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Does ICT Matter for TVET community?

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Presentation on theme: "Does ICT Matter for TVET community?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does ICT Matter for TVET community?
A Presentation to TVET Forum, Panafric Hotel, June 18, 2018, Prof Meoli Kashorda, B.Sc (EE, UoN), PhD (ESE, University of Essex), MIEEE Executive Director, KENET and Professor of Information Systems, USIU Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation Transforming education and research with ICT

2 What is Our Agenda TVETs presentation
Brief History of KENET as the operator of Internet and cloud services for members Organization and Governance Membership Endorsement and recognition by GoK Sustainability of high-speed and high-quality Internet services Why the TVET community matters Drivers of sustainability Emerging Community Cloud Services What services? Why TVETs needs to move their ICT services to the community cloud Office of the President Directive on Procurement ICT Services and Equipment KENET Community KENET history & governance KENET mission and values KENET as a catalyst for transformation of research and education in KE Conclusions – How can KENET support your institutional transformation agenda through ICT Research services survey Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

3 History of KENET Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

4 KENET Trust Objects (1999- 2000) Five founder universities
provide a sustainable and high-speed Internet connectivity to educational and research institutions; facilitate electronic communication among beneficiaries in educational institutions; support sharing of teaching and learning resources among educational institutions; support teaching and learning over the Internet for beneficiaries in educational institutions both in Kenya and outside; collaborate in developing locally relevant learning materials in educational institutions; and collaborate in research in educational and research institutions. Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

5 KENET Governance KENET is constituted as a not-for-profit TRUST with 11 Registered Trustees Seven Vice Chancellors + Director KMFRI; PS, TVETs ; DG CA; CEO Private sector (see for biographies. Governed by Board of Trustees, Assisted by Management Board Member institutions and academic community are the beneficiaries KENET is a membership organization and only serves members All KENET services are therefore VAT exempt because not considered a business KENET licensed as a Alternative Network Facilities Network Operator by Communications Authority of Kenya since 2002 It builds and maintains the physical national broadband network KENET is an implementation agent of the Government of Kenya and other donors (KTCIP, Google, Foundations etc) Partnerships for research and infrastructure expansion KENET is endorsed as the National Research and Education Network for Kenya by Ministry of Education Largest African NREN in Africa after TENET in South Africa in terms of Internet traffic distributed (Internet bandwidth subscriptions now 18 Gb/s ) Exchanges traffic with other NRENs in the world at NO cost Connects member institutions to Global Internet and Global Research & Education Networks Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

6 KENET’s Mission & Values
To catalyze the transformation of education, research and administration of the KENET community using ICT and high-speed Internet Values Community focus, diversity, ethical behavior, innovation, and openness Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

7 Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

8 KENET as an Academic Community for KE
Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

9 Status in June 2018 Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

10 KENET recognized as part of National Innovation System of Kenya Source: STI Policy and Strategy 2014
Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

11 KENET as Academic Community Network
Uniquely Provides end-to-end connectivity for members Campus networks to global Internet in Europe Campus networks use Internet addresses allocated for FREE by KENET Capacity building of institutional ICT staff Platinum customer of all major operators for leased lines and international circuits SEACOM, Safaricom, TKL, Liquid Telecom, JTL Small institutions benefit with superior support from leased line providers Collects Annual Core Data of Connected Member Institutions Data-driven advocacy “Conducts E-readiness Survey” of connected universities since 2006 Tool for communicating with leadership Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation Transforming education using ICT

12 KENET Connects Remote Institutions at 1 Gb/s speeds
KENET operates data centers Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

13 Weighted prices have been falling since 2009 – The larger the community the prices
Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

14 KENET NOC and Community Cloud
KENET operates a fully automated NOC Customized open source engineered locally Operates a fully-fledged community cloud Top customers are ICTA, HELB and Aga Khan Hospital Virtual labs for researchers and educators Three Tier-3 Data Centers – UoN, USIU and CUEA Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

15 KENET Community Cloud Services for TVETs
Infrastructure as a Service Virtual machines with storage for hosting applications like LMS Disaster Recovery sites using leased virtual machines (with dedicated high-speed links) Collocation services Collocate your Disaster recovery or ERP infrastructure in KENET data centers Storage as a Service Leased storage capacity for backup; with dedicated high-speed links VPNs between institution and banks or between campuses Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

16 Campus Direct Engineering Services and Technical Advisory Services
Campus network optimization and management Includes WiFi network management with automated database authentication Campus Network audit, redesign and preparation of RFPs Experienced engineers; Good RFPs  No procurement appeals Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

17 Core Data Collection, E-readiness and Benchmarking
Annual core data collection Know Your Members data ICT expenditure trends, advocacy and infrastructure project proposals E-readiness survey of universities (and next TVETs ) Laptop/smartphone ownership Quality of ICT services ICT indicators for management (e.g., bandwidth per 100 students, affordability, ICT human capacity etc. ) Benchmarking services for peer institutions (e.g., KIST & Thika TTI) Only possible with advanced data analysis Full-time statistical analysis team at KENET Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

18 Educational Technology Services
Teaching with technology skills development Facilitating shared content development Remote teaching Specialized cloud software for teaching technical skills (AutoCAD or MATLAB or equivalent open source software) Educational technology mini-grants (up to Ksh 1 million) for lecturers Customizing Learning Management Systems Customization of Open source Moodle platform Hosting LMS Technical design and management of classrooms for remote teaching / webinars With free web conferencing platform Cameras, servers, audial/visual setups, security etc Sharing of lecturers in the community? Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

19 “Procurement” of ICT services through KENET or GoK framework?
Member institutions subscribe to KENET member services Internet or cloud services Technical advisory services Institutions that were part of 2007 KTCIP / World Bank funding ”committed” to subscribe to Internet / cloud services for sustainability No tenders from public universities New institutions require KENET to respond to tenders or RFPs KENET responds; prefer institutions close to KENET nodes Future Joint TVETs ICT funding my Ministry of Education shall require advance commitment to subscribe to services for sustainability KENET endorsed by Ministry of Education as the NREN of Kenya Ministry of ICT recently endorsed KENET as an implementor of the GoK Directive on Procurement of ICT services or equipment Either your institutions is part of KENET community or procures ICT services as part of the larger GoK framework Which do you prefer? Consider support of services Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

20 Sustainability of KENET services
Internet bandwidth services How can our Internet services remain competitive in KE? We build specialized network using leased government fiber, LTK dark fiber, and bulk procurement of leased lines (aggregate demand) Responsive and superior support services - we have only 128 members to serve + skilled engineers How about cloud services and data services and capacity building? Engaged in cloud readiness development of members Data centers hosted by universities – community supports the services Skilled engineers in this “new” cloud infrastructure area All equipment and long-term international circuits owned by members Predictable future prices that are likely to keep falling as ownership increases and community grows Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

21 What services do you need?
Basic Internet services? Training and facilitating content development by lecturers? Shared ERPs or administrative systems? Cloud-based technical software? Is ICT changing the way TVETs run – teaching, administration, learning? Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

22 Conclusions KENET builds and operates broadband network for member academic institutions Foundation is a broadband national network and data centers Resources are shared and increasingly community cloud-based (i.e., outside TVETs data center / server rooms and equipment) KENET is also a human network, an academic community Special Interest Groups building expected to spur collaboration Has a budget for organizing capacity building forums for lecturers and ICT staff KENET is now considered compliant by Ministry of ICT as implementor of aggregated of Internet and cloud services Ministry of ICT supports the KENET community TVETs can decide what other software or ICT services to procure as a group Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation Transforming education through ICT

23 Q & A and TVETs Survey 2018 Take some 10 minutes to complete the Heads of TVET institutions survey questionnaire Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

24 Thank You Jomo Kenyatta Memorial
Library, University of Nairobi P. O Box , Nairobi. / Meoli Kashorda TVETs presentation

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