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Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche

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Presentation on theme: "Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche
Idoneità di lingua inglese Dott.ssa Loi Alessandra

2 How much water do you drink a day? How many fizzy drinks?
Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks How much water do you drink a day? How many fizzy drinks? How many vegetables do you eat? How many cakes do you eat? How much sugar do you take in your coffee/ milk and coffee/ cappuccino?

3 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Little A lot None Few Lots of

4 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Quantifiers •A big quantity: a lot of & lots of (C & U.), much (U.), many (C.), quite a lot (C. & U.). Much & many are usually used in negative and interrogative sentences: I don’t have much money. •A small quantity: not … much & not … many, a bit, a little, few, a few (not few but some) •Zero quantity: not … any – I don’t have any eggs left. •Exercises pp. 141

5 Who has the best diet in your opinion?
Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks Reading on page 68 Who has the best diet in your opinion?

6 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
When do we use How much? When do we use How many ?

7 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Rules: HOW MUCH… / HOW MANY… How much sugar ? UNCOUNT. How many cakes do you eat a day? COUNT. •Traduce il nostro quanto/a-quanti/e? •Exercises pp. 141

8 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Rules •Countable nouns can be counted: I have one dog v I have three dogs •Therefore I have both a singular and a plural: e.g., student/students, key/keys, bottle/bottles, cup/cups •Uncountable or mass nouns cannot be counted: they only have a singular form: e.g., water, tea, cheese, chocolate, wine

9 Countable/uncountable nouns
Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks Rules Countable/uncountable nouns •Countable usually refer to Concrete nouns which signify material things that can be observed and measured (cat, desk). •Uncountable usually refer to Abstract nouns which signify non-material things, such as ideas, feelings, conditions (death, hope).

10 Rules •Countable/uncountable nouns
Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks Rules •Countable/uncountable nouns Count nouns refer to individual, countable entities. They cannot stand alone in the singular, and they allow a plural: interest–interests; share–shares. •Non-count (uncount/mass) nouns refer to an undifferentiated mass or notion. They can stand alone in the singular, do not allow a plural, and occur in the singular with some: money; language; music etc.

11 Some examples •Countable/uncountable nouns Countable Uncountable
Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks •Countable/uncountable nouns Some examples Countable Uncountable meeting, ticket money time time trip, flight, journey transport, travel location accommodation questionnaire research network information

12 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Loi A

13 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Determiners: Some, any, no, a/an: •Some/any/no are used in conjunction with the noun and their function is to limit the reference of the noun. •They are called indefinite pronouns and can quantify the noun •Some is used in affirmative sentences, in requests and offers: There are some baloons for the party; Can I give you some help? Would you like some drinks?

14 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Determiners: Some, any, no, a/an: •Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences: I don’t have any butter left, Have you got any extra shoes at home? •No is used in affirmative sentences: No banks are open on Sundays, I have no room left •a/an are indefinite articles always used with singular nouns: Can I have a bottle of water? •Exercises pp. 69, 141

15 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks

16 Economics and Business Management Unit 9 Food and Drinks
Homework •Food vocabulary •Write instructions to make your favourite sandwich/dish and send it to

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