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Parents’ Coffee Morning
Year 5 and 6 Parents’ Coffee Morning English Autumn Term 2016
Aims To inform you of the Year 5 and 6 Reading, Writing and SPaG curriculum objectives To provide ways to support your child at home To explore websites and strategies for learning.
The national curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils:
read easily, fluently and with good understanding develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.
Assessment descriptors
At Avenue, use the terms ‘EMERGING’, ‘EXPECTED’ and ‘EXCEEDING’ to describe your child’s attainment against the expected standard for their year group. Emerging – means your child is working towards the expected standard for their year group Expected – means your child is working at the expected standard for their year group Exceeding – means your child is working at greater depth within the standard for their year group
The Year 2 and 6 criteria is statutory
The Year 2 and 6 criteria is statutory. The years inbetween have been collated by the school.
Writing objectives- Spelling
Year 5/6 focuses: Prefixes and suffixes Spell some words with ‘silent’ letters e.g. knowledge Homophones and other confusing spellings e.g. which and witch Use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words Use a thesaurus to find synonyms of a word.
Spelling Lesson Structure
Review- previous learning from other year groups or within the year group Teach- explicitly teach spelling rules and share the common exception words or word list Practise- pupils work independently so that they can practise their new learning Apply- children complete an activity and apply their knew knowledge
Strategies to support at home
There are lots of ways to help children with spelling at home. It is beneficial to provide a range of activities e.g. visual, kinaesthetic. As well as the activities in the spelling support pack, children could also: Write shopping list Stick post-it notes around the house Be tested on words at random times (in the car) Discuss spellings when reading Use a dictionary at home to help with independent spelling activities.
Useful websites Topmarks Spell Zone
Kids Spell Key Stage 2 Literacy
Writing objectives- punctuation
Year 5: All year 4 punctuation (see handout) Commas in a list Apostrophes for contractions e.g. don’t instead of do not Commas, brackets or dashes to show embedded clauses (parenthesis) Use and understand the grammatical terminology. Commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing
Writing objectives- punctuation
Year 6: All year 5 expected punctuation (see handout) Inverted commas to show direct speech Commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing Brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis Hyphens to avoid ambiguity Semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries between main clauses Colon to introduce a list Punctuating bullet points consistently Use and understand the grammatical terminology.
Writing objectives- grammar
Year 5: Adverbials of time, place and manner to link ides across paragraphs Pronouns and nouns used to avoid repetition A range of sentence starters including fronted adverbials Some cohesive devices Nouns and expanded noun phrases modified by prepositional phrases Embedded clauses (parenthesis) A range of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Verb forms mostly accurate
Writing objectives- grammar
Year 6: Use adventurous vocabulary to create atmosphere within writing Recognise vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms Cohesive devices including adverbials Passive, active and modal verbs Wide range of sentence structures Expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and adverbs to add detail, qualification and precision
How you can support with grammar and punctuation at home
IXL Oxford Owl Primary Homework Help Fun English Games Twinkl
Reading In Year 5 and 6, children enhance their
reading skills by focussing on three main areas. Reading for pleasure Read a range of genres that are structured in different ways Making comparisons within and across books Preparing and reading poetry by heart Understanding texts Ask questions to improve their understanding Make predictions Infer characters feelings, thoughts, actions Summarising main ideas
Reading Discussion Discuss and evaluate how authors use language
Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction Challenge others’ views with own opinions Provide reasoned justifications for their views Reading is taught through either whole class comprehension lessons, where all children will focus on the same book and text, or through differentiated texts, where children work in a focus group with the class teacher. Please see handout for full reading objectives covered.
How you can support with reading at home
Children should be reading everyday, either independently or to someone. They should be questioned on what they have read as many children can show good reading skills, but may not understand what they have read. Use the questioning support in the reading support pack to help you with this. Explain why a character did something. Explain a character's different/changing feelings throughout a story. How do you know? What are the clues that a character is liked/disliked/envied/feared/loved/hated etc…? What is similar/different about two characters? Why is 'x' (character/setting/event) question/bullet/subheading/table etc to present the information? Where does it tell you that…?
How you can support with reading at home
Oxford Owl Twinkl Primary Resources
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