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The Secrets of its Strength

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Presentation on theme: "The Secrets of its Strength"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Secrets of its Strength
Bone: The Secrets of its Strength Bone is Not Just Minerals It is a Mixture of Proteins and Minerals P a t h o p y s i l g 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

2 Take a wall as an example
h o p y s i l g You need cement to hold the stones together 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

3 The cement for the bone is
P a t h o p y s i l g The cement for the bone is collagen 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

4 How the Bone Remains Strong
P a t h o p y s i l g How the Bone Remains Strong Replacement of old bone with new one is the way nature preserves the strength of the bone 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

5 Bone remodeling The Skeleton is ... Under Construction …from Birth ...
P a t h o p y s i l g The Skeleton is ... Under Construction …from Birth ... Until Death 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

6 Bone remodeling First … the Osteoclast digs holes into the bone P a t
y s i l g First … the Osteoclast digs holes into the bone 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

7 the Osteoblast follows ….
…and then… P a t h o p y s i l g the Osteoblast follows …. ….to replace it with new bone 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

8 Bone remodeling Osteoclast (resorbs bone) Replacement
of old bone with new one is the way nature preserves the strength of the bone Osteoblast (builds bone) New bone 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

9 Osteoporosis … too many Osteoclasts
Pathophysiology Osteoporosis Osteoclast Osteoclast Osteoclast Osteoclast … too many Osteoclasts 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

10 Osteoblast Osteoprotegerin (OPG) OPG, a soluble "decoy" receptor
h o p y s i l g inhibits the recruitment, proliferation and activation of osteoclasts by binding to and neutralizing the OPG-L OPG ligand (OPG-L) Osteoblast (the bone forming cell) 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

11 (the bone forming cell)
OPG ligand (OPG-L) Osteoprotegerin (OPG) Osteoporosis … too many OPG-Ligands P a t h o p y s i l g Osteoblast (the bone forming cell) 11/8/2018 OSTEOPOROSIS

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