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Return on Investment Wendy Goucher Goucher Consulting.

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2 Return on Investment Wendy Goucher Goucher Consulting

3 Outline Security Communication Motivation Training through Induction
A Culture of Security Thinking about training. Training ≠ Instant Conformity Training through induction – when security is so important in an organisation why do we put the core of our training into the high pressure induction period. Do we really need to? Motivation – why should they change behaviour Also – what is your motivation in setting this training, is it compliance or actual behaviour change? Common sense – does the fact we cram core security in at the beginning mean we think it is basically common sense, but, like showing the way to the fire exit, they need to basics (nobody is told when and how to use the fire exit)

4 Communication about Security
If communication is negative then, no matter how correct or well intentioned, it will be received negatively.

5 Secure Operations come from:
Clear, operationally effective policies, procedures and controls. Good communication of those policies, procedures and controls. A darn good reason why they should follow them.

6 Motivation

7 Policies, Procedures and Controls
Wendy’s Wheels Driver Induction Training Policies, Procedures and Controls Car has 4 wheels, if not send back. Cars come in two types petrol or diesel or combustion engines , which has been around for ever and is really the way a car should be. And electric – relatively new, some say its as good but really it’s just for arty types and those who are not ‘man enough’ for a real car. Windscreen – Data collection screen. – not a touch-screen device. Lift bonnet – engine – don’t touch. If flames start coming out then step away and call the Assistance Assurance team. It is very important that you remember what you were doing just before you saw the flames as these machines don’t natively have flames so you have ‘done something’. Boot. You can store things in the boot. But be aware that if they spill or in other ways harm the machine it is your fault. Also, if we want to investigate you for any reason we will take the machine away and you won’t have access to the boot – EVER! Inside is the user interaction tool – some call it a wheel because it is round. But it is so much more than that. You move the UIT to point the device where you want to go. It’s easy once you get used to it. To the left are gears. Don’t worry about those. We will set it in 1st for now, if you feel ready to advance ask a colleague, but it’s really easy if you have any common sense. Finally there are pedals at the bottom of the footwell. The one on the left you don’t need unless you are ready to advance to a bigger gear. The one in the middle is called the brake. Quite useful for stopping, but be careful that you don’t use that too much. Progress forward is the aim. Finally is the accelerator. That can make you go faster. Now you won’t need this much in the city but do give it a try and see how you feel. OK, here are your instructions. 7

8 Enforcement This is our enforcement team. If they catch you we operate a system where-by you cascade the details of your offence and the punishment so your colleagues will learn. This means our training is fresh and up to date with no real cost to ourselves. Smart eh! 8

9 Sign here- yes just here
Sign here- yes just here. Well it just says that I have given you a wee tour of the car and given you the documentation and is our way of checking you know what you are doing. Well if you don’t sign here you don’t move forward to start your job yet. Maybe you are not the person we need. So yes, sign. 9

10 Is it any wonder they make mistakes

11 Staff Care 11

12 Security Training Plan Induction – 30 minute Powerpoint presentation
CBT test to check learning. CBT training and test quarterly Articles in the company quarterly newsletter 12

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