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Mastering Moodle’s Learning Activities

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Presentation on theme: "Mastering Moodle’s Learning Activities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mastering Moodle’s Learning Activities
Rafael Scapin, Ph.D. Coordinator of Educational Technology Information Systems and Technology (IST) Dawson College

2 Content What is Moodle? How to Access it? Course Formats
An Overview of Moodle Main Features Questions Activities and Resources Learning Activities – Best Practices Embedding External Resources Using the Cloud

3 What is Moodle ? Moodle is a free, open source Course Management System (CMS) / Learning Management System (LMS) Acronym for: Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment Moodle is used in 200+ countries in 100+ languages. Moodle was created in 1999 by Martin Dougiamas, a WebCT administrator at Curtin University, Australia Latest stable version: 3.4.1 Dawson uses version 3.2.7

4 Accessing Moodle

5 Accessing Moodle

6 Accessing Moodle

7 Moodle Hierarchy Administrator Teacher Non-Editing Teacher Student

8 Course Formats

9 The “Scroll of Death”

10 Course Formats: Topics

11 Course Formats: Weekly

12 Course Formats: Collapsed Topics

13 Course Formats: Grid

14 Moodle Main Features

15 Moodle Main Features

16 Attendance List

17 Attendance List

18 Activities and Resources

19 Use of Activities in Moodle Asynchronous online discussions (Forums)
• Reflection and analysis via carefully constructed questions • Need guidelines and facilitation to keep the activity focused on the goals/objectives of the lesson (instructor to model at the beginning of the course, and then students can have opportunity to create discussion questions and facilitate) • Feedback in the form of a grade, or as a summary of the discussion topic

20 Use of Activities in Moodle
Case study (Forum, Assignment, Turnitin) • Analysis, synthesis, and application of course content through responses and interaction • Students could post their answers, and then it becomes the basis for an online discussion

21 Use of Activities in Moodle
Group assignment (Wiki, Forum, Assignment, Turnitin) • Small groups construct a solution to a given problem, and demonstrate their understanding through some sort of digital presentation (can be to whole class) Debates (Wiki, Forum, Voice Activity, video upload through Assignment or Forum) • Teams discuss a controversial topic/article in a structured forum, each taking a position • Promotes analysis and synthesis

22 Use of Activities in Moodle Self-check activities
A Quiz that is marked by Moodle A Q & A forum where the students can only see the Instructor’s post/correct answer (and all other students’ answers) after they post their thoughts first An Assignment where the students can get participation marks for completing it, and then the Instructor can post the answers as a file/document so they can check their own work

23 Creating Groups

24 Creating Groups

25 Groups and Groupings Use Groups in Moodle, to assign a particular activity (or all course activities) to groups of students. Groups can be especially useful for activities where students interact with one another. With forums, wikis, and databases, students in the same group can post and reply only to each other. Each group member always works in their own group, but you can control whether or not they can see contributions of members of other groups. Groupings are a collection of groups, and you can assign activities to specific groupings as needed.

26 Assignments Separate students by groups
Use an anti-plagiarism plugin (Turnitin) Audio files (Poodll plugin) Restrict access

27 Assignments

28 Assignments

29 Assignments: Rubric

30 Quizzes Separate students by groups Select desired feedback
Restrict access

31 Quizzes Setup the quiz features Add questions
Creating a quiz in Moodle is a 2-step procedure: Setup the quiz features Add questions

32 Quizzes Setup the quiz

33 Quizzes Setup the quiz

34 Quizzes Adding questions

35 Quizzes Adding questions


37 Cloud Storage Platforms
15 GB for free. $1.99/month for 100 Gb. $9.99/month 1 Terabyte 5 Gb for free. 50 Gb for $1.99/month. 1 T for $6.99/month Dawson’s Faculty and Students have 1T for free!


39 How Safe is it? Encrypted Data Not Encrypted Data

40 Why Using Cloud Storage? Traditional Way to Exchange Files

41 Why Using Cloud Storage? Exchanging Files in the Cloud

42 Why Using Cloud Storage?
Exchanging Files in the Cloud: Multiple Devices

43 Adding External Resources Embedding a Youtube Video

44 Adding External Resources Embedding a Youtube Video

45 Adding External Resources Embedding a Youtube Video

46 Adding External Resources Embedding a Youtube Video

47 Adding External Resources Embedding a Youtube Video

48 Adding External Resources Embedding a Youtube Video

49 Adding External Resources Embedding Office 365 Files

50 Adding External Resources Embedding Office 365 Files

51 Adding External Resources Embedding Office 365 Files

52 Adding External Resources Embedding Office 365 Files

53 Getting Feedback: Feedback
The feedback activity module enables a teacher to create a custom survey for collecting feedback from participants using a variety of question types including multiple choice, yes/no or text input. Feedback responses may be anonymous if desired, and results may be shown to all participants or restricted to teachers only.

54 Getting Feedback: Feedback

55 Getting Feedback: Choice
The choice activity module enables a teacher to ask a single question and offer a selection of possible responses. Choice results may be published after students have answered, after a certain date, or not at all. Results may be published with student names or anonymously. A choice activity may be used: As a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic To quickly test students' understanding To facilitate student decision-making, for example allowing students to vote on a direction for the course

56 Getting Feedback: Choice

57 Getting Feedback: Questionnaire
The questionnaire module allows you to construct surveys using a variety of question types, for the purpose of gathering data from users.

58 Getting Feedback: Survey
The survey activity module provides a number of verified survey instruments that have been found useful in assessing and stimulating learning in online environments. A teacher can use these to gather data from their students that will help them learn about their class and reflect on their own teaching. Note that these survey tools are pre-populated with questions. Teachers who wish to create their own survey should use the feedback activity module.

59 Getting Feedback: Survey

60 Turnitin Module

61 Moodle Apps (iOS & Android)

62 Resources Moodle News:
Slideshare: DawsonITE:

63 Resources

64 Canadian Moodle Moot 2018 February 21-24, 2018

65 Questions

66 Contact Book an Appointment:
Book an Appointment:

67 Thank you very uch !

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