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Data Pipeline Town Hall August 6, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall August 6, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall August 6, 2015
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Town Hall Invitation Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3

4 Introductions 4

5 Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Civil Rights Data Collection RITS Student End of Year Rollover for Student Interchange October Count Possible USDE Data Collection Changes Special Education End of Year Special Education Discipline 5

6 Open Collections in Data Pipeline

7 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory School Code Changes (Should have sent them to CDE by now) Ensure that your Superintendent, Principals and Key Personnel are up to date. RITS EDIS Interchanges All Interchanges are open 7

8 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education Discipline (Closes August 26th) Student Interchange (District) Discipline Interchange (District) IEP Interchange (Administrative Unit) Directory RITS 8

9 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education End of Year (Closes October 13th) IEP Interchange (Administrative Unit) Student Interchange (District) Directory RITS 9

10 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Student End of Year (Closes September 10th) Student Interchange Title I SPED IEP Directory RITS 10

11 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link (Closes August 28th ) Teacher Student Data Link Interchange Student Interchange (student demographics) Staff Interchange (staff profile) State Standard Course Codes 11

12 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Other…. Math Science Partnership will be in ADE - Now Open (September 30, 2015) 12

13 Civil Rights Data Collection

14 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection
As of July 31st 56 LEAs have certified. Thank you! 8 LEAs are 100% complete, but have not yet certified. Another 31 LEAs are 90% or more complete Due date is August 7, (tomorrow) Need assistance? Contact CRDC Partner Support Center Phone: (844) Notes: If any data appears incorrect, then overwrite. If find issues, work with CDE to correct for collection.

15 RITS 15

16 RITS Things to remember…
If you haven’t started, please begin submitting students for the school year If student(s) has/have already been submitted to not resubmit again as this creates duplicates that have to be manually closed out and significantly slows down case reviews for everyone. Please ensure that there is complete information for all submitted students as incomplete or inaccurate information significantly slows down the issuance of SASIDS.

17 RITS Things to remember continued…
Use only legal documentation for submitting names and dates of birth to RITS. Guidance on this can be found at Use the match tool if uploading large batches this saves both you and CDE time

18 RITS Please remember not to use personally identifiable information (PII) when ing staff at CDE. If this occurs the will be deleted and you’ll be asked to resend using a secure file transfer or website method. You may also call CDE staff. It’s vitally important that PII not be sent over unsecured as this compromises student data privacy.

19 Student End of Year 19

20 Student End of Year Issues
Rule SE099 In district transfers associated with school closures and grade changes Modify system to check if the student attended highest grade at a school in the prior year Current work around - Request an exception Check school year drop down on error reports Student demographic and school association Make sure selecting school year 20

21 Student End of Year Common errors which require exceptions
SE049 – Student reported in October and not enrolled on October 1st in Student End of Year SE060 – Student on enrolled on October 1st in End of Year and not reported in October collection. SE061 – Student earned High School Equivalency (GED) SE168 – Grade to age error Free and Reduced lunch reset during rollover 21

22 Student End of Year Load all student files and clear errors Student
School Association Advanced Course Completion Only needed if district offers AP or Post secondary courses Common reasons students excluded from snapshot Interchange errors Record missing from the interchange Primary School flag is not set correctly Attendance code other than 01 through 08 22

23 Student End of Year All districts should have an error free snapshot
Validate Student End of Year data using reports Thank you to all districts who are being proactive completing snapshot I will be contacting districts who are not complete with their snapshot. DO NOT send sign off form These are due in December 23

24 Deadlines First submission to CDE September 10th
All data must be submitted according to board rules 24

25 Trainings Training materials Exceptions or Questions?
PowerPoint and Recorded webinar Checklist for student end of year collection Step by step process documentation Exceptions or Questions? Kevin Smith 25

26 Rollover for 2015-16 Student Interchange

27 Interchange Rollover Student Interchange has both and school year available. Please make sure to select correct school year System defaults to school year in error detail report drop downs. Student End of Year uses school year Student October uses school year 27

28 October Count 28

29 Student October 2015-2016 Three changes this year
New code of 4 in the special education transition field in the student demographic file New Home Based Education field in the student school association file New calculation for the Colorado Continuously, Continuously in District, and Continuously in School fields in the student school association file. Please see file layout for more information on calculation: 29

30 Student October 2015-2016 Student Demographics file layout
Added 4 as an option for the Special Education Transition field in student demographic file This means student is in 4th year of senior year Small number of students meet this criteria Student Demographics file layout 30

31 Student October 2015-2016 Student School Association file layout
New home based education field Field was added to the school association file This field is a binary field (Zero or One) Zero indicates student is not a home school student One indicates student is a home school student and receiving some services from the district. Note: student is receiving some services from the district. Home school students not receiving services will be reported as a count by grade level as done last year. Student School Association file layout 31

32 Student October 2015-2016 Student School Association file layout
New calculation for the Colorado Continuously, Continuously in District, and Continuously in School fields in the student school association file. Student School Association file layout 32

33 Student October 2015-2016 Student October trainings
sent out on Tuesday All trainings are identical Tuesday, August 25th 9:00 am – 10:00 am Thursday, August 27th 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday, September 1st 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Wednesday, September 9th 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Adobe URL: Call in number: 33

34 Student October 2015-2016 More information on the collection
Student October Schedule More information on the collection Contact information Kevin Smith Phone: 34

35 Possible USDE Data Collection Changes

36 EDFacts OMB Clearance Package for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19
LEAs are encouraged to respond LEA opportunity to speak to data burden Obtain details from Select “Open Docket Folder” Scroll down to “Supporting Statements” and "Forms and Instructions" (for Appendices) Due September 8, 2015 Submit through

37 EDFacts OMB Clearance Package for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19
Actionable comments: Demonstrate understanding of intent Provide rationale for why not the best option Offer a viable alternate approach Questions to consider: Is the proposed data available? In suggested format? Does the proposed metric capture what ED intended? If not, what metric is better? Are there any questions about the proposed changes that require further clarifications or guidance? Are there any data quality considerations that ED should know about this data? Does the LEA have different definitions or constraints related to this data that ED should know?

38 EDFacts OMB Clearance Package Attachments
B-1 – Overview of EDFacts Data Set for School Years , , and B-2 – Directory Records for the EDFacts Data Set for School Years , , and B-3 – EDFacts Data Groups for School Years , , and B-4 – EDFacts Data Categories for School Years , , and B-5 -  EDFacts Data Set: IDEA Part B Data Collections through EMAPS B-6 – EDFacts Data Set: Kindergarten Entry Assessment Data Collection through EMAPS *C – EDFacts Data Set Changes from SY * D – EDFacts Data Set for School Years , , and : Directed Questions E – EDFacts Data Set Information to Assist Reviewers for School Years , , and

39 EDFacts OMB Clearance Package Proposed Changes
New Data Groups: NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM:  NCES – DIRECT CERTIFICATION NCES: Direct Certification: states report direct certification OR free lunch eligible CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM: Moving data elements from the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) to EDFacts Change in definition to 10% or more school days during the school year, N or D participants at state level SCALE SCORE:  MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION FOR SCALE SCORE HOMELESS: ADJUSTED COHORT GRADUATION RATE (ACGR) New Education Unit Totals:  Data Group (DG)655/File Specification (FS) C118, Homeless students enrolled table DIRECTORY DATA:  Metadata about the directory LEA:   Change focus from defining LEAs to defining types of LEAs     Explanation of expected reporting for each type Definition for regular public school district Add focused public school district Drop term “education agency” School: Revise definition of school and some school types Explanation of expected reporting for each type Virtual school permitted values Charter Management Organizations SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANTS (SIG) Baseline Indicator Status (DG752/FS C167): Revise category set from yes/no to year-based list  Metadata (EMAPS): OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS (OSEP):  LEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Provisions OFFICE OF EARLY LEARNING:  Kindergarten Entry Assessments

40 EDFacts OMB Clearance Package Proposed Changes (Deletions)
DG664/FS C163: Truants DG491/FS C004: Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table EMAPS: Previous year 619 allocation for each LEA/ESA in the MOE Reduction & CEIS data collection Migrant: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education DG102/FS C054, MEP students served 12-month table DG515/FS C065, MEP Personnel (FTE) table DG625/FS C065, MEP personnel (headcount) table DG634/FS C121, Migrant students eligible 12-month table DG635/FS C122, MEP students eligible and served DG684/FS C145, MEP services table DG796/FS C192, MEP students priority for services table OCTAE: Office of Career and Technical Education DG320/FS C083, CTE concentrators graduates tables DG521/FS C082, CTE concentrators exiting table DG681/FS C142, CTE concentrators academic achievement table DG702/FS C154, CTE concentrators in graduate rate table DG703/FS C155, CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table DG704/FS C156, CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table DG705/FS C157, CTE concentrators technical skills table DG736/FS C158, CTE concentrators placement table

41 EDFacts OMB Clearance Package Chronic Absenteeism
Report the unduplicated number of students absent 10% or more school days during the school year. Includes all absences (excused and unexcused) Collected by student demographic categories: Gender and Race/Ethnicity Gender and Disability Status Gender and Section 504 Status Gender and LEP Status Gender and Homeless Status

42 Potential Issues with Collecting Chronic Absenteeism at CDE
Collected in addition to the habitually truant counts Required by C.R.S a(I) Definition: 10 unexcused days in 1 school year or 4 unexcused days in 1 calendar month or both Different definition for similar information may cause confusion between data fields

43 Chronic Absenteeism – possible new data fields for Attendance file (2016-17)
Am. Indian male students absent 10% or more school days Am. Indian female students absent 10% or more school days Asian male students absent 10% or more school days Asian female students absent 10% or more school days Black male students absent 10% or more school days Black female students absent 10% or more school days Hispanic male students absent 10% or more school days Hispanic female students absent 10% or more school days White male students absent 10% or more school days White female students absent 10% or more school days Hawaiian male students absent 10% or more school days Hawaiian female students absent 10% or more school days Two or More Races male students absent 10% or more school days Two or More Races female students absent 10% or more school days

44 Chronic Absenteeism – possible new data fields for Attendance file (2016-17)
Disabled male students absent 10% or more school days Non-Disabled male students absent 10% or more school days Disabled female students absent 10% or more school days Non-Disabled female students absent 10% or more school days Section 504 male students absent 10% or more school days Non- Section 504 male students absent 10% or more school days Section 504 female students absent 10% or more school days Non- Section 504 female students absent 10% or more school days LEP male students absent 10% or more school days Non-LEP male students absent 10% or more school days LEP female students absent 10% or more school days Non-LEP female students absent 10% or more school days Homeless male students absent 10% or more school days Non-Homeless male students absent 10% or more school days Homeless female students absent 10% or more school days Non-Homeless female students absent 10% or more school days

45 LEAs are encouraged to respond and provide feedback
Obtain additional details from Select “Open Docket Folder” Scroll down to “Supporting Statements” and "Forms and Instructions" (for Appendices) All responses are due September 8, 2015 Submit through

46 Special Education End of Year

47 Data Concern Date of Entry to Special Education field:
Can everyone please double check the date within this field on records with a Sped Part C Referral code of 02, 03, 04, 05, or 07? The majority of AUs are reporting some records that have a Date of Entry to Sped that differs from the IEP Implementation Date. *This is incorrect Rule to remember (not yet an error but will be eventually): Records in paths 2 or 3 that have a Date IEP Implemented should contain that exact same date in the Date of Entry to Special Education field. Indicates the date the student started receiving services in your AU. There is currently not an error that prevents this from happening. Therefore, we need everyone to check their records to make sure these dates are matching up. Records with a Sped Part C Referral 06 should use the first day of school or collection period as the Date of Entry to Sped, and any path 2 or 3 records should use the Date IEP Implemented. 47

48 Status Updates Snapshot processing seems to be back to normal. Most are processing within 30 minutes or less. Web Services - File transfer from Enrich to Data Pipeline is currently down. We expect to have this fixed early next week Workaround is to save your files from Enrich to your computer and upload them manually to Pipeline Warning SY251: this is triggering on too many records- students that came into the reporting period over 3 years old. Bug in the works. Should only trigger on records the were between 2.5 and 3.0 at any time during the reporting period that had a Sped Part C Referral of 01, 03, or 05 48

49 Batch Maintenance Remember to always verify successful file upload under this screen before creating a snapshot! 49

50 All errors resolved – IEP Interchange and Sped EOY Snapshot errors
Upcoming Due Dates Last date to send in Exceptions Tuesday September 8 All errors resolved – IEP Interchange and Sped EOY Snapshot errors Tuesday September 15 50

51 Upcoming Webinars Sped EOY Reports Training Webinar:
Tuesday September 8 from 10:30 – 12:00 51

52 Special Education Discipline

53 Defects Business Rule Related Issues
Student attending a program who doesn’t have a record in the school association file – system needs to reference the child file Issue when Incident Occurred in the Previous Data Collection looking at School Association file Reports Certification Statement Changes Year to Year Report – data issues relative to 1 day Year to Year changes Flag A changed % from 10-20% Detail Reports – number of days removed aren’t calculating correctly 53

54 Report Training Upcoming Report Trainings 08/11/2015 11-12
Adobe Connect web address: Call-in number: (you may need to call in to hear the presentation) The contents covered in 8/4 will be repeated on 8/11. Link to the Discipline Report Webinars - Trainings 54

55 Data Validity Checks The data team has started identifying some possible data reporting issues and will be communicating them out to the field. Some of the issues we’re looking into include: Consistency reporting expulsions between EOY and Discipline Suspensions greater than 25 days Expulsions without services 55

56 Data Reporting Issues Records in Incident but not in Action – URGENT
Add records in Action matching up the Incident Identifier Records in Action but not in Incident Add records in Incident matching up the Incident Identifier Incident and School Comparison Report Work with district respondent to report consistent dates and school codes in discipline and school association Data not uploaded in the Student Interchanges Snapshot errors due to records of students included in the discipline interchanges but not included in the student interchanges 56

57 Deadline Today August 6 – Date by which 90% of your total records must be passed Special Education Discipline Snapshot Validations. Be sure to clean up any outstanding data reporting issues identified by this date. Please do NOT submit data to CDE or send in any reports until August 26th when the collection closes bearing all defects have been resolved. Thank you 57

58 Questions If you have ANY questions about the Special Education Discipline Data Collection please feel free to contact us.  We are just a phone call away! Kristi Gleason Data Custodian Lindsey Heitman Please include the following team members in your communications In the subject line of the if you would please include the following information: District number Administrative Unit number Subject of the along with any business rules or name of a report if applicable. 58

59 Town Hall Summer Calendar

60 Summer Schedule August Town Hall will be held every other week:
August 20 and 27 (No Town Hall on August 13) 60

61 Thanks for your participation!
                “It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” ― Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib Thanks for your participation! ZZZZZZZZZ The Dog Days of Summer Next Town Hall: Thursday, August 20th, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m. 61

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