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Challenge Time.

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1 Challenge Time

2 Our Turn: We have learned about sustainability
We have also learned about our human effects on the physical world Let’s see what we can do to reduce it. What follows is a series of challenges; our goal is to cover as many of these challenges as possible Iinitially, I said, let’s try to take part in at least 5 of these. As we look at the challenges – there are a number here, which may be geared to your particular talent Design, create, video, bulletin boar display, art, etc… By the end of the list – sign up for at least 3 – one which you will do by yourself and one you will do with a partner; the third is open to either (yourself/partner)

3 A green powered Canada:
OPTION 1: Research current energy production in Canada and hold a class debate on the role renewable energy will have in Canada’s energy future. OPTION 2: A research project on renewable energy - research renewable energy in Canada and discuss its role in Canada’s energy future.

4 Buckle Up: OPTION 1: Deliver a mobility workshop – develop and deliver a workshop on smart mobility habits for your peers. 01 OPTION 2: Design a smart mobility poster - create a poster, brochure or display board highlighting smart mobility in our community. 02

5 Community connections
OPTION 1: Create your own community initiative - create and lead your own energy-saving initiative in our community. OPTION 2: Participate in an existing initiative in our community - research existing energy-related initiatives in our community and participate in a community event.

6 Do You really need it? OPTION 1: Give up one device in your classroom As a class, we will give up one item that uses energy in the classroom for an entire school day and will reflect on the experience. 01 OPTION 2: Give up one device at home - give up using one item that uses energy in your home for one day and reflect on the experience. 02

7 From You to Us: OPTION 1: Calculate an energy-efficient route to Canadian Geographic headquarters - investigate various forms of transportation used in Canada, select one method and determine the most energy-efficient route from KEC to Canadian Geographic’s new office (50 Sussex dr., Ottawa). OPTION 2: Research a new form of transportation and use it to find a route to Canadian Geographic headquarters - research emerging types of solar, electric and nuclear powered transportation and find a route from KEC to Canadian Geographic’s new office (50 Sussex dr., Ottawa).

8 Get Growing: OPTION 1: Explore the growth process of plants in our classroom/school - learn about carbon offsetting and photosynthesis, plant your own seed and monitor seed’s growth. OPTION 2: Create a school or community garden - create a garden, monitor its progress and reflect on the benefits of having a garden in our school or community.

9 Green innovations: OPTION 1: Explore energy issues in Canada and in the developing world - choose a nation from the developing world, examine energy-related issues and offer a solution to one of these issues. 01 OPTION 2: Clean up the community or schoolyard and use the mobile app Litterati Pick up trash in our community or schoolyard and recycle what you can. Track your experience using the free mobile app Litterati. 02

10 Letter to the editor: OPTION 1: Write a letter to a real editor - write a letter about an energy-related issue to an editor of a media outlet – Winnipeg Free Press, The Herald,CBC, etc… OPTION 2: Act as an editor - examine an energy-related article online and comments from the public on that article, and will act as an editor by responding to one of these comments.

11 Making the energy grade:
Calculate the approximate amount of energy used in our classroom or in your home and think of ways to reduce it.

12 Media Mania OPTION 1: Share your experience with the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge through a local media source - learn about energy issues in various media sources and encourage a local media source to cover part of our Classroom Energy Diet Challenge experience. (The Herald, Winnipeg Free Press, CBC, etc…) OPTION 2: Create a social media campaign to share your Classroom Energy Diet Challenge experience with the public -create a social media campaign to share what they have learned throughout the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge. (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.…)

13 Discover how many hours our class can go without using any power.
One Hour No Power

14 The Phantom of the classroom
OPTION 1: Locate phantom power in our school - create a map of our school and identify phantom power sources on it. 1 OPTION 2: Locate phantom power in your home - create maps of your home and identify phantom power sources on them 2

15 Post it: OPTION 1: Art exhibit made out of recycled materials - create an art exhibition in the open area made entirely out of recycled materials. OPTION 2: Model or art project made entirely out of recycled materials - work together as a group to create a model or art project made entirely out of recycled materials

16 Recycle, Re-use, re-gift
OPTION 1: Host a swap meet - explore the importance of reusing items as a way of reducing their waste by hosting a swap meet (clothing) in our school. OPTION 2: Learn about the recycling process of everyday items - explore the recycling process of everyday items and create a poster or infographic showing the steps and materials involved.

17 School energy project Create Design
OPTION 2: Design your own energy-efficient school - create a diagram of your very own energy-efficient school. Create OPTION 1: Create a map of your school’s energy-saving habits - examine our school’s energy efficiency by creating a map that outlines its energy-saving habits and areas that need improvement.

18 Create a pledge form and encourage school and community members (family and friends) to support your efforts to reduce energy consumption within the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge Sign up or sign out

19 Story time OPTION 1: Create your own story or comic strip - write a story or create a comic strip about an energy-related issue and share it with students in another class (could take to a younger class). OPTION 2: Write a letter to the future - discuss current energy issues by writing letters to your future selves.

20 Tips, Tricks, and Announcements
OPTION 1: Share energy-saving tips and tricks throughout the school - After brainstorming tips for saving energy - share their ideas throughout the school and over the morning announcements/bulletin or make a bulletin board display. OPTION 2: Share energy-saving tips and tricks online- After brainstorming tips for saving energy - share your ideas through a classroom blog or website.

21 Track your trash Record the amount of garbage produced by our class/ school and will try to reduce it. What strategies will you use?

22 Transportation tricks
OPTION 1: Compare and contrast public transportation in any Canadian community and public transportation used in global cities - investigate public transportation in Winnipeg or another Canadian community of choice and compare it with public transportation used in global cities (populations of 5 millions or more). OPTION 2: Design an energy-efficient vehicle - explore various forms of transportation, determine the pros and cons of each and design your own energy-efficient vehicle.

23 Video Challenge Produce a one- minute public service announcement video about ways to save energy.

24 Water works Calculate the amount of water you use (aside from drinking it) and determine ways to reduce it.

25 OPTION 1: Create your own local food recipe -research locally produced food and create a recipe or class cookbook using only local ingredients. OPTION 2: Calculate the carbon footprint of your lunch -determine the origin of items in your lunch and calculate the meal’s carbon footprint. What’s for lunch:

26 OPTION 1: Build your own anemometer - build their own anemometer and use it to find the best location for a wind turbine around our school. OPTION 2: Create a diagram showing how wind energy is generated - you will learn how energy is generated from wind and create your own diagram to demonstrate your understanding. The Windy City

27 Logo Design We will need a class logo for the competition – the logo should relate to our school and our community.

28 Sign up time: As we will try to sign up for as many as possible.
Once you have signed up – you will notice that that there are copies of the challenges in great detail around the room – these copies must stay in the room. These handouts will also tell you what is required to submit. On the website - you can find resources for these challenges – additional information, as well as websites to help you create the challenge. You will have until this Friday ( March 2) to pull off your first individual challenge and until next Friday to complete your other 2 or more challenges (March 9). **Only one option per challenge will be accepted (you can’t do both) **You can’t use an individual challenge for a group challenge.

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