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Patient #1-Helen Multiple sclerosis.

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1 Patient #1-Helen Multiple sclerosis

2 Helen’s Symptoms “Pins and needles” feeling in her feet and hands
Tired and weak Vision is getting worse Dizziness Has fatigue and balance problems Depression

3 Parts of the brain effected
Occipital lobe: Vision Parietal lobe: Pain Cerebellum: Balance Amygdala: Depression Pineal Gland: Tired and weakness

4 Diagnoses Because Helen has symptoms is 2 different areas of the Central Nervous System, vision loss and balance problems, it can be concluded that she has Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

5 Cause of MS Causes of MS are unknown but many doctors believe there is an abnormal response in the immune system damaging the myelin sheath. When the myelin sheath is damaged the nerve signals slow down or can even stop.

6 Prognosis Only about 1 out of 3 people with MS become disabled.
Though many patients use canes and wheelchairs to help them cope with fatigue and balance problems

7 Errors in Communication that lead to this disease
Many doctors believe MS is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system launches an attack on its own tissues. This can be caused by environmental factors or even a virus. When the immune system attacks the nerves it damages the myelin sheath causing the nerve signals to slow down or stop.

8 Neurologist A physician who has been trained for diagnosing, treating, and managing the ongoing care of patients suffering from disorders of the nervous system. The Neurologist would diagnose Helen with MS.

9 Psychologist Psychologists are scientists who study behavior. Many provide counciling services to schools and businesses. The psychologist would work with Helen to get through and stay out of depression which comes along with MS.

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