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Section 2 Renaissance moves North

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1 Section 2 Renaissance moves North

2 I. Renaissance Spreads North
Johann Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press increases the availability of books, allowing information and ideas to spread (p435) Trade and industry in the North expanded Feudal and religious base weakened Scholars in Northern Europe became interested in humanism

3 II. Literature of the Northern Renaissance
Literature focused on Christian humanism Writers pointed out problems that existed in the Church and society 1. Erasmus – Catholic priest, wrote In Praise of Folly-which mocked certain church practices which he thought covered up corruption

4 C. Writers experimented with new ideas and unfamiliar literary forms
2. Sir Thomas More-wrote Utopia which describes a perfect place . He points out that in the world there are conflicts between the powerful and the weak C. Writers experimented with new ideas and unfamiliar literary forms 1. Francois Rabelais-used comedy to express humanist ideas 2. Sir Thomas Wyatt-introduced the sonnet to the English

5 3. William Shakespeare-poet and playwright, his plays entertained the masses with his tales of human nature and emotion

6 III. Art of the Northern Renaissance
Art featured realistic portrayals of subjects and details of everyday life Jan van Eyck was a well known Renaissance painter from the Netherlands (437) Albrecht Durer’s work reflected the Italian style . His work reflected events that shook the religious foundations of Europe





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