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Housekeeping Please DO NOT place your phone on “HOLD”

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2 Housekeeping Please DO NOT place your phone on “HOLD”
Please keep your phone lines muted We have planned time for questions At any time feel free to submit questions using the chat feature and we will be sure to answer your questions

3 Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (CAHPS) Survey
November 28th 2017 Presentation

4 Millennium MPA Activity
Participate in MCC trainings/work sessions on CG-CAHPS survey measures Develop and implement workplan to improve results Revise patient-facing materials Substantiation Minutes from working sessions Workplan Revised patient-facing materials

5 DSRIP Calendar MY4 DY3 MPA Period April 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018
July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 DY3 April 1, 2017 – March 30, 2018 Demonstration Year (DY) Measurement Year (MY) MPA Period April 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

6 CG-CAHPS PPS Overview The Clinician & Group (C&G) CAHPS survey was designed to assess patient’s experiences with their health care providers. Questions address domains of patient experience: Timeliness of appointments Care & Information Communication with doctors Overall Satisfaction 18 Supplemental questions: Care Coordination Health Promotion Health literacy The DOH administers a CG-CAHPS survey annually for each PPS Select questions from the survey are revenue generating quality measures for the PPS Measures are fully P4P in MY4 Previously P4R

7 CG-CAHPS PPS Measures * Indicates a composite measure
** Indicates a high performance measure *** Indicates a measure that will support the initiatives outlined in the MPA pertaining to CVD best practices Measure Metric Definition MPA Q.6,8,10* % w always/usually timely access* % with always/usually timely access Q 13, 22, 24* % w care coordination* % w care coordination provider knows history, follow up of test results, Rx med review Q.3 % w 1+ year provider relationship % with 1+ year provider relationship Q.2 % w usual source of primary care % usual source of Primary Care Q.33 % smokers discussed cessation meds Patients must indicate on mailed survey that they discussed cessation medications with provider. *** Q.30 % w flu shots, 18-64 Survey Respondents y , yes to flu shots Q.34** % smokers discussed cessation strategies** Patients must indicate on mailed survey that they discussed cessation strategies with provider. Q.35 % w aspirin use Responses of taking aspirin daily - for men y with at least one CV risk factor, Men years (all), and women y with at least two CV risk factors Q.37 % w discussion of aspirin use Responses of discussion of risk and benefits of Aspirin with PCP - for men y with at least one CV risk factor, and women y with at least two CV risk factors Q.32 % smokers advised to quit Patients must indicate on mailed survey that they were advised to quit smoking by provider. Q.19 % w always/usually request to restate follow-up care % w always/usual request to restate follow up (Health Literacy) Q.18 % w always/usually understanding of follow-up care % always/usual understanding of follow up (Health Literacy) Q.20 % w always/usually understanding of what to do if problem % w always/usual understanding of what to do(Health Literacy)

8 Millennium Strategy for MY4 CAHPS
Review high performance measures Deliver a patient experience “toolkit” to practices Develop a workplan collaboratively with practices Incorporate changes to improve patient experience Review office forms/phone message/CVS language as needed Incorporate Millennium signage that draws awareness to select measures

9 Tools to Educate

10 Survey Focus Areas 1. Patient Experience Access 2. Quality of Care
Aspirin Flu shot 3. Health Literacy Teach back Patient-facing materials

11 Survey Patient Experience
When you contact this provider’s office to get an appt for care that you needed right away, how often did you get an appt as soon as you needed? When you made an appt for a check up or routine care, how often did you get an appt as soon as you needed? When you contacted this provider’s office during regular office hours, how often did you get your medical question answered the same day? How often does your provider seen to know about your health history? Did your provider explain what to do if this illness or health condition got worse or came back?

12 Survey Quality of Care Did your provider discuss:
Medication to assist you with quitting smoking or using tobacco? Getting a flu shot? Non-medication strategies to quit smoking? Daily aspirin use?

13 Survey Health Literacy
Did your provider ask you to describe how you were going to follow instructions? (Teach back) Were these instructions easy to understand? Did your provider explain what to do if this illness or health condition got worse or came back?

14 Training Request Form

15 PCP Patient Experience Toolkit
Includes resources for practices to enhance their patients’ experience with their office Suggestions to make user friendly changes to phone system, forms Sample materials Materials for waiting rooms and patient rooms Training request form

16 Patient Facing Materials

17 Patient facing materials

18 Workplan Practices will be expected to complete a workplan with their Millennium relationship manager Workplan will be reviewed in late spring of 2018 A template will be provided after this presentation

19 Workplan Template DSRIP Year 3 Partner Organization Work Plan
Practice Transformation Patient Experience & Health Literacy Workplan strategies for improved patient experience-must choose one additional activity Activities Commitment to Complete (Y/N) Estimated Completion Date Status at Final Check-In Comments/Notes 1.1 Revise patient forms to improve readability 1.2 Add Language to Visit Summary 1.3 Add health literacy focused brocures/posters to patient areas REQUIRED 1.4 Phone Access 1.5 Revise Phone Script 1.6 Revise Script Summary

20 Next Steps Relationship Managers will be scheduling meetings in December to help you get started on your workplan Complete your workplan and send back to your relationship manager Review the training request form and select any additional training that your organization is interested in. Return the form to your relationship manager no later than 1/15/2018

21 Next Webinar What -Performance Reporting When- December 18th @ 8:00am
Where- Webinar format *Look for the invitation in your inbox shortly

22 Contact Questions?

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