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Presentation on theme: "EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION OF ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED"— Presentation transcript:


THE ROLE OF CREDIT INSURANCE IN FACILITATION OF EXPORT TRADE Presented By : Sekai Chirume, Managing Director – ECGC To: Enhancing Trade and Investment Seminar Venue: Cresta Lodge Hotel, Harare Date: May

3 Contents Why Export Background of Export Credit Insurance ECGC
Products & Services Export Payments Insurance Policy Risks Covered – Commercial & Political Country Assessment Buyer Assessment Benefits of Export Credit Insurance How is the Insurance Obtained

4 Why Export The need for foreign currency Increased sales and profits
Make use of excess production capacity Enhance competitiveness Gain global market share Reduce dependency on existing domestic market

5 Background of Export Credit Insurance
Originated in Europe Concept to address promotion of exports Insurance protection against non-payment risk in foreign markets Covers losses arising from both political and commercial risks Examples are Sinosure, CGIC, BECI, ECGD, ECGCI ECGCZ is a member of the Berne Union (International Union of credit and Investment Insurers)

6 ECGC Objectives A private company wholly owned by RBZ
Reinsures both commercial & political risk A member of the Prague Club Objectives To promote & facilitate Zimbabwe’s international trade Assist new exporters & SMEs to access export finance from Banks To provide business information on foreign risks To enhance exporters’ competitive position To provide specialized skills in risk assessment

7 Products & Services on Offer
Insurance Division Guarantees Division Export Payments Insurance Policy (EPIP) Pre & Post Shipment Export Finance Guarantee (PEFG) Domestic Payments Insurance Policy (DPIP) Construction Bonds Services Policy Customs Bonds SME Exporter’s Policy General Insurance Bid & Performance Bonds

8 Export Payments Insurance Policy (EPIP)
Risks Covered Commercial & political Percentage of Cover 90% for large exporters 95% for SME Exporters Monthly Declaration & Premium Payment By the 14th day of the following calendar month Claims Payment Within 30 days after signing of proposed settlement Recoveries Shared in the same proportion in which loss was borne

9 Risks Covered Political Risks Commercial Risks War, civil disorder
Buyer Insolvency / liquidation / Receivership Foreign exchange transfer delay Buyer’s protracted default Payment moratorium Buyer’s non-acceptance of goods Cancellation of buyer’s authority to import Insolvency of bank, issuing or confirming an L/C Failure by foreign govt buyer to fulfil contractual obligations

10 Country Risk Assessment (Five categories used)
Group Risk Status Examples A Very Safe Countries Germany, Spain B Safe Countries South Africa, Botswana C Moderately Safe Countries Namibia, Kenya D Risky Countries – tread with care Uganda, Cameroun Z High Risk Countries (Trade on secured terms) Iraq, Lebanon

11 Factors Used in Country Assessment
Domestic political and social situation External relations of the country Economic structural factors Domestic, economic and institutional situations Balance of international payments and external debt

12 Buyer Risk Assessment (Commercial Risk)
Creditworthiness of buyer - Form of business & age - Terms of payment - Commercial morality - Financial standing - Credit ratings - Past trading experiences if any Sources of Information -Information Bureaux - ECGC’s own underwriting experience -Banks -Other Export Credit Agencies

13 Benefits of Export Credit Insurance
Compensation in case of a loss occurring Business growth: EPIP allows you to enter new markets with confidence EPIP enables you to expand your presence where your business is already active. Increases exporter’s access to finance Easier access to information on customer credit worthiness Assistance in solving collection difficulties

14 How is the Insurance Obtained
1) Proposal Form 2) Quotation 4) Issue of Policy 3) Offer Letter & Acceptance

15 Conclusion Export Credit Insurance is a vital element of the economic infrastructure as it allows exporters to accept foreign transaction risks while avoiding possibilities of catastrophic loss. Without the support offered by Export Credit Insurance, some exports would not take place.

16 I THANK YOU Our Contact Details 6 Earls Road Alexandra Park Harare
Tel , , Fax: Cell: Marketing I THANK YOU


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