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Eileen Kramer, Linda Wilkins, & Lisa Pontoppidan Senior Lecturers Center for English Language and Orientation Programs (CELOP)

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Presentation on theme: "Eileen Kramer, Linda Wilkins, & Lisa Pontoppidan Senior Lecturers Center for English Language and Orientation Programs (CELOP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eileen Kramer, Linda Wilkins, & Lisa Pontoppidan Senior Lecturers Center for English Language and Orientation Programs (CELOP)

2 Has been teaching English language and culture to international students for over 30 years Core curriculum consists of Intensive English Language and Culture, Academic English, English for Science and Technology, and English for International Business Electives support core curriculum Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

3 Modules include small talk, telephone skills, interviews and resumes, business meetings, negotiating, and sales/marketing. Students develop product ideas, write business plans, and design a marketing plan. Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

4 Students work together to come up with a new product, do a SWOT analysis, write a business plan, and develop a marketing campaign that includes filming a commercial. Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

5 Forming project teams Coming up with a new product idea Identifying target market Doing a SWOT analysis Writing a business plan Designing a sales/marketing plan Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

6 Developed a working relationship in their project teams. Become solidly invested in their teams product idea. Done the analysis of competition and target markets. Discussed how to successfully promote their new product. Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

7 TaskSkillsTime Project teams work together to write their scripts. Using marketing/advertising language; negotiating meaning; writing, listening, & speaking. 1.5 hrs Rehearse the script. Decide on props and filming location. Pronunciation, voice modulation, & memorization; reading, writing, speaking, & listening. 1 hr Film the commercial, allowing several takes. Using a video camera; working as a member of a team; speaking & listening. 2.5 hrs Edit the commercial using iMovie in computer lab. Learning & using iMovie; negotiating changes & sound effects, text, & transitions; reading, writing, listening, & speaking. 2.5 hrs

8 Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan





13 1. Provide equipment, time, and opportunity for learning. 2. Students will quickly learn how to use the camera and will help each other with the editing software. 3. Students will have questions and will require guidance on scripting. 4. To save time in editing, reinforce the idea of saving only the takes they will want. 5. Some pitfalls to look out for. Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

14 Understand a range of functional language used in business settings. Understand and use common business vocabulary, idioms, abbreviations, acronyms, and conventions. Write coherent business communications. Speak within and in front of a group of peers. Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

15 Increased motivation to learn. Acquisition of marketing terminology used in an authentic setting. Hands-on use of video technology, both hardware and software. Experience in product creation, promotion, and advertising. Development of collaborative skills by working as a member of a project team. Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

16 Dreamy Suitcase: Get Help with Your Homework The Clicker: Silence Annoying People Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan

17 Social or Political Science: Film interviews of people on the street about current events, such as their experience with the economic recession. Literature or Drama: Students make a movie dramatizing a story or play. Science or Technology: Video a process or experiment with students explaining what is going on and what to expect. Language Classes: Film presentations and celebrations of culture. Business: Capture mock job interviews on film and review main points in subsequent classes. Your ideas? Comments? Questions? Kramer, Wilkins, & Pontoppidan


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