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Orthodontic Claims Attachment IG

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1 Orthodontic Claims Attachment IG

2 Current state of Dental Attachments
Dental Provider Insurer Bill/Claim Request for supporting Documentation Screenshots, Images, and/or Scanned Charts (someone needs to read) Claim Response / Payment

3 Future state of Dental Attachments
Dental Provider Insurer Bill/Claim Request for supporting Documentation Computable HL7 CDA with Dental Observations (systems can process) Claim Response / Payment

4 Orthodontic Attachment IG Purpose
Elaborate with specificity how the Orthodontic exams needed by payers should be expressed in a CDA format Align with the ADA guidance for Dental Claims Attachments: ANSI/ADA Standard No Standard Content of Electronic Attachments for Dental Claims - ADA Create an IG that would give developers, payers, and providers the construct to send this data in a structured data context within an attachment in support of a X12 electronic claim Align to existing STU Periodontal Attachment IG

5 ADA 1079 Data Requirements: Yes/No Observations
Possible Orthognathic Surgery Oral Hygiene Acceptability Temporomandibular dysfunction Presence of caries or need for replacement of restorations Other Medical conditions Habits *Deep impinging overbite with destruction of soft tissue *Crossbite of individual anterior teeth with destruction of soft tissue *Severe traumatic deviations *Overjet greater than 9mm with incompetent lips or reverse overjet greater than 3.5mm *Posterior unilateral crossbite *Upper or lower teeth protruding so much that lips cannot be brought together without strain *Marked asymmetry of lower face *Marked recession of gums *Lisping or other speech articulation errors in children 9 years or older *History of or recommendation for speech therapy *Airway issues, e.g., snoring, sleep apnea, mouthbreathing * = Part of HLD Index

6 ADA 1079 Data Requirements: Coded Value Observations
Type of Benefits Case study only (orthodontic records) Interceptive treatment Limited treatment Comprehensive treatment Transfer case Stage of Dentition Primary (deciduous) Mixed (transitional) Permanent Tooth-specific Abnormalities (including tooth number) Ectopic Eruption Missing Impacted Craniofacial anomalies Cleft lip/palate Condylar abnormality Hemifacial macrosomia

7 ADA 1079 Data Requirements: Numeric Measurement Observations
Overjet (mm) Overbite (mm) Open bite (mm) Spacing – Maxilla (mm) Spacing – Mandible (mm) *Anterior crowding – Maxilla (mm) *Anterior crowding – Mandible (mm) *Labiolingual deviation (mm) Salzmann Index (integer) * = Part of HLD Index

8 ADA 1079 Data Requirements: Narrative Observations
Orthodontic Narrative (1000 characters) “Free Text” (possibly scanned images or text?) Narratives Consultations Letters from general dentist/orthodontist/primary care provider/behavioral health specialist/speech therapist Test results such as sleep study/genetics reports Periodontal charting Agency forms

9 Proposed Schedule 2018 2019 2020 Publish Normative Publish STU
STU Ballot Normative Ballot Implementation Feedback Complete STU Reconciliation Complete STU Reconciliation

10 Questions? Russ Ott –
Nancy Orvis – Jean Narcisi -

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