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GSC-11 Standardization Status of WiBroTM since GSC-10

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1 GSC-11 Standardization Status of WiBroTM since GSC-10
SOURCE: TTA TITLE: Standardization Status of WiBro since GSC-10 AGENDA ITEM: GRSC Item 5.3 and Resolution GSC10-10/6 CONTACT: Youngkyun KIM, TTA TC03 Chair Daejung KIM, TTA, GSC11_GRSC_20 Information X GSC-11 Standardization Status of WiBroTM since GSC-10 28 May ~ 2 June, 2006 Dr. Young Kyun KIM, Chairman of TC3, TTA (Radio & Broadcasting Technical Committee) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

2 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
WiBroTM As one of the mobile BWA technologies, WiBro was introduced at GSC-10 as follows: TTA established WiBro PhaseⅠ(June ’04) and Phase Ⅱ(July ’05) TTA has been trying to facilitate strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on WiBro. It is necessary to strengthen more collaboration and coordination mechanisms between ITU and SDOs to progress international standardization, especially in the field of BWA available in mobile environment. GSC-10/06 (GRSC) GSC-10 Resolved the followings:. to facilitate a strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on WAS… to strengthen collaboration and coordination mechanisms between ITU and SDOs… to encourage PSOs to develop and support standards for WAS… to encourage a high degree of collaboration on measurement techniques and certification requirements…. to encourage a high degree of co-operation between SDOs and industry fora to ensure the interoperability of WAS devices by the development of appropriate test specifications, certification schemes and application scenarios…. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

3 WiBroTM status since GSC-10
TTA PG302 Organization TTA Activities for domestic standardization TTA Activities to ensure the interoperability TTA Activities for international harmonization The commercialization Status WiBroTM Terminals WiBro Application scenario New Standards Activities GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

4 International Coordination
1. TTA PG302 Organization TTA PG302 : 2WGs, 2AHGs & 2 TFs Radio Access Working Group TTA PG302 Service and Network IPR Ad Hoc International Coordination Ad Hoc Definition of Major System Parameter Definition of Items/Criteria/Conditions for Evaluation Collection and Evaluation of Baseline Proposals Definition of Service and Network Definition of Network reference Model IPR Confirmation & Processing Activities International Coordination Activities IOT/CT Task Force IOT/RCT Profile & Standard USIM Mutual Authentication Standard GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

5 2. TTA Activities for domestic standardization
Radio Access Standardization for WiBro Purpose: Revision of WiBro standard in order to harmonize with IEEE802.16 Status: Adopted WiBro Phase2 Standard (TTAS.KO /R1,Dec.2005) It is a subset of IEEE Profiles Service & Network Standardization for WiBro Purpose: To complete Service requirements and network reference model of WiBro &To complete Specifications for interoperability between WiBro and other network such as WLAN, 3G etc. Status: TTAR-0017(2.3GHz Portable Internet-Service/Network requirements) TTAR-0018(2.3GHz Portable Internet-Network Reference Model) Working requirements for interoperability between WiBro and other network such as WLAN, 3G etc. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

6 3. TTA Activities to ensure the interoperability
IOT/CT Standard for WiBro Purpose: To guarantee interoperability between WiBro equipments/ between WiBro service carriers Status TTA adopted IOT/CT Standard at Dec and then, in order to harmonize between WiBro and mobile WiMAX, IOT/CT Standards is being revised We hope that WiBro equipments get the first mobile WiMAX certification. PISIM (WiBro Subscriber Identity Module) Standard Purpose: Apply function on Subscriber Identity module to WiBro Status Adopted Mutual Authentication Standard(TTAS.KO , Apr.2006) Registered RID (Registered Application Provider Identifier) for WiBro service to ISO Revising TTAS.KO now. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

7 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
4. TTA Activities for international harmonization IEEE & WiMAX Forum Purpose: Harmonization between WiBro and IEEE802.16/WiMAX Forum Status Subset of Consolidated version of “IEEE Std P802.16e +P /Cor1.” Purpose: WiBro Profiles = Mobile WIMAX, WiBro Test Specifications = Mobile WiMAX Test Specifications WiMAX WiBro Phase 2 TTA (WiBro) 16e (Mobile-WiMAX) ITU-R WP8A PRELIMINARY DRAFT NEW RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.[8A/BWA] is in progress. This PDNR includes several standards which were made by SDOs such as IEEE, ETSI, TIA etc. WiBro is referred in IEEE part of this PDNR as “one of SDO profiles defined for the recommended interoperability parameters” GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

8 5. WiBro Commercialization Status in Korea (1)
2003 2006 2004 2005 Start the Co-development Commercial Service Prototype development Trial Service ▪ The world 1st commercial service (June) ▪ WiBro Service Reasonable price High speed internet at 100~120Km/h. Start the WiBro Co-development in Korea 1st Call Demo (Nov. ‘04) RAS/ACR & terminal (FPGA) ▪ APEC Demo (Nov.) ▪ Mobile WiMAX trials with major overseas operators GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

9 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
5. WiBro Commercialization Status – Overseas (2) Europe N. America Korea Sprint/Nextel Trial Arialink Commercial KT (’06. 3, Pre-commercial ’06. 6, Commercial) SKT (’06. 5, Pre-Commercial ’06. 6 Commercial) BT TI (Olympics) Portus Asia KDDI S. America Omnivision TVA GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

10 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
6. WiBroTM Terminals Softphone with PCMCIA Card Normal Phone PDA Phone WiBro Robot GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

11 7. WiBro Application Scenario
Logis WiBro Network UsN FPGA Macro-RAS micro-RAS Contents Partner Service Center Information Center Public Offices Portable Entertainment (IPTV) PCMCIA Tablet ACR Voice Internet Handheld Enterprise CF Smart Phone Command Control pico-RAS/ Repeaters Smart/MIMO -RAS Home Network Chipset Subsystems & Service management system Next, Let me explain the application scenarios of WiBro. WiBro can apply the various application n service such as logistics, Ubiquitous sensor network, IPTV, VoIP, Public safety , telematics and ITS. Because WiBro uses the pure Internet Protocol, It is easier to apply the service than the 3G or cellular system. Mobile Internet Telematics e-Shop ITS Bank User terminal Network Service/Contents GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

12 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
8. New Standards Activities IPv6 Standardization with IEEE802.16(WiBro) IETF 16NG (IPv6 over IEEE Network WG) was established. (11 ,2005) TTA approved a Question “IPv6 over WiBro” and The related work started at IPv6 Project Group Standardization for LBS service based on WiBro Network TTA LBS Project group started stands work to provide LBS service using WiBro Network. WiBro Service Evolution Convergence service such as Terrestrial DMB + WiBro, WLAN + WiBro will be launched after commercialization of WiBro service. In order to accommodate converged advanced services, WiBro standard will be evolved with optimized radio technologies. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

13 Thank You For Listening
The attachments are for your information GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

14 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
WiBro & IEEE802.16 IEEE Standard (SC, SCa, OFDM, OFDMA PHY mode with Single IEEE MAC) IEEE P /Cor1 (To correct errors, inconsistencies, and ambiguities in IEEE Standard ) IEEE P802.16e (Combined Fixed and Mobile Operation in Licensed Bands below 6 GHz) WiBro (Complete Subset of IEEE ) Should support the IEEE Standard and IEEE P802.16e and provide the 5 criteria (TDD, FRF=1, 60km/hr mobility support, FA >= 9 MHz, roaming between operators, etc) Shall support the Mandatory Features of IEEE WiBro Profile = the set of functionalities configuring every mandatory features and many optional features of e. WiBro Air Interface Specification is fully compatible with IEEE P802.16e WiBro Profiles and Test Specifications will be harmonized with WiMAX Forum’s currently developing Mobile WiMAX Profiles and Test Specifications. (Most of the major manufacturers are participating as the active members of WiBro and WiMAX.) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

15 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Schedule of PG302 Time Goal Q1 2006 WiBro Profile update (Harmonization with WiMAX, Rev. 1) Completion of IOT spec. draft for Extended Profile items Preparation of revised IOT spec. for Valid Behavior/Timer items Discussion on IOT spec. for WiBro Phase 2 Profile Requirements for interworking between WiBroTM and WLAN Approval of the 1st spec. on Mutual Authentication Mechanism for WiBroTM RID and PIX Activities (Application, Definition and Distribution/Allocation) Definition of upgraded Service and Network requirements IPR and International Cooperation Activities Q2 2006 Maintenance on IEEE P802.16e-2005 Study on induction on MMR (Mobile Multihop Relay) Preparation of revised IOT spec. for Valid Behavior/Timer items (cont.) Discussion on IOT spec. for WiBro Phase 2 Profile (Cont.) Requirements for interworking between WiBroTM and 2G/3G Approval of the 2nd spec. on Mutual Authentication Mechanism for WiBroTM Definition of upgraded Service and Network requirements (cont.) IPR and International Cooperation Activities GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

16 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Schedule of PG302 Maintenance on IEEE P802.16e-2005 (cont.) Completion and Approval of revised IOT spec. (Rev. 2) Discussion on IOT spec. for WiBro Phase 2 Profile Requirements for interworking between WiBroTM and DMB Definition of upgraded Service and Network requirements (cont.) IPR and International Cooperation Activities Goal Maintenance on IEEE P802.16e-2005 Study on Further activities of WiBroTM Q3 2006 Time Q4 * DMB : Digital Multimedia Broadcasting GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications

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