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Y9 summer revision exam materials.

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1 Y9 summer revision exam materials


3 Red Tractor was established in 2000 and has grown to become the UK’s biggest farm and food standards scheme, covering all of animal welfare, food safety, traceability and environmental protection. We are a small, not for profit company, run by the food industry to promote clearer labelling and ensure food originates from a trustworthy source. The way that our food is farmed and prepared is regularly checked by independent experts to make sure it is of a good standard.



6 Timber There are two types of timber, called hardwood and softwood. These names do not refer to the properties of the wood: some softwoods can be hard and some hardwoods can be soft. Softwood Softwoods come from coniferous trees which are evergreen, needle-leaved, cone-bearing trees, such as cedar, fir and pine. Hardwood Hardwoods come from broad-leaved, deciduous trees. The main hardwood timbers are ash, beech, birch, cherry, elm, iroko, mahogany, meranti, oak, obeche, sapele and teak. Metals Most metals are extracted from their ores using a chemical reaction. Metals are rarely used in their pure form, and are usually mixed with other metals to improve their properties. This is called an alloy. Most metals are good conductors and can be recycled. Ferrous metals Ferrous metals contain iron. Examples are cast iron, mild steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, stainless steel and high speed steel. The ferrous metals listed below are all alloys.

7 Dictionary or Wikipedia definition
Design technology Word Dictionary or Wikipedia definition aesthetically Function and fit for purpose

8 Above are five images of products you could have potentially made in year 9 by now. Choose the one you feel most comfortable with and explain how you made it in 10 steps

9 Diets Diets can be adopted for health reasons such as allergies, intolerances or needing to lose weight. Examples of diets are: Calorie controlled - food energy is measured in calories. Keeping calorie consumption below the energy your body uses up causes weight loss. Coeliac disease - an intolerance to gluten. Gluten is found in foods containing wheat, eg bread, cakes, and pasta. Diabetes - is where blood sugar level is higher than normal. Diabetics need to monitor carbohydrate intake. Lactose intolerance - is an inability to absorb the sugar that naturally occurs in cow's milk. Nut allergy - means a sensitivity to nuts, causing a reaction which can be severe. Vegetarian - means not eating meat and fish. Protein must be obtained from dairy products, nuts and pulses.

10 Can you CAFÉ QUE your own watch?
To the left is a piece of Jewellery which is on display at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The text next to it uses a method called CAFÉ QUE. Can you CAFÉ QUE your own watch? If you are unsure of any words check them out in the dictionary. Cost Roughly how much did it cost? Appearance Describe its main features and how it looks. Function Does it have buttons for specific things? Is it a digital or does it have hands? Ergonomics Does the strap have padding for comfort. Is the strap easy to use? Quality Is it durable? Is it going to last you till Christmas, Summer or until Year 11? User Is it designed for people specifically your age? Or is it suitable other users? Environmental Can the materials its made from be recycled?

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