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EVLA Overall Software Design

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Presentation on theme: "EVLA Overall Software Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 EVLA Overall Software Design
Final Internal Review Introduction and Overview by Tom Morgan 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

2 Introduction and Overview
Outline Design Team Charge Design Scope Design Process NRAO Observatory Model EVLA Software System Layout 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

3 Design Team Charge “Develop an overall architecture
and design for the EVLA software system including both M&C and e2e elements.” 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

4 Introduction and Overview
Design Scope Description of Overall System Data (in general terms) Major Functions and their Primary Components Connections (Major ones and some next level) Data Stores Some Other Important Functions 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

5 Introduction and Overview
Design Process Requirements Analysis Subsystem Decomposition Operational Analysis High Level Subsystems Layout High Level Subsystems Connectivity Initial Subsystem Specification 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

6 Introduction and Overview
Design Process Definition of Terms Resolution of Terminology Conflicts (Both internal and with ALMA) Rectification with NRAO Models Rectification with ALMA Designs 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

7 NRAO Observatory Model
Telescope Data Model Export Data Format Science Data Model Feedback to telescope Proposal Submission And Handling Observer Observation Preparation EVLA VLBA ALMA GBT NRAO End-to-End Dataflow Sched Control Data Capture Archive Telcal Offline VO Scientist Domain Mostly Telescope-Independent Common Software Science Quick Look Pipeline GBT Postproc Telescope Mostly Telescope-Specific Project Software 14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

8 EVLA Software System Layout
14 June, 2004 EVLA Overall Design Introduction and Overview

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