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Summary of Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Studies

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1 Summary of Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Studies
Patrick Morrison IAFF Assistant to the General President for Health, Safety and Medicine

2 Overall Cancer Risk Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States (after heart disease) Cancer takes years to develop (latency) Multiple factors affect risk for developing cancer Smoking, diet, genetics/family history, occupational & environmental exposures

3 Connecting Exposure to Cancer
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Known human carcinogens (Group 1) How do we determine if occupational exposures result in an increased risk for developing cancer in fire fighters?

4 Relevant Research Approaches
Animal exposure studies Human epidemiology studies Cancer in fire fighters Cohort studies Similar exposures or fire fighter occupation in patients with specific types of cancer Case-control studies

5 Relevant Epidemiologic Studies
Meta-analysis Research technique combining multiple studies Increased power to detect risk with more participants Quality, consistency of data LeMasters Combined data in 32 studies of fire fighters for 20 different cancer types Risks for 10 types of cancer (50%) were significantly increased Risks for the other 10 were increased although not significant LeMasters et al. JOEM, 2006

6 NIOSH Fire Fighter Cancer Study
US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) One of the largest studies of US fire fighters ~30,000 career fire fighters Chicago, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Employed between 1950 and 2009 Non-white and female fire fighters included

7 NIOSH Study Phase I Compared cancer deaths and diagnoses in fire fighters to general public Control for age, sex, race and calendar-time Results 4461 cancer diagnoses, 3285 deaths Increase in cancer rates overall (death and diagnosis) Significant increases for gastrointestinal, genitourinary and lung cancers Daniels et al., Occ Env Med. 2013

8 Actual Risk of Cancer in Fire Fighters
Many news articles claim fire fighters have a 68% risk of cancer compared to 22% in the general public and reference the NIOSH study Of 29,993 fire fighters in the NIOSH study 3285 (11%) died from cancer compared to 2882 (9.6%) expected based on age, race and sex 14% higher risk (3285/2882); 403 more deaths 4461 (14.9%) were diagnosed with cancer compared to 4093 (13.6%) expected 9% higher risk; 368 more diagnoses Firefighter Cancer Support Network:

9 NIOSH Study Phase 2: Exposure
Detailed work histories of position(s) each fire fighter held and the length of time in the position Very challenging Cumulative number of fire runs, exposed days, fire run-hours Lack of data on use of personal protective equipment and diesel exhaust controls Compare cancer risk in higher exposed fire fighter compared to lower exposed Lung cancer and leukemia risk increased with exposure Colon and prostate cancer risk decreased Daniels et al., Occ Env Med. 2015

10 Nordic Study Cohort study of cancer incidence (diagnosis) in 16,422 fire fighters from five Nordic countries National cancer registries linked to census data on occupation from Increased risk for all cancers combined Statistically significant increases in specific cancers Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, lung and prostate cancer In specific ages: mesothelioma and multiple myeloma in 70+ year olds Did not observe change in prostate cancer risk after screening started Pukkala, et al. Occ Env Med. 2014

11 Australian Study Cancer mortality and incidence in 17,394 full-time fire fighters followed from Excess risk of diagnosis for all cancers, prostate and melanoma Less risk of lung cancer (authors attributed to less smoking) Internal exposure analyses for years as fire fighter and # fires Kidney and prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma associated with longer service Prostate cancer also associated with increased attendance at fires Melanoma not associated with longer service but also not increased in fire fighters from sunniest study location Glass, et al. Occ Env Med 2016

12 Other Studies Cohort studies Case-control
Danish, French, Korean, Scottish, Swedish Case-control California cancer registry

13 Which Cancers Are Work-related in Fire Fighters?
Meta-analysis UK IOM Study quality Consider consistency across studies

14 Cancers listed if significant in ≥ 2 studies
Significant overall or in *specific age group; A=Australia, C=California, K=Korea; Cancers listed if significant in ≥ 2 studies

15 Challenges in Epidemiologic Studies in Fire Fighters
Exposure misclassification Healthy worker effect Australian study as example All cause death = 0.67 Small population sizes Underestimation of true risk All cause death = 0.67 (CI = )

16 Challenges in Epidemiologic Studies in Fire Fighters
Lack of data on other cancer risk factors Smoking, family history, diet, weight, other exposures Significance of effect size Risk of lung cancer from environmental tobacco smoke is ~ 1.25 Vineis P et al. Environmental Health. 2009

17 US Cancer Mortality Progress
Death rate dropped 26% from 1991 to 2015 ~ 2,378,600 fewer cancer deaths than if rates continued at 1991 level Remains second leading cause of death 609,640 cancer deaths estimated in 2018 Siegel/American Cancer Society. CA Cancer J Clin 2018.

18 American Society of Clinical Oncology’s National Cancer Opinion Survey: 4,016 adults in July, 2017

19 Selected Cancer Types by Risk Factor*
Obesity Uterine, breast, kidney, liver, pancreatic, and colorectal Alcohol Breast, mouth/throat, and colorectal Human papilloma virus Cervical, anal, and oropharyngeal Smokeless tobacco Mouth, esophageal, pancreatic *Listed by estimated number of cancers caused; Islami et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018;

20 Unvalidated Cancer Screening Tests
Does the test reduce death or illness from the cancer when used in asymptomatic populations (compared to standard screening if applicable)? Risk not from test but from response to the test DermSpectra Thyroid scan Blood tests: ONCOblot, IvyGene, BreastSentry, Guardant360, thymidine kinase 1 Canine scent detection (cancer sniffing dogs) Whole body imaging: ultrasound, CT

21 IAFF Recommendations Efforts to reduce both occupational and non-occupational risk factors Established cancer screening tests Wellness-Fitness Initiative Cancer Awareness Course WFI screening based on general population recommendations of authoritative organizations (American Cancer Society (ACS), US Preventive Services Task Force, American Heart Association) modified to reflect increased risk in fire fighters

22 Summary of Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Studies
Patrick Morrison IAFF Assistant to the General President for Health, Safety and Medicine

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