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Presentation on theme: "Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography

2 5 ways to look at Earth Location Regions Place Movement
Human-Environment Interactions

3 Location – Where is it? This is simply the area in which a place is on the map. Cardinal Directions – North, South, East, West Latitude/Longitude Latitude is the distance north or south of the equator Longitude is the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian

4 Regions Regions are used to group places that have something in common: History & Government Population Climate Landforms

5 Climate Long term pattern of weather.

6 Landforms Feature of the Earths surface. Mountains Plains Desert

7 Place Includes the human and physical features of a specific place.
Physical features are climate and landforms Human features are how people live, work they do, religion they practice and the languages they speak.

8 Movement How people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another.
Over history, this has grown due to technological advances. People will bring their traditions and culture to these places, infusing it within other locations. European Movement into North & South America, Roman Empire, Mongol Empire, First Nation Movement, Movement of Refugees.

9 Human-Environment Interactions
How people affect their environment or how natural surroundings affect people. People Affect Their Environment Environment Affect on People Pollution, Littering, Global Warming, Deforestation, Clearing land for settlement Natural Disasters & what you wear

10 Importance of Geography & Location

11 Importance of Location
The location of a business, home, or city has a significant impact on how successful that specific place will be. Ancient civilizations relied heavy on their location in the world, and their location ultimately determined their success.

12 Factors the Influence Location
What are the factors that influence the location of a city? List as many possibilities as you can.

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