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Putting it all together

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Presentation on theme: "Putting it all together"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting it all together

2 Key Points: Some tasks create very high dust levels
Repeated exposure to these causes lung disease Important to control each exposure The bigger the exposure, the better the control measures needed First duty to eliminate The control at source RPE is the last line of defence

3 Silica Tasks: Cutting Eliminate or minimise

4 Silica Tasks: Cutting Control: Water (or on-tool extraction)
Mask APF 20

5 Silica Tasks: Wall Chasing
Eliminate or minimise Design out Use another method

6 Silica Tasks: Wall Chasing
Control On-tool extraction (M or H class) Mask APF 20

7 Silica Tasks: Wall Chasing
Power Assisted RPE for mortar raking?

8 Silica Tasks: Breaking Indoors
Eliminate or minimise: Design out. Bursting, crushing, cutting, sawing or other techniques. Remote controlled demolition. Hydro demolition.

9 Silica Tasks: Breaking Indoors
Control for handheld breaker: On-tool extraction (M or H class unit) Mask APF20 Control for machine breaker Water spray Filtered cab where possible Mask APF 20 where not

10 Silica Tasks: Breaking Indoors
Also consider Mechanical ventilation Powered hood

11 Silica Tasks: Rotary Drilling
Eliminate or minimise: Direct fastening Limiting holes at design

12 Silica Tasks: Rotary Drilling
One-off holes No special controls Multiple holes totalling ’15’ minutes Dust collector Cordless extraction On-tool adaptor to M or H class unit Main activity On-tool extraction with M or H class unit where possible Mask APF 20

13 Silica Tasks: Sweeping
Eliminate or minimise: Control other tasks! Control Remove larger bits Rake M or H extraction with vacuum attachments etc APF 20 mask depending on what else happening

14 Wood Tasks: Cutting Eliminate or minimise: Order pre-cut
Dedicated cutting areas to minimise spread

15 Wood Tasks: Cutting Control On-tool extraction (M or H class unit)
Mask APF10/20 as well for longer cutting periods (15-30 minutes) /more enclosed space

16 Wood Tasks: Sanding Eliminate or minimise: Use ‘pre-finished’ Control
On-tool extraction (M or H class unit) Mask APF10/20 most situations

17 Low Toxicity: Grinding/Cutting
Eliminate or minimise: Fully skim? Control On-tool extraction (L class unit+) No mask needed

18 The Benefits Industry figures for extraction: Up to +60% increase in life of tools Up to +20% increase in life of consumables Up to +60% quicker application speed No need to clean up dust created: up to 15 kg/h

19 Construction Dust Partnership

20 Construction Dust Partnership
Agreed Objectives: Focus on all construction dusts Raise Awareness delivery of a campaign ‘brand’, strap lines and messages via targeted activities Promote Controls, especially for higher risk tasks

21 Planned Action HSE Information: Revising COSHH Essentials
Exposure Level Visualisation (ELVis) Revising website

22 Planned Action HSE Action: Provision of information to Inspectors
Remain priority topic Support WWT SHAD’s

23 Industry Action CSCS New test in 02 April 2012
Now health, safety and environment New specific respiratory risks section

24 Industry Action HAE Leaflet IOSH Survey

25 Asking for nothing new!

26 Questions?

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