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The Great Depression -a drastic decline in the world economy resulting in mass unemployment and widespread poverty that lasted from 1929 until 1939.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Depression -a drastic decline in the world economy resulting in mass unemployment and widespread poverty that lasted from 1929 until 1939."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Depression -a drastic decline in the world economy resulting in mass unemployment and widespread poverty that lasted from 1929 until 1939

2 The Great Depression Many people invested money into the stock market. When the majority pulled money out at once, it left people impoverished. A lot of people had purchased items on credit and could not afford to pay the companies back. Farmers produced more crops than people could afford to buy. Farmers could not pay back their credit they used to purchase seeds.




6 Vocabulary Analysis Emphasize Elaborate Indicate illustrate
Directions: 1.“Explore” each word by learning the definition and part of speech. 2. How would the spelling change if it were a different part of speech? 3. Look at examples of how they are used in sentences. 4. See if there are any images that help you understand how this word can be used. 5.Explain in your own words what each word means and write a sentence using each one correctly.

7 Design a Multi-media Frayer Model
-Powerpoint -Delete text boxes Use SHAPES: rectangle, oval and lines - Insert Text Box - Text (in three of the rectangles) - Type vocabulary word in center - Copy and paste corresponding images into one of the rectangles. - Complete the model

8 Definition in my own words
Images Depicting Words -Powerpoint -Delete text boxes Use SHAPES: rectangle, oval and lines - Insert Text Box - Text (in three of the rectangles) - Type vocabulary word in center - Copy and paste corresponding images into one of the rectangles. - Complete the model Emphasize Sentence and Synonyms Antonyms

9 Read the following excerpt:
During the Great Depression many families blamed President Herbert Hoover for the vast, drastic economic decline. Because of this, they named the “towns” they had to inhabit, Hoovervilles. The “towns” consisted of shanties made out of old broken wood, pieces of metal, or any debris they were able to use. Why would the author most likely include this paragraph? To indicate that the Great Depression was causing people to become unemployed and live in shanties. To elaborate on the idea that people were suffering through hard times during this time. To illustrate the effects of the Great Depression beyond agriculture. To emphasize the harsh feelings of blame that citizens felt for the president.

10 These are the Joads as depicted in the Grapes of Wrath, a story about the hardships of the ten-year Dust Bowl.

11 Read the following excerpt:
“The Grapes of Wrath” still has a great influence today. California recently experienced a severe drought. Experts saw many similarities with the events in the book. It is not a bad idea to take notes from the past when moving toward the future. Why would the author most likely include this paragraph? To indicate that we can learn from the events in the Dust Bowl to make a better future. To elaborate on the idea that people in California discriminated against the migrants. To illustrate the effects of the Dust Bowl beyond agriculture. To emphasize the importance of using proper farming methods.

12 Read the following excerpt:
“The Grapes of Wrath” still has a great influence today. California recently experienced a severe drought. Experts saw many similarities with the events in the book. It is not a bad idea to take notes from the past when moving toward the future. Which word would change the meaning of the paragraph if used in place of “severe?” harsh critical minor fierce

13 Objects: Interpretation of text:
Abstract Nouns/Emotions: (explicit or implied)

14 “Illustration” of migrating during the Dustbowl
Choose two objects: seeds- identity (who I am) suitcase (change, fear) The seeds are life, vitality and independence. They are now null. At one time, the seeds revealed hard work. Now, the few that are left, are tucked away in a suitcase of sorrow and broken dreams. Confusion, despair… this is what is left over from our seeds. Independence is also hidden in the suitcase, while the despair and confusion is evident on my face. What not to do: One day I lost my farm because of the Dustbowl. The Dustbowl was a long drought and it cost me everything I owned. We had to move to California.

15 You are a migrant farmer leaving Oklahoma during the Dustbowl
You are a migrant farmer leaving Oklahoma during the Dustbowl. “Illustrate” your experience in 1-2 paragraphs. Include: Four vocabulary words (any that are inside your orange notebook) An interruptive phrase In introductory phrase Independent clause with a dependent clause (comma conjunction) Three abstract nouns **Use your excerpt and “The Grapes of Wrath” article as a resource.

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