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Question 1: Where did the idea to start your own business come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Question 1: Where did the idea to start your own business come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question 1: Where did the idea to start your own business come from?
FINLAND: He had nothing else to do so he attempted to open up a business. FRANCE: After spending some time as simple employee her boss decided to quit due to high rent ,but he proposed her to become the boss of the shop because the shop was going well. After she took a loan from the bank she decided to open up a shop of her own. ITALY: He did not start his own business but took over a company and with the help of slow and methodical changes he made the company bigger. GREECE:S he thought she had the right qualifications to be a teacher so she decides to start a business by making a school that teaches foreign languages to people. POLAND: He read a book called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" which inspired him to start a business.

2 Question 2: What did you have to do to set up your company
Question 2: What did you have to do to set up your company? Did you have any difficulties? If yes, what difficulties? SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES There are a lot of paper to do The registration of the company Change of management The French entrepreneur in the video give the hard work to a professional It’s not really difficult for the Finland In Greece they have to spend some money The Poland entrepreneur wasn’t difficult

3 Question 3: What was the process of the company registration like
Question 3: What was the process of the company registration like? Was it simple or complicated? FRANCE The interviewed person does not know because she hired somebody else. She does not know for the previous reason but she imagines it really hard . FINLAND The only thing that you have to do is to register your self as an entrepreneur It was really simple as the bureaucratic system of the country is not as complicated as in other countries. ITALY It is pretty simple as the process is really short. But unfortunately you have to pay lot of money It can be regarded simple as the whole process takes only two r three weeks. POLAND The only thing that he had to do was to fill in some paperwork and hand them over on an registration office. It was really easy especially for him because the previous company that he was working for helped him a lot. GREECE It depends from the type of company that you want to start. It was pretty complicated because she had to pay a lot of taxes.

4 Question 4: What are the top three skills needed to become an entrepreneur?
COUNTRIES SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES Finland France Greece Poland Italy Passion Determination Leadership Good-planning Endurance To be sociable Knowledge Management

5 Question 5: What are the main advantages of being an entrepreneur ?
THE OTHER ONES FRANCE Freedom and independence Flexibility concerning vacation FINLAND Entertainment and fun Free time GREECE Free will in the midst of action Future in your own hand ITALY Time flexibility Independence , personal agenda , cooperation with people that have the same attitude and ideas , satisfaction from your own success POLAND Waking up whenever you want Dedication to an idea , decision making , impact on the development of a company

6 Question 6: What do you think of your decision to set up your own business after some years of being the owner of the company? Are you satisfied with being self-employed or would you rather work for somebody now? COUNTRIES FEELINGS SELF-EMPLOYED OR EMPLOYEE? ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES FINLAND Totally satisfied Self-employed There are some ups and downs FRANCE Nice Self confidence More aggressive More creative Do whatever you want, whenever you want. You don’t know how the day will go GREECE Satisfied ITALY You can see the result of your choice There’s no free-time for friends and family POLAND Many difficulties

7 Question 7: If you could start again your business, would you change something?
YES FRANCE She would like to be more competitive and more straight away. ITALY He would like to start step by step. NO GREECE She would not like to change anything, she is satisfied about herself. FINLAND He would not change anything because he is satisfied by his business. POLAND He is satisfied , he wouldn’t change anything because he feels comfortable with all the people who work with him.

8 Question 8: Give 3 pieces of advice to students who think of becoming entrepreneurs
FINLAND You should like what you do and decide to do it yourself and not for somebody else. FRANCE Be passionate. Be self-confident. Be sociable. GREECE Think before you act. Never stop learning. Be honest and decent. ITALY Be curious. Invest your time in what you do and work hard. POLAND Meet other entrepreneurs. Start doing something to search what makes you happy, what are the priorities. Start the business with these things and be active.

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