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Light, Science and Society

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Presentation on theme: "Light, Science and Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Light, Science and Society

2 Letter from ministry Challenges Read the letter.
It is available in English, Portuguese, Italian and Irish

3 Science Didactics Erasmus I.P. Development of Science Education ‘ Light’ in Science and Society Development of ‘Light’ Science Education

4 Concept - Context Challenges Didactic challenges in Science Education
Classical approach: Content based education through different science concepts Problem: pupils don’t see the connection between the concepts (Irrelevant content) Possible solution: introduce an overall connecting context to link the different science concepts (Context based education)

5 Context based education
Challenges Context based education Direct link with the perception of the pupils and therefore relevant to them. Development of knowledge originates from the context (Constructivistic approach) Through the direct link with the perception a bridge with relevant issues in society is made (Social constructivistic method)

6 Goals of today's workshop
Challenges Goals of today's workshop 1. Introduction to the module developed by us as an example of a context based didactical approach. ! FOCUS ON APPROACH, NOT THE SCIENCE CONTENT! 2. Evaluate the context based method developed by us and how it can be used and improved.

7 The Context

Description 1 Sunlight! Source of sustainable enery 2 The Global Carbon Cycle 3 The energy within the light 4 Solar cells 5 Electrolysis 6 Carbon dioxide capture (CO2) 7 Catalysis 8 Fuel cells versus combustion engines 9 (Lab work) Lab work on solar cells and the fuel cell ! FOCUS ON APPROACH, NOT THE SCIENCE CONTENT!

9 Programme 1. Read letter of Ministry
2. Introduction Context based Education 3. Work through Lessons (Groupwork) (45 minutes) Break (10 minutes) 4. Evaluate Context based Education approach (Groupwork) (60 minutes) Break (10 minutes) 5. Group discussion (30 minutes)

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