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University of Birmingham and Talis

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1 University of Birmingham and Talis
More than one way to flip a class: learning analytics for mixed models of learning Alan Dix University of Birmingham and Talis @alanjohndix

2 why flip? R&D reuse MOOC materials Talis lighthouse trial

3 Human–Computer Interaction
online HCI course (2013) Human–Computer Interaction basic video … but loads of it! course now hosted at OER site

4 lighthouse pilot universal player micro-analytics … individual course resource student

5 why flip? pedagogy Pros Cons
better use of face-to-face time greater student autonomy more flexible learning etc., etc., etc., … lots more work  visibiity & control will they do it? panic!!!!!!

6 autonomous learning?

7 different mixes basics + integration preparatory videos on ‘basics’ followed by integrative lecture (chalk & talk!) 2 fully flipped videos followed by discoursive F2F videos followed by group discussions 2 part & part all material on video, some also taught in class N.B. noticable attendance fall-off when told in advance! 70 students 20 students

8 analytics – who read/viewed what
typically about 1/3 watch everything, 1/3 some, 1/3 none at all! used stats to ‘encourage’ students in class N.B. did not look at individual student analytics students did not seem phased by this level of analytics

9 analytics – how much journal paper PDF recommended reading
most students just read beginning in class explained structure of paper

10 P.S. … fun to watch at exam time ;-)

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