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Healthy living hacks: Sneak more health into your day

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1 Healthy living hacks: Sneak more health into your day
Healthy living choices don't have to be hard or time consuming. Interact with the Vitality Health DIY on Healthy Living Hacks to receive fast, simple hacks – little things you can do (or not do) to fit more health in your life. Look for the sign-up survey on your Newsfeed on the Vitality website or Vitality Today mobile app to start receiving tips Aug.16- Sept. 23. You can also enter for a chance to win the Health DIY Brag Bag valued up to $500. Healthy living hacks: Sneak more health into your day

2 Water keeps every part of your body working properly
Water keeps every part of your body working properly. There are some simple steps you can take to get enough water during the day: drink a glass of water when you wake up, take several sips each hour at work, or add fruit to your water bottle to vary the taste. Interact with the Vitality Health DIY on Healthy Living Hacks for more ideas on sneaking more water - and health -into your day. Hydration Hacks

3 So long to the long, lazy days of summer
As the time for back-to-school and back-to-“normal” routines unfold, the planning and organization doesn’t have to be exhausting for parents. There are plenty of tips to follow on meal planning, schedules and stress management while still sneaking in healthy activities each day. Interact with the Vitality Health DIY with back to school Healthy Living Hacks for moms and dads. So long to the long, lazy days of summer

4 Hacks for fighting fatigue
Skip the extra cups of coffee or “energy” drinks and sign up for Vitality’s Health DIY on Healthy Living Hacks. Then check your Vitality Newsfeed and message center for ideas you many not have thought of to power past a midday slump. You can also enter to win The Health DIY Brag Bag! A good stretch, a good night’s sleep and a good meal can all energize your body and mind. Hacks for fighting fatigue

5 Instead of prepping your vegetables before each meal consider doing a weekly batch prep where you get all your vegetables ready for the week. Save time and get more vegetables in your meals. Interact with the Vitality Health DIY on Healthy Living Hacks for smart - and healthy - cooking tips. Kitchen hacks no one told you about … until now

6 Making exercise a daily habit
Look for small ways to add activity to your day; a few minutes of exercise may be all it takes to relax or energize yourself. You can start by setting specific goals. for example, instead of saying, “I will exercise 30 minutes,” make your goal “I will walk to the park three times a week.” Interact with the Vitality Health DIY on Healthy Living Hacks for more ideas on sneaking more exercise -and health- into your day. Making exercise a daily habit

7 Healthy leisurely pursuits
When we find ourselves with leisure time, it can be all too tempting to make a beeline for the couch with a book or to watch TV. But there are healthier activities to enjoy during your down time that can provide stress relief and other health benefits. Interact with the Vitality Health DIY on Healthy Living Hacks for more ideas on leisure-time hacks and enter for a chance to win by answering Health DIY surveys or quizzes on your Newsfeed. Healthy leisurely pursuits

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