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For Monday Continue working on Lon-Capa.

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Presentation on theme: "For Monday Continue working on Lon-Capa."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Monday Continue working on Lon-Capa.
Assignment #2 due Monday, 9/12 by 5 pm Assignment #3 due Monday, 9/19 by 5 pm Finish reading Chapter 5 and doing the Chapter 5 homework. Watch Chapter 5 videos if you haven’t already done so. See me or me if there are any questions or concerns.

2 Chapter 5: Challenge Problem

3 Gas Law Problem You heat 5.00-g of KClO3. Determine the volume of oxygen gas collected at 1.00 atm and 25°C. KClO3 (s)  KCl (s) + O2 (g) [1.50 L]

4 Clicker Question Suppose we ignite an equimolar (equal moles) mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases to produce water vapor in a rigid closed container at constant temperature. Determine the final pressure (Pf) in the container in terms of the initial pressure (Pi).  a) Pf = 2Pi b) Pf = (1/2)Pi c) Pf = (2/3)Pi d) Pf = (3/4)Pi e) I do not know how to do this.

5 Kinetic Molecular Theory
Gases consist of particles in constant random motion. Temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy. Pressure is due to collisions of gas particles with the container.

6 The Partial Pressure of each Gas in a Mixture of Gases in a Container Depends on the Number of Moles of that Gas

7 KMT (assumptions) Assume gas particles exert no forces on each other.
Assume the volume of the individual gas particles is negligible (zero). Identity of the gas doesn’t matter!

8 PV/nRT vs. P

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