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17.2 The Skeletal System Life Science, Ms. Wells.

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1 17.2 The Skeletal System Life Science, Ms. Wells

2 Functions of Skeletal System
Provides all movement Works with Muscles Skeletal System + Muscular System = Musculoskeletal System

3 Bone Shapes Long Bone = in arms & legs Short Bone in feet & hands

4 Bones Shapes Irregular Bones = spinal column (vertebrae)
Flat Bones = ribs, skull

5 Bones are Connective Tissue!

6 Bone Types Compact Bone Spongy Bone Solid layer Outer layer
Very strong Dense calcium network Spongy Bone Lightweight, STRONG Full of holes (for blood vessels) Middle layer

7 Calcium Network

8 Spongy Bone

9 Joints Function: allow for movement or to create a seal between 2 bones Definition: any place where 2 bones meet

10 Immovable Joints NO movement/motion Example: Skull
Bones in skull are fused together to seal brain inside

11 Slightly Movable Joints
Can “give” a little, more flexible But usually don’t move much Example: Ribs

12 Freely Movable Joints Bones glide back & forth past each other
Lots of motion Many types Hinge Pivot Ball and Socket

13 Freely Movable: PIVOT Joint
Motion: twist a door knob Example: wrist

14 Freely Movable: HINGE Joint
Motion: open and close only one way Example: knee, elbow

15 Freely Movable: BALL AND SOCKET
Motion: throwing a baseball Example: shoulder, thigh bone to hips

16 Ligaments Connective tissue that holds bones together @ joints

17 Osteoporosis Osteo- = bone -porosis = break down, porous, holes
Loss of density in bone Calcium network thins Bones become brittle Effects women more than men

18 “Soft Spot” or Fontanelle
Immovable skull joints are not entirely fused in infants Easier to squeeze big head out of mother

19 Cartilage Bones missing the CALCIUM network! Flexible, soft
Example: ears, nose, lining of joints All bones start out as cartilage Add calcium to harden = OSSIFY

20 Cartilage & Joints Cushions joints so bones don’t grind
Arthritis = cartilage covering bones in joints wears down which causes pain and limits movement


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