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The Ozone Layer and Climate Change

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1 The Ozone Layer and Climate Change
What Do You know?

2 Skin Cancer Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers COMBINED! One in every three cancers diagnosed worldwide is a skin cancer, 80-90% of which are caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Canadians born in the 1990s have two to three times higher lifetime risk of getting skin cancer (1 in 6) than those born in the 1960s (1 in 20).


4 John Oliver video of media representation:

5 Why CO2? CO2 accounts for 76% of the world’s Greenhouse gas emissions.
65% of total emissions is caused by in industry and burning fossile fuels 11% is caused by forestry and land use Methane accounts for 16% of greenhouse gas emissions Source: IPCC 2016

6 Question 10 In 2014, the Top 5 polluters in the world were (total % of world’s CO2 emissions): China % USA 15.9% India 5.81% Russia 4.79% Japan 3.84% Source: World Bank 2014

7 What about Canada? 8th largest CO2 emissions, 1.67% But…..
Per capita Canada produced 14.9 tonnes a year Fourth in the world behind Australia, Saudi Arabia, and the US

8 Question 1. Ozone is so important to the earth because:
A) It’s the only gas in the atmosphere that can block UV rays B) It’s a thick layer of gas that keeps the earth warm like a blanket C) It acts a purifier to keep the air clean.

9 Ozone is so important to the earth because:
A) It’s the only gas in the atmosphere that can block UV rays B) It’s a thick layer of gas that keeps the earth warm like a blanket C) It acts a purifier to keep the air clean.

10 Question 2 UV rays are particularly harmful to plankton. These microscopic creatures matter because: A) They are the oldest living organisms on earth B) They are at the bottom of the food chain in the sea C) They are the basis of all life on earth.

11 UV rays are particularly harmful to plankton
UV rays are particularly harmful to plankton. These microscopic creatures matter because: A) They are the oldest living organisms on earth B) They are at the bottom of the food chain in the sea C) They are the basis of all life on earth.

12 Question 3 3. UV rays are harmful to humans because:
A) They cause skin cancer B) They cause blindness when you look at the sun C) They make the ground dry so that crops do not grow

13 3. UV rays are harmful to humans because:
A) They cause skin cancer B) They cause blindness when you look at the sun C) They make the ground dry so that crops do not grow

14 Question 4 The biggest holes in the ozone layer are:
A) above Europe and the US where the most pollution has been B) above the equator because it starts from the centre and moves outwards C) above the north and south pole

15 The biggest holes in the ozone layer are:
A) above Europe and the US where the most pollution has been B) above the equator because it starts from the centre and moves outwards C) above the north and south pole

16 Question 5 Scientists first discovered the Ozone layer was disappearing in: A) the 60s B) the 70s C) the 80s

17 Scientists first discovered the Ozone layer was disappearing in:
A) the 60s B) the 70s C) the 80s

18 Question 6 The first gas that was seen as a problem was: A) CO2
B) Methane C) CFCs

19 The first gas that was seen as a problem was:
A) CO2 B) Methane C) CFCs

20 Question 7 Carbon Dioxide is important in the atmosphere because:
A) it traps heat so that the earth maintains a good temperature B) it allows plants to grow C) it helps to protect the earth from UV rays

21 Carbon Dioxide is important in the atmosphere because:
A) it traps heat so that the earth maintains a good temperature B) it allows plants to grow C) it helps to protect the earth from UV rays

22 Question 8 Big changes to the temperature in the earth have historically been caused by: A) a natural, regular increase B) natural disasters C) human activity

23 Big changes to the temperature in the earth have historically been caused by:
A) a natural, regular increase B) natural disasters C) human activity

24 Question 9 The current rise in GHG in the atmosphere was started by:
A) natural warming of the earth B) the lack of ozone in the atmosphere C) the burning of fossil fuels during the industrial revolution

25 The current rise in GHG in the atmosphere was started by:
A) natural warming of the earth B) the lack of ozone in the atmosphere C) Human actiivity.


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