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At GHS For Underclassmen to ‘Try Out’ Classes of Interest

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1 At GHS For Underclassmen to ‘Try Out’ Classes of Interest
Elective Fair At GHS For Underclassmen to ‘Try Out’ Classes of Interest This fair will be held on Jan. 12, but registration is Jan 4. Parents are invited to help their child to select classes to visit. The class might meet their college or career goals, and this is a way to find out without taking the class.

2 Have you ever wanted to try something first before you got into it?
The Elective Fair is trying out (listening) about new classes without signing up for them. Look at the list, when published, and try out 4 new classes. Is this class (ess) something you want to enroll in? Try a class on to see if it is something you want to sign up for. Some of these classes you did not know that we had here at Gaithersburg High.

3 Objective of the fair? To inform students of the :
multiple course offerings that will interest all Trojans for their quest for job entry skills towards Careers in Industry or Courses for College Careers Sign up to visit classes Jan 4, Return forms Visit 4 career/elective classes Jan 12

4 Registration Form to be completed.
Students will receive this form to write down 4 selected to visit (Try On).

5 List of classes and programs to visit/ Try out. Did you know…
List of classes and programs to visit/ Try out. Did you know…..80 choices 2047 This is a partial list of classes from which to select (Try On)

6 What are you considering for your future?
Others? What do you think that you want to be or do when you grow up? High School classes are you opportunity to get a jumpstart in the career field of your choice. Try it on. You might need it. Be prepared with knowledge.

7 What do you bring to your career decision?
Your basic skills may lead you to a great career? What do you like to do? What are your passionate dreams? Those criteria can lead to a customized career.

8 Did you know that we have courses to help you to...
Fit into the follow- ing areas of the Labor Force. These are categories of careers that the USDof Labor. Which ones do you think that you can make a difference and bring new ideas?

9 Visual Arts Art is the A in STEAM. There are many parts of art that can be partnered with other fields for a unique opportunity. Ie. Auto Body and Art= cars with flames on the sides, Medicine + Art= plastic surgery

10 Teaching or Owning a Day Care Center / School
Which is your choice? Bachelor, Master or Advanced Master’s Degree Salary Teaching goes with all fields. What other occupation would you partner with teaching? Business, singing,math, science, cooking, dentistry, etc. GHS has a preschool to learn how to and practice teach. Try it.

11 Money Finance Banking Accounting

12 Social Studies Law Government Manager
Other careers?

13 World Languages Translators in all careers
Are you good at listening and speaking? What other field can be used with other world languages. You decide.

14 Science STEM STEAM Engineering
There are so many field in science. What is your passion? Find the one you like. Seek more classes. Talk to your teachers for more details

15 Auto technology Transportation Auto body/repair
Do you like to take engines apart and put the m back together? Problem solving? Auto tech is your field. Auto Body is repairing dents, painting the car, solving problems and estimating the costs for repairs.

16 Mental Health Services
Psychology Sociology Child development AP Psychology Do you like helping people? These careers and classes can fine tune your skills to professionally help others to be successful. What are you passionate about? Which age group?

17 Cosmetology Human Services (9th graders only)
A Three year Program with culimination with Licensing by the Md. State Board Of Cosmetology This is a three year program, so only 9 th grades can apply. Do you like to help people? You have to study many scientific terms and processes. At the end of the course, you will earn knowledge and hours to take the licensing exam. You will graduate with a diploma and a hairdressers license. Win Win

18 Auditory Arts Playing Singing Managing sound

19 TV Production Public Speaking Reporting

20 Construction Trades at Edison High School

21 Computer Science and Technology
3 pathways in computers: building/repair, networking, web design, and gaming. Which one is for you?

22 Culinary Arts Prep, Cooking Plate Designing Nutritional analysis
Back of the house Front of the house Your own restaurant

23 Art through Dance Which Style Do you Do well?

24 Sports, Training, and Sports Medicine Careers

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