money in the following ways. 99.9% is being used for teachers and other staff .01% is being used to support our curriculum

23 Use of Title I Funds at Our School
0% is being used for professional development for our teachers .007% is being used for family involvement $4,797 toward Family Liaison position. 0% is being used for other purposes Use of Title I Funds at Our School

24 To monitor student learning, we use state assessments and other ways to gather information to plan programs and supports for our students. We share this information with you about your student throughout the year. 1.Conferences 2. Newsletters 3. Robo Calls 4. Flyers when needed Student Progress

25 As a parent, you have the right…
to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher to know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualifications of the substitute teacher to know how your child’s school is rated on its state test scores to expect regular communication with your school in a language that you can understand to work with other parents and staff to develop a school-level parent compact between the school and its families to help plan how money for family involvement should be spent to work with teachers, parents and the school principal to develop a family involvement plan to ask for a meeting with your school principal or your child’s teacher at any time

26 Opportunities for Family Involvement
Provide input in the development of the School Improvement Plan, Family Involvement Plan, Community Partnership Plan and the School Compact Participate in Breakfast with the Principals Parents/guardians are encouraged to participate in Title I meetings and learning opportunities Attend school events Visit your child’s classroom or volunteer at your child’s school Talk to your child’s teacher about events and issues that may affect your child’s work or behavior Opportunities for Family Involvement

27 NSJ

28 Family and Community Supports
At the school level, contact our family liaison: Dana Kuehn Community liaisons for the school district in each Area (A, B, and C) as well as Cultural liaisons for Hmong, Somali, and Spanish-speaking families, as well as African American families. District Parent Advisory Councils Family and Community Supports

29 CPS components Community Partnership School
13 Scholar coaches in grades K-3 4 scholar Coaches in grades 4 & 5 30 minutes for lunch Teacher led recess School wide language acquisition strategies for all students 3 data days throughout the school year

30 School Wide Language Acquisition
Sentence Stems Power Talk Interactive Word work


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