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1 Dreams

2 Dreams We spend 20-25 years of our lives asleep
Newborns sleep about 16 hours a day; adults around 7.5 hours a day Our brainwaves change through four different stages of every ninety minutes of sleep New alarm clock At each stage it more and more difficult to wake the sleeper

3 Sleep The fourth stage results in “deep sleep”
After about 1 hour from the beginning of the cycle, the brainwaves climb back up through the stages again to the first stage. Resulting in REM

4 Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
During the REM stage the person doesn’t wake but their eyes move rapidly beneath their eyelids as if he/she were looking around at things. If you wake someone during this stage they most likely remember dreaming.

5 REM If you wake a person up too early in the REM stage they will experience short tempered behaviour and a lack of concentration. REM is considered the first stage of sleep Your blood pressure rises and heart rate and respiration speeds up and becomes erratic. Where the majority of dreaming occurs

6 Stage 2 You enter into a light sleep.
You experience non-rapid eye movements, muscle relaxation and a slowed heart rate. The body is preparing to enter deep sleep.

7 Stage 3 and 4 These two stages involve periods of deep sleep with stage 4 being more intense than stage 3. Your body temperature drops and muscles relax. You are completely asleep.

8 Sleep The brain remains active during sleep blocking out some stimuli and reacting to others. Sometimes, we weave external events into our dreams. The alarm (music)

9 Freud Believed that dreams were indications of important motives and concerns of our subconscious mind. Dreams are clues to our desires and conflicts.

10 Other Explanations Others have felt that many of our dreams are the result of our experiences of the previous day. Some researchers say that dreams are ways we sort out and store experiences. Deja vu

11 Daydream Studies show that was have a tendency to daydream an average of minutes a day. Level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. Imagination decreases our level of awareness and we lose ourselves in an imagined scenario and fantasy

12 Lucid Dream Occurs when you realize you are dreaming in the middle of a dream. Most people will wake up at this time. Some people have developed a skill to remain in a lucid state of dreaming. They become an active participant in their dream.

13 Nightmare A disturbing dream that causes the dreamer to wake up feeling anxious and frightened. May occur because we have ignored or refused to accept a particular life situation. Nightmares are an indication of a fear that needs to be acknowledged and confronted.

14 Recurring Dreams Dreams that repeat themselves with little variation in the story or theme. May occur because conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved and ignored.

15 Healing Dreams Serve as messages for the dreamer in regards to their health. May tell the dreamer to seek medical help or attention.

16 Prophetic Dreams Dreams that seemingly foretell the future.
Your unconscious mind pieces together information that you conscious mind has not.

17 Epic Dreams Are huge, compelling and vivid. They cannot be ignored.
The details about these dreams can remain with you for years.

18 Did you know? One third of our lives is spent sleeping
6 years of that dreaming. (2100 days in a different world) Everybody dreams, even if you don’t remember them. We dream on average of 1-2 hours every night.

19 More did you know? People who are giving up smoking have longer and more intense dreams. If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming. Five minutes after the end of a dream half the content is forgotten. After 10 minutes, 90% is lost.

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