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Office for Student Affairs Kresge G4

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1 Office for Student Affairs Kresge G4

2 OSA Staff Leah Kane – Director Colleen Cronin– Associate Director Luke Sutherland – Housing and Resident Life Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator Joel-Michael Martin – Program Coordinator Katherine Worthington – Program Coordinator

3 Office for Student Affairs (OSA)
Our Mission: To support and enrich the student experience at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health through a wide range of resources, educational, cultural, and social programs. Change add Mission statement and website

4 Student Support Non-Academic Support Academic Support Family Medical
Personal Cultural Student Organizations and Activities Parental accommodations Academic Support Challenges with coursework Communication with Faculty Disability/Medical Accommodation Tutoring Resources Academic Resources: Tutors GSLS Different slide change to from orientation

5 Case Study Discussion Read Case Study Review case as a group
Discuss questions to consider Report back

6 Disability Accommodations
Student Support Disability Accommodations I serve as the local disability coordinator here at the Chan School. Register with us if you have a short-term or long-term disability need. We review your needs and help facilitate the implementation of approved accommodations in collaboration with your faculty, as needed. The registration form can be found on the OSA’s website. You are also welcome just to me directly.

7 Disability Accommodations
Student Support Disability Accommodations PROCESS Receive and assess information with student Determine appropriate classroom accommodations Need to Know Basis: inform primary faculty – sometimes include TA staff Assist with implementing accommodations, as necessary PLEASE REMEMBER – INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL Do not discuss the student’s disability, medical issue or its accommodations in front of anyone Encourage private, closed door conversations Be sensitive to the information Do not agree to informal arrangements COMMON CLASSROOM ACCOMODATIONS Extended time on timed, in-class exams, quizzes and assignments Assigned seats Use of software and equipment Assistive Technology Center (ATC) -student comes to them and discloses their disability check to see if they are working with the LDC/me if not refer -don’t share a student’s disability or ask what the details on the disability is -refer to the do’s/don’t documents -no informal accommodations

8 Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Title IX and the University Policy
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational program and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Title IX protects individuals from, on the basis of sex: Being excluded from participation Being denied benefits Being subjected to discrimination Harvard University Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Policy Consistent with Title IX, and related federal and state laws, the University has adopted the Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment found at Luke [Overview of Title IX – highlight bullet points on slide] Harvard has adopted University’s Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Policy to meet and exceed the requirements of Title IX. It reflects our community commitment to ensuring a safe and non-discriminatory education environment. It include relevant portions: VAWA Reauthorization Act Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (sex discrimination in employment) MA discrimination laws on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity “Harvard University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the University community is, on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any University program or activity. Gender-based and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, are forms of sex discrimination in that they deny or limit an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from University programs or activities.”

9 Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Title IX Office and Title IX Coordinators
Title IX Office Staff 44R Brattle Street, Cambridge Nicole Merhill J.D., Title IX Officer Julia Sáenz J.D., Associate Title IX Officer Harvard Chan Title IX Coordinators Title IX Coordinator for Students Luke Sutherland, Housing and Resident Life Coordinator Title IX Coordinator for Staff Linda Picard, Senior Director of Human Resources Title IX Coordinator for Faculty and Academic Appointees Mahnaz El-Kouedi, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Luke Title IX Office is in the Office of the Provost [Overview TIX Office info on slide] The Title IX Office is charged with addressing, in a neutral manner, disclosed incidents of sexual and gender-based harassment on a university-wide level. TIX Office supports the network of 50+ Title IX Coordinators across the University, including 3 TIXCs at Harvard Chan [Overview TIXCs on slide] Collectively the TIX Office, their team, and the TIXCs provides direct services to members of the Harvard community receive disclosures and supports members impacted initiate and develop training and prevention programs related to sexual and gender-based harassment. On a local level Harvard Chan has an Advisory Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Prevention, which includes members from faculty, staff, students, and academic appointees (post-docs, researchers)

10 Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Confidential vs. Private
Privileged and Confidential Resources Responsible Employees OSAPR staff providing services as rape crisis counselors Faculty Staff Mental health clinicians Deans Lawyers providing legal advice to clients Title IX Coordinators Clergy members Paid student employees Confidential Resources OSAPR staff when not providing services as rape crisis counselors University Ombuds Longwood Ombuds Luke [Overview of confidential vs. private based on participant feedback] “I may not be the person…” You can decide what resources you wish to use. That may be one of the Harvard resources listed above, or it may be a community or governmental resource external to Harvard. It is entirely up to a student whether or not to engage with Title IX Coordinator or any resources the Title IX Coordinator provides.

11 Stop by and visit: Kresge G-4
How to Reach Us ph: (617) Stop by and visit: Kresge G-4


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