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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME CLASS OF 2018!."— Presentation transcript:


2 ORIENTATION AGENDA August 17, 2016
I Welcome/Introductions II Program of Study III Policies and Procedures ( IV Counseling and Psychological Services V ASHA Certification Standards VI Clinical Education APPROXIMATE BREAK VII Dr. Ora Strickland, Dean, Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences VIII Knowledge and Skills Portfolio IX Record Keeping X CAA Re-accreditation Site Visit XI Advisors XII NSSHLA

3 Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders Faculty: Monica Hough, Chair and Professor Alliete Alfano, Assistant Professor Alfredo Ardila, Professor Angela Granese, Assistant Professor Jean Mead, Clinical Assistant Professor Mariateresa (Teri) Muňoz, Clinical Instructor Eliane Ramos, Clinical Associate Professor Adjunct Faculty: Michele Aurignac Cindy Simon Millie Suarez Office Staff: Gilda Patane, Office Manager Kamila Manzueta Naiceli Almeida Nicole Moreno

4 Program of Study: Option I


6 Program of Study: Option II


8 Masters’ Projects & Theses
Provide students with opportunity to synthesize academic and clinical experiences and participate in completion of a DATA-BASED research project within a group of 3-5 students with a CSD faculty mentor. Research project topics are based on the expertise and interest of the faculty mentors. The student selects a group to work with based on their interest in research project topics and availability. A particular group of students and their faculty mentor work on the project for 3 semesters from beginning to completion.

9 Masters’ Projects & Theses
Masters’ Thesis Extensive writing-intensive research project in which the individual student conducts a significant experiment in the CSD field. It usually takes a full year to complete a thesis. The student reads everything available that relates directly and indirectly to their field of study. Then, the student progresses to primary research, involve conducting one's own experiment(s) and defending their findings in an oral forum.

10 Policies & Procedures DEPARTMENTAL WEBSITE:
Important reminders You must receive a grade of B or better to pass a course When you receive a grade below B, you are required to retake the course the next time it is offered DISMISSAL from the Masters program: failing a course twice OR GPA <3.0 in 2 semesters OR Grade below B in more than 2 courses Lapses in enrollment of more than two semesters will require readmission into the program

11 Policies & Procedures PRAXIS (Certification) examination: student will register to take exam next-to-last or last semester in program Goal is to pass the examination the first time you take it You must pass the praxis examination to graduate

12 Policies & Procedures Apply for graduation during semester before graduation (separate application for commencement) You must be enrolled for at least 1 credit in the semester that you plan to graduate All general education prerquisites must be completed to apply for ASHA certification Grievances:

13 Counseling & Psychological Services
Student Health Center (SHC) 270 (CAPS)

14 ASHA Certification Standards
certification/handbooks/slp/slp_standards_new.htm ASHA checklist In addition to undergraduate/post- baccalaureate CSD prerequisites, you need the following general education coursework: 1 College level Mathematics 1 Physical Science (Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Earth Science) 1 Biological Science 2 Behavioral Science (Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology) 1 Statistics

15 ASHA Certification Standards
Knowledge and Skills Outcomes (formerly known as KASA- Knowledge and Skills Acquisition) Standards by semester Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology: FIU Masters’ SLP is an accredited program

16 Clinical Education Clinical Rotations Clinical forms
Drug testing and background checks

17 Record Keeping ALWAYS keep copies of anything you submit to department
Include all academic/clinical work in portfolio Check FIU regularly (check junk mailbox too) Student Mailboxes in AHC3-435

18 CAA Re-accreditation Site Visit
Council on Academic Accreditation for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Accrediting body for all SLP and AuD clinical graduate programs throughout USA FIU Masters’ SLP: undergoing 8 year re-accreditation site visit; last part of process is actual site visit at our program Dates: September 29-30, 2016 Required Student Meeting with Site Visitors: Thursday, Room 407, 4:15-5:00PM

19 Advisors

20 NSSHLA President-Christina Rodriguez:
National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Association FIU Chapter FIU Officers President-Christina Rodriguez: Vice President-Lauren Lopez: Treasurer- Natalie Cuellar: CSO Representative- Ana Arce: Events Coordinator/Secretary- Laura Sanchez:


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