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Direct Capitalization

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1 Direct Capitalization

2 Capitalization Rates The ratio of the sale price to the expected net income for the next year May be extracted from comparable sales Other methods can be used to support capitalization rates Chapter 23

3 Derivation of Overall Capitalization Rates
From comparable sales RO = NIR / EGIM By band of investment Mortgage and equity Land and building Debt coverage formula (mortgage underwriters method) DCR = IO / IM RO = M x RM x DCR DCR = IO / ADS Chapter 23

4 Band of Investment—Mortgage and Equity
Chapter 23

5 Band of Investment—Land and Building
Chapter 23

6 Debt Coverage Formula Chapter 23

7 Residual Techniques The subject has a NOI of $45,000/year. The VL is $95,000. The RL is 9%, and the RB is 12%. What is the property value? 95,000 (VL)+ × 0.09 (RL) = $8,550 (IL) $45,000 (NOI) - 8,550 (IL) = 36,450 (IB) $36,450 (IB) / 0.12 (RB) = $303,750 + 95,000 $398,750 Chapter 23

8 Gross Income Multipliers and Gross Rent Multipliers
Conditions Buyers think this way Similar expense ratios Similar upside potential Chapter 23

9 Sale and Rent Comparable Worksheet Solution
Sale Price Gross Rent Estimate GRM 1 $280,000 $2,500 112 2 $320,000 $2,900 110.34 3 $305,000 $2,750 110.91 4 $275,000 110 5 $330,000 113.79 6 $325,000 112.07 7 $300,000 $2,700 111.11 8 $290,000 107.41 9 $285,000 114 10 105.45 Average $300,800 $2,710 110.71 The market value of the subject property is $2,750 × = $304,452.50 Chapter 23

10 Suggested Solutions to Review Exercises
Problem 1 Sale 1 sold for $1,000,000 and has an annual net income expectancy of $98,000 = 0.098 Sale 2 sold for $750,000 and has an annual net income expectancy of $75,000 = 0.10 Sale 3 sold for $650,000 and has an annual net income expectancy of $62,500 = Sale 4 sold for $500,000 and has an annual net income expectancy of $49,500 = 0.099 75,000/0.10 = $750,000 Problem 3 PGI $100,000 Vacancy and collection loss − ,000 EGI $93,000 Fixed expenses $35,000 Net income $33,000 $33,000/0.12 = $275,000 Chapter 23

11 Suggested Solutions, continued
Chapter 23

12 Review Exercise 10.Suggested Solution
Comparable Sale 1 PGI = $23,040 EGI = $21,888 NOI = $14,488 RO = Comparable Sale 2 $20,280 $19,266 $12,516 0.0834 Comparable Sale 3 $19,980 $18,981 $12,381 Comparable Sale 4 $19,800 $18,810 $12,360 Again, this is one solution, not the only solution. There is some room for interpretation in the income and expense estimates. Students should have an answer similar to this, but there will be some variations due to judgment calls. Chapter 23

13 Review Exercise 10. Suggested Solution, continued
Estimated PGI Unit 1 $485 Unit 2 485 Unit 3 450 Unit 4 435 Monthly estimated rent $1,855 Annual potential gross income $22,260 Vacancy and collection loss 6.00% − ,336 Effective gross income $20,924 Expenses Taxes $2,800 Insurance $2,200 Variable expenses Reserves for replacement = — Total expenses $7,200 − ,200 Net operating income $13,724 Capitalized value $13,724/0.08 = $171,550 Chapter 23

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