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Climate security risk mapping and risk management: a Responsibility to Prepare Shiloh Fetzek Senior Fellow for International Affairs The Center for Climate.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate security risk mapping and risk management: a Responsibility to Prepare Shiloh Fetzek Senior Fellow for International Affairs The Center for Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate security risk mapping and risk management: a Responsibility to Prepare
Shiloh Fetzek Senior Fellow for International Affairs The Center for Climate & Security

2 Outline Climate Change and Security Risk Mapping
Responsibility to Prepare Risk Mapping Climate Change and Security

3 Climate impacts & human mobility

4 Syria Drought

5 Climate impacts & human mobility

6 Arab Spring

7 Yemen

8 Afghanistan

9 Risk distribution Source: Verisk Maplecroft, 'Climate Change Vulnerability Index 2015', International Institute for Strategic Studies, '2015 Chart of Conflict'.

10 Nuclear

11 Arctic

12 Outline Climate Change and Security Risk Mapping
Responsibility to Prepare Risk Mapping Climate Change and Security

13 Risk mapping Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS)

14 Risk mapping Complex Emergencies and Political Stability in Asia (CEPSA)


16 Conflict early warning systems

17 Outline Climate Change and Security Risk Mapping
Responsibility to Prepare Risk Mapping Climate Change and Security


19 Climate has figured in US national security over time & over political administrations
1990s: CIA Environmental Task Force/ MEDEA Program 2007: Seminal CNA Military Advisory Board Report 2008: National Intelligence Assessment on Climate Security 2009: Establishment of Navy Task Force Climate Change 2010/2014: DoD Quadrennial Defense Review 2016: DoD Directive on Climate Adaptation and Resilience 2017: Statements by SECDEF, VCJCS, SECNAV, ASD (EI&E), NGB Chief

20 The US is still in the game on Climate Security / Sea Level Rise
Top-level leadership: SECDEF Mattis, VCJCS Selva, SECNAV Spencer, ASD (EI&E) Niemeyer, and Chief of the NGB, Gen. Lengyel have all spoken publicly about the security risks of climate change Policies/ plans still in play: 2016: DoD Directive : Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience 2014: DoD Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap

21 Read More The Center for Climate and Security: Responsibility to Prepare: responsibilitytoprepare Climate Security 101:

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