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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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1 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

2 AIDS Attacks the immune system so that certain cells do not work properly Therefore…the immune system is compromised

3 Caused by the HIV virus Stands for Human Immunodificiency-Virus
A person can be infected with virus…but not have AIDS (yet) A person with HIV can transmit it to other people

4 HIV Classification It’s a retrovirus (very complex replication cycle)
Contains RNA Contains the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase (makes DNA from an RNA sequence)

5 Means of transmitting HIV
Sexual contact (intercourse) Through blood You CANNOT get HIV by Kissing/saliva Shaking hands/physical contact Drinking after someone with HIV

6 Why don’t we have a vaccine for AIDS?
The outer knobs are PROTEINS, which are antigens The key to producing a vaccine against HIV is to trigger the body to produce antibodies specific to the antigens on the HIV knobs

7 How does the virus infect our cells?
The virus protein knobs attach to a receptor in the plasma membrane of a helper T cell The virus penetrates the cell This allows the virus cell the fuse with the T cell membrane The virus uses the cell’s RNA to synthesize viral DNA within the host cell REFER TO YOUR DIAGRAM, STEPS 2-4

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