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GPS Sunday June 18th 2017  Resources from the World Mission Department to Celebrate God’s Worldwide Church   This is the second year in which we are encouraging.

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Presentation on theme: "GPS Sunday June 18th 2017  Resources from the World Mission Department to Celebrate God’s Worldwide Church   This is the second year in which we are encouraging."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS Sunday June 18th 2017 Resources from the World Mission Department to Celebrate God’s Worldwide Church This is the second year in which we are encouraging churches to hold a special GPS Global Positioning Sunday. This is a chance to focus on God’s worldwide mission. This powerpoint gives some background to world mission in the Lichfield Diocese. It introduces our four established Companion Links overseas and also suggests a number of other ways in which we can engage with world mission. Full resources for GPS Sunday are available on the World Mission Web

2 Visitors from all continents at Bishop Michael’s Installation
Bishop Michael’s Installation. Bishops from South Africa, Singapore, Sabah, Qu’Appelle, Canada….. GPS 2017 2

3 Our Four Companion Links
See the four Companion Diocesan links which follow a North, South, East West spread. In the North, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Northern Germany, The Nordkirche; in the South the Diocese of Matlosane in South Africa; in the East the four Dioceses making up the Province of South East Asia: West Malaysia, Singapore, Kuching and Sabah and finally in the West the Diocese of Qu’Appelle in Canada. We have formal covenant agreements with all of these Dioceses and are committed to working together and following Christ in partnership with each other. Whilst the Diocese links with all four of these it may be that particular parishes and benefices are drawn to one in particular. Our Four Companion Links GPS 2017 3

4 Nordkirche: Northern Germany
Bishop Michael and Julia visit Schwerin, Nordkirche Terry Bloor, coordinator of this link, with Christian Höser Our only ecumenical link. Formally with Mecklenburg but now including churches form what was formerly West Germany for instance Hamburg. In post Brexit Britain these European links take on a special new significance. Group visiting Nordkirche GPS 2017 4

5 Matlosane: South Africa
Matlosane MU Sunday School training Trip 2015 Matlosane; we see inspiring examples of resilience and joy filled service and worship in post apartheid South Africa and see the challenges of poverty and scarce physical resources. GPS 2017 5

6 Province of S E Asia: West Malaysia, Singapore, Sabah and Kuching
Parish link between Bushbury and Bandung Visitors from S E Asia for Bishop Michael’s Installation The Anglican church in South East Asia is vibrant and experiencing the challenges of living as a minority under Islamic dominated leadership. Many of the churches have a deep commitment to evangelism and discipleship. Singapore has developed a ministry to six missionary deaneries including Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam where they use the teaching of English to pioneer missional openings and the planting of churches. There are many openings for volunteers to assist with this. Missioners visiting Lichfield from West Malaysia GPS 2017 6

7 Qu’Appelle: Canada Messy Church in Qu’Appelle
Bishop Mark with Bishop Rob Ministry with First Nation people Much of Qu’Appelle Diocese is rural and many of the challenges being faced are similar to those facing the Church of England. Interestingly ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ features strongly in the life of the Diocese as the church seeks to build bridges with the First Nation Peoples following a history of abuse and exploitation. GPS 2017 7

8 PARISH TO PARISH LINKS Parish to Parish links provide opportunities at a local level to engage in a meaningful way with our Companion Dioceses: The offering of mutual encouragement, love and prayer The development of friendships A sharing of information, insights, experience and concerns A number of churches throughout the Diocese have developed Parish to Parish Links. These are very much an expression of partnership and need not cost a anything in financial terms! The real cost is of time and love as we share together and keep informed on a regular basis. A sheet is available giving guidance as to how this can progressed.

9 Diocesan Prayer Diary Join with others throughout the Diocese to pray daily for the wider Anglican Communion, different parishes, chaplaincies and special events. Available on-line and for printing on to A4 sheets for church prayers. FREE APP for iOS / Android Prayer is at the heart of world mission. The Prayer Mate App makes it so easy to access the Diocesan ‘feed’ for daily prayer.

10 The Persecuted and Suffering Church Worldwide
Let us remember the persecuted suffering church. There are many ways of focusing on this – here are a few suggestions.

11 From All Saints Wellington Based in Hanoi, Vietnam teaching English
St Chad’s Volunteer Programme JEREMY DILLON St Chad’s Volunteer From All Saints Wellington Based in Hanoi, Vietnam teaching English Jan –Aug 2016 ABBY LIEW St Chad’s Volunteer From West Malaysia based at Meole Brace Feb Feb 2018 The St Chad’s Volunteer Programme is one of the most exciting ways in which the Diocese connects with World Mission particularly amongst young adults. It enables year olds to visit any of our Companion Links for between 6-12 months and for young adults to this Diocese to come to serve in different ways based in a church setting often in the capacity of a lay assistant, children or youth worker or worship leader.

12 St Chad’s Volunteers 2016 GPS 2017
St Chad’s Volunteers: Kgowe from Matlosane who was based at All Saints Streetly; Jelena from Nordkirche who was based at Forsbrook, Stoke; Christine based at Aldridge Parish Church and Andrew Soon based with the Central Telford Team. GPS 2017 12

13 GPS Prayer Lord God, thank you for enabling us
to be part of your world wide family. Where your church is strong, we bless you. Where your church is weak, we seek your grace. Open our hearts to share joy and sorrow as we journey onwards in partnership with one another and with you. Amen GPS Prayer

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