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Project: GenericFrame

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1 Project: GenericFrame
Framework for Browser Based Applications

2 AGENDA Rich Internet Applications The Market The Problem
GenericFrame – Approach GenericFrame – Advantages Conclusion

3 Rich Internet Applications

4 Rich Internet Applications
Definition Internet application Browser based Advanced user experience Trends Rapid development in the last two years Complex technology High costs and risk

5 Rich Internet Applications Example
Morgan Stanley has launched a comprehensive online trading tool called “Matrix” Based on Rich Internet Technologies Web based application

6 The Market

7 Market Structure & Background
Rich Internet Applications Target market Focus: Business software! Out-of-focus: Games, Facebook Internet Applications SaaS Cloud Computing Virtualization & Grid

8 Market Development 2004 to 2008: Early adopter phase
AJAX, Flex, Silverlight 2009 to 2012: Early majority phase Enterprises make strategic commitments to RIA 2013 to 2017: Platform-centric phase Platforms get more closely unified with server-side Source: Gartner 2009, MarketScope for Rich Internet Application Platforms

9 Competitors Flex (Adobe), GWT (Google), Silverlight (Microsoft), jQuery (Open Source), JavaFX (Sun), YUI (Yahoo), ExtJS, Infragistics, DoJo, JackBe, LaszloSystems, Nexaweb, Prototype, Tibco, ActiveWidgets, Aflax, Ajax Tags, Ajax.NET, AjaxAC, Ajile, AJForm, AJS, Aspects, Bindows, Cappuccino, ComponentOne, Canoo, ULC, Clean Ajax, CNET CiUI, Curl, Dundas Data Visualization, Dwr, Echo2, Html_Ajax, Icesoft, JPSpan, Midori, MochiKit, Moo.fx, MooTools, OpenLink Ajax, Nitobi, Qooxdoo, Rialto, Rico, Sajax, Scriptaculous, SmartClient, Software FX, SproutCore, Spry, Telerik, Tibco GI, Tibet, TurboGears, Visual WebGUI

10 Timeline Silverlight Flex Internet Applications
Plug-in AJAX Libraries WEB (3 Tier) Visual components Client-Server Pioneers Internet Applications Rich Internet Applications 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

11 The Problem

12 The Problem Of Rich Internet Applications
Time + Risk Costs New technology needed Complex Difficult to find developers =

13 Rich But Complex How difficult is to develop this application?

14 Why is RIA Complex? New technology layer => Rich Client 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 Rich Client Server Frameworks Architecture Connection Connection Architecture Frameworks

15 GenericFrame - Approach

16 GenericFrame - Approach
Simple Painless integration Progressive prototyping

17 GenericFrame - Approach
Current technologies: complex, Rich Client 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rich Client Server GenericFrame: simple, Rich Client is automated 1 Rich Client Server AUTOMATED BY GenericFrame

18 GenericFrame - Advantages

19 From Complexity to Simplicity
Current technologies GenericFrame ? UI component Server Request Object Global Variables Data cache Server logic Event Event Request Show page Client Server Client Server

20 The Customer needs flexibility
Current technologies ? UI component Server Request Object Global Variables Data cache Server logic Event 10 days Developer Change! GenericFramee Event Request Show page Customer 1 day Developer

21 Efficiency Crutial for every project
GenericFrame 100% More results with the same resources Current architectures Efficiency 100 meters sprint (10 screens) Long run (100 screens) 0% Software size = complexity + scope + duration

22 Progressive Prototyping Visible and predictable project results
Live Demo GenericFrame Managing Project Risk Project Risk Project Risk Visivble Project Results Current architectures Timeline

23 Quick Adoption Uses existing knowledge of developers
GenericFrame is adopted very fast by the development team GenericFrame Technology adopted Knowledge / Adoption Current architectures Timeline 6 months

24 Painless integration What to do with the old software?
Give it away? Ignore it? Re-write it? GenericFrame is designed to be easily integrated with different software and systems.

25 Conclusion Strong Market Innovative Technology Unique Approach

26 Thank You.

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