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Adjutant General School Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data

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1 Adjutant General School Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data
BOLC-B Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data SHOW SLIDE 1: PREPARE UNIT PERSONNEL STRENGTH DATA ADMINISTRATIVE DATA: Academic Hours/Methods 0 hr/10 min Introduction 3 hrs / Conference / Discussion 1 hr / 30 Min Practical Exercise 0 hr/10 min Summary 5 hrs / 0 Min Total Hours INTRODUCTION: Method of Instructions: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Large Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE. NOTE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. MOTIVATOR: For the next few hours, we will discuss Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Reporting Data and how the management of data accuracy and data reconciliation of personnel systems are critical to the manning levels and deployed strength of a unit. NOTE: Ask the students if anyone has ever prepared Strength Reporting (SR) data. Discuss student answers to determine their prior knowledge and experience with SR. Almost all students should have raised their hand…if they have ever been in a leadership position, they have accounted for their subordinates and reported the strength to higher, even if it was just in a First Sergeant’s accountability formation. It is a fundamental Army task, but one that we seem to have a difficult time getting accurate.

2 Terminal Learning Objective
LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for preparing personnel strength data. At the conclusion of this block of instruction, students will be able to identify and correctly use the proper reporting format, utilize DTAS, and submit eMILPO strength transaction. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Teamwork and Collaboration Communication and Engagement Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Tactical and Technical Competence TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to FM 1-0, ADRP 3-0 and ADRP 5-0, Deployed Theater Accounting System (DTAS) Functional Guidance, eMILPO Training Database, and student reading assignment material and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standards: Students will meet the standard when they: Define Strength Reporting Principles Define Strength Reporting doctrinal responsibilities at each echelon of command Identify Strength Reporting formats Submit eMILPO Strength Reporting transactions Reconcile Unit Personnel Accountability Report Identify Strength Reporting Enabling Systems Utilize DTAS SHOW SLIDE 2: LESSON OUTCOME, 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES, & TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform Soldiers of the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO), Lesson Outcomes, and 21st Century Competencies SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 DD Form 2977 DELIBERATE RISK ASSESMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL- RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK. EVALUATION: You will be evaluated at the end of the block of instructions. Students must achieve a 70% to obtain a passing score. International Officers must achieve a 60%. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. Understanding Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data’s relationship with other HR Core Competencies and Key Functions is critical to your success as an HR Professional. This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for processing awards. These Soldiers display a progression of competencies and attributes in the following general learning outcomes: (1) Professional Competence (2) Team Building (3) Adaptability (4) Lifelong Learning 21st Century Soldier Competencies are outlined in Appendix C of TRADOC Pamphlet (The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015) are general areas of competence or attributes required by Students and leaders to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. Together, they provide a foundation for operational adaptability.

3 HR Enduring Principles
Integration Tasks and functions Systems and processes Organizations Unity of purpose and effort Responsiveness Right support to the right place at the right time Resources, capabilities and information Synchronization Effectively aligned Time, space, purpose Maximum readiness and operational capabilities Competency Based Performance Oriented SHOW SLIDE 3: HR ENDURING PRINCIPLES FM 1-0, Para 1-3 a. HR support uses a competency-based and performance-oriented strategy guided by HR enduring principles that assure a higher quality, more diverse and ready Total Army enabled by effective HR systems and agile policies. HR leaders have a responsibility to not only understand the importance of their efforts and unit mission, but also the missions of all their supported and supporting units. To meet the challenges of current and future operations, leaders are guided by six interdependent enduring principles of HR support that must be thoughtfully weighted and applied during the planning, execution, and assessment of missions. These six principles are: (1) Integration. Integration maximizes efficiency by joining all elements of HR support (tasks, functions, systems, processes, and organizations) with operations ensuring unity of purpose and effort to accomplish the mission. (2) Anticipation. Anticipation relies on professional judgment resulting from experience, knowledge, education, intelligence, and intuition to foresee events and requirements in order to initiate the appropriate HR support. (3) Responsiveness. Responsiveness is providing the right support to the right place at the right time. It is the ability to meet ever-changing requirements on short notice and to apply HR support to meet changing circumstances during current and future operations. It involves identifying, accumulating, and maintaining sufficient resources, capabilities, and relevant information to enable commanders to make rapid decisions. (4) Synchronization. Synchronization is ensuring HR support operations are effectively aligned with military actions in time, space, and purpose to produce maximum relative readiness and operational capabilities at a decisive place and time. It includes ensuring the HR operational process is planned, executed, and assessed. (5)Timeliness. Timeliness ensures decision makers have access to relevant HR information and analysis that support current and future operations. It also supports a near real-time common operational picture across all echelons of HR support. (6) Accuracy. Accuracy of information impacts not only on decisions made by commanders, but impacts Soldiers and their Families. For Soldiers, accurate information impacts their careers, retention, compensation, promotions, and general well being. For Family members, accuracy of information is critical for next of kin (NOK) notification if a Soldier becomes a casualty. HR providers must understand the dynamic nature of HR system’s architecture and the fact that data input at the lowest level has direct impact on decisions being made at the highest level. Anticipation Project requirements Intuitive nature Experience, knowledge and education based Timeliness Relevant HR information Thorough analysis Near real-time common operational picture Accuracy Attention-to-detail oriented Understand the dynamics of data input to HR systems

4 HR Focus Agile and Clear HR Policies Effective HR Practices
Encompassing and flexible Effective HR Practices Streamlined, intuitive, stable, and predictable Competency-based Skills Align responsibilities, knowledge, skills, attributes Outcome-oriented Actions The ends drive the means Self-Development Competent and confident HR Leaders SHOW SLIDE 4: HR FOCUS FM 1-0, para 1-4 b. FOCUS of hr operations - Meeting the goal of providing efficient and effective HR support relies on multi-functional HR leaders who focus their knowledge and skills in support of the Army’s most important asset – its people. Only those who think strategically and work collaboratively, while inspiring and leading Soldiers and civilians can achieve desired outcomes. In all areas, HR personnel should focus on the following: (1) Agile and clear HR policies. HR policies must be clear, encompassing, and flexible enough to apply to the greatest number of personnel and address the widest range of circumstances. They must be adaptable enough to be able to guide and inform personnel in complex and changeable circumstances. (2) Effective HR practices. HR practices that emanate from the policy-level should be streamlined, intuitive, and able to effect stable and predictable process results. (3) Competency-based skills. HR personnel must be competent and able to accomplish HR core competencies and key functions. Competencies align the responsibilities, knowledge, skills and attributes needed to fulfill mission requirements. (4) Outcome-oriented actions. In an environment that measures HR performance, the emphasis is on successful outcomes in fulfillment of mission priorities. While it is important to have effective HR processes and practices in place, it is critical that the ends drive the means. (5) Self development. Self development is one of three domains of leader development and requires leaders to display discipline and a desire for excellence in lifelong learning. Using assessments, HR leaders must invest the time to become competent and confident in HR operations.

5 HR CORE COMPETENCIES Core Competency Key Functions
SHOW SLIDE 5: HR CORE COMPETENCIES c. There are four fundamental core competencies that all HR personnel must accomplish in HR support operations. Each of the four competencies includes subordinate key functions which contribute to the success of the core competency. HR core competencies and their subordinate key functions are: (1) Man the Force. Personnel Readiness Management (PRM). Personnel Accountability (PA). Strength Reporting (SR). Retention Operations. Personnel Information Management (PIM). (2) Provide HR Services. Essential Personnel Services (EPS). Postal Operations. Casualty Operations. (3) Coordinate Personnel Support. MWR Operations. Command Interest Programs. Army Band Operations. (4) Conduct HR Planning and Operations. (a) HR Planning and Operations. (b) Operate HR Command and Control Nodes. NOTE: Inform the students that during this block of instruction you will be discussing Strength Reporting FM 1-0, Paragraph 1-8, Figure 1-1

6 Strength Reporting FM 1-0: Strength Reporting is the numerical end product of the accountability process by comparing by-name data (faces) against authorizations (spaces) to determine a percentage of fill. Strength Reporting includes reporting all personnel who deploy with the force including: Numerical Strength Reports reflect the combat power of a unit and are used to: Soldiers Military service members from other Services Department of Defense (DoD) Civilians Contractors Monitor unit strength Prioritize replacements Make and support tactical decisions Show Slide 6: STRENGTH REPORTING Learning Step / Activity 1. Define Strength Reporting Principles. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Large Group Instruction d. Personnel strength reporting is a numerical end product of the accountability process. It is achieved by comparing the by-name data obtained during the personnel accountability process (faces) against specified authorizations (spaces or in some cases requirements) to determine a percentage of fill. Strength data reflects a unit’s authorization and required base-line strength. It starts with strength-related data submitted at unit level and ends with an updated database visible at all echelons, to include HRC. Personnel strength reporting is a command function conducted by G-1/AGs and S-1s to enable them to analyze manning levels and readiness, which provide a method of measuring the effectiveness of combat power. As strength reports may impact tactical decisions, the timely and correct duty status of individuals are critical to the strength reporting process. Personnel strength reporting includes reporting all personnel who deploy with the force. This includes Soldiers, military Servicemembers from other Services, DoD civilians, and contractors. Personnel accountability is the key factor used for conducting strength reporting. NOTE: Ask the students how SR can affect the commander’s decisions and the unit’s mission. Encourage students to share real-world experiences that will help clarify these definitions. Give examples of Strength Reporting thru formal channels, i.e. daily status report to Alpha Co., and informal Strength Reporting, i.e. Class Leader having Squad Leaders report at first formation. Class Leader states, “REPORT,” 1st Squad Leader then states, “1st Squad, 8 assigned-8 present.” Personnel Accountability is the key factor used for conducting Strength Reporting FM 1-0, Para 3-61 – 3-62

7 Strength Reporting Process
HRC SIDPERS eMILPO SIDPERS RLAS DTAS SIDPERS J-1/C-1 N I P R N E T S I P R N E T ASCC G-1/AG Corps G-1/AG Show Slide 7: STRENGTH REPORTING Process FM 1-0, Para 3-63 e. The strength reporting process begins by unit S-1s processing strength related transactions into various HR automated systems that update the HR common operational picture at all levels and ends with the production of a PERSTAT report (JPERSTAT in a Joint environment). This report can be either manual or automated. Greater accuracy in the strength reporting process can be gained by generating reports from automated systems that perform personnel accountability functions. These automated reports reduce error by treating each entry as a record versus a data element that requires separate update. Additionally, automated processing is capable of simultaneous versus sequential reporting, which provides greater responsiveness to HR providers and their commanders. f. The strength reporting process provides commanders with a snapshot of the personnel component of their combat power and capabilities. Every level of command develops their requirements for data elements reflected on the strength report. At a minimum, commands should report strengths by unit, location, component, category (military, DoD civilian, contractor, etc.), and duty status. Internally, commanders may use additional data elements that provide a better snapshot of actual capabilities by weapon system, cohort (officer/warrant/enlisted), MOS additional specialties, language ratings, etc. Unit G-1/AGs and S-1s should develop strength reports that best represent the personnel component of combat power for their organizations. Within a deployed theater, the ASCC G-1/AG will establish PERSTAT reporting requirements for unit strengths to include required “as of” times. If operating in a Joint environment, the PERSTAT should require the same data elements as the JPERSTAT. Division G-1/AG Brigade S-1 Legend: DTAS – Deployed Theater Accountability Soft HRC – Human Resources Command Battalion S-1 FM 1-0, Figure 3-4

8 Key Terminology Task Force Organization
(1 of 2) Task Force Organization Personnel Summary Report (PERSUM) Personnel Requirements Report (PRR) Required Strength Authorized Strength FM 1-0, Para 3-67 Show Slide 8: key Terminology (1 of 2) Para 3-67 g. Throughout this lesson we will be discussing the following key terms commonly used in personnel strength reporting: (1) Task Force Organization – Lists military forces, units, and individuals temporarily grouped under one command for the accomplishment of a specific operation or assignment. (2) Personnel Summary – This report displays a unit‘s personnel strength in aggregate numbers, as of a given time. It reports strength by personnel category (officer, warrant, enlisted, and civilian), gains, losses, and duty status changes since the last report. Commanders and personnel readiness managers use the report to assess organizational combat power and set priorities. (3) Personnel Requirements Report – HR managers report personnel requirements through a PRR. This report lists unit personnel replacement requirements by grade/MOS, and is based on comparison of authorized versus assigned strength. (4) Required Strength - Unit wartime requirements, which can normally be found on a unit‘s MTOE or an RC unit‘s mobilization/deployment order; normally the same as authorized strength given recent Army leadership guidance. (5) Authorized Strength - Unit peacetime requirements; the number against which personnel assignments are made and can normally be found on a unit’s MTOE or an RC unit’s mobilization/deployment order, may be directed by PMAD. NOTE: Give students key words in each definition so they can clearly understand and differentiate between the key terminology, i.e. Personnel Summary=aggregate numbers, whereas Personnel Requirements Report=grade/MOS. When explaining Task Force Organization, draw a Task Force Organization structure in boxes to give students a more clear picture of what it is. Ensure to point out that every FRAGO/OPORD should state the Task Force Organization at the beginning.

9 Key Terminology Operating Strength Assigned Strength Attached Units
(2 of 2) Operating Strength Assigned Strength Attached Units Operational Control (OPCON) Direct and General Support Show Slide 9: key Terminology (2 of 2) (6) Operating Strength - Soldiers who are available to deploy as compared to authorizations. This relates to available strength on the USR and does not include Soldiers who are non-deployable or not available. (7) Assigned Strength - Includes all Soldiers currently assigned on orders to the unit; however, the Soldier‘s duty status may vary. (8) Attached units/Soldiers are included in the personnel strength report of the gaining commander (attached units are fed, housed, armed, receive replacements, mail, and so forth, by the gaining commander). Commanders (S-1s) of attached units provide the gaining headquarters personnel data on their Soldiers, normally in an electronic format. The next higher headquarters that owns both units provides the attachment orders. (9) Operational Control (OPCON) - Unit strength is included in the personnel strength report of the parent unit of assignment. OPCON relationships are normally temporary in nature and are directed by task organization for a specific operational mission. Generally, OPCON units are not logistically supported (fed, housed, armed, receive replacements, or mail) by the gaining unit. When an OPCON unit is receiving those services, clarification of command relationships needs to be made through detailed instructions initiated by the higher headquarters of both organizations. Generally, a unit receiving services is attached. Although the gaining commander does not include the strength of an OPCON unit in his/her strength report, its personnel readiness is operationally important to the gaining commander. OPCON Soldiers may be reported by the task force they are operating under by annotating in the remarks section of the personnel status report of the parent and gaining organization. Command and control relationships are covered in FM 3-0, Operations. (10) Direct and General Support - Direct support and general support or any other term that defines support relationships does not determine command relationships. Personnel strength reporting is guided by command relationship, not support relationship. NOTE: Give students key words for each key terminology to help facilitate learning, i.e. Assigned Strength=permanent in nature, whereas Attached=temporary in nature. Have students also refer to OPCON in either FM 3-0 or FM 5-0 to get a more detailed definition of OPCON. FM 1-0, Para 3-67

10 Check on Learning What HR Core competency does Strength Reporting fall under? a. Man the Force b. Provide HR Services c. Coordinate Personnel Support d. Conduct HR Planning and Operations Q. Which key term lists military forces, units, and individuals temporarily grouped under one command for the accomplishment of a specific operation or assignment? a. Task Force Organization b. Direct and General Support c. Operational Control (OPCON) d. Personnel Accountability Report SHOW SLIDE 10: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Provide the following correct answers:

11 Strength Reporting Doctrinal Guidance
Strength Reporting (SR) Doctrinal Responsibilities Manual Reporting Personnel Summary (PERSUM) Personnel Requirements Report (PRR) Joint Personnel Status (JPERSTAT) Personnel Status Report (PERSTAT) Rear Detachment Report Battlefield Flow Show Slide 11: STRENGTH REPORTING DOCTRINAL GUIDANCE Learning Step / Activity 2. Define Strength Reporting Doctrinal Responsibilities at Each Echelon of Command. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Large Group Instruction a. During this portion of the lesson provide the students with a general overview of the Strength Reporting Doctrinal Guidance that includes: Strength Reporting (SR) Doctrinal Responsibilities Manual Reporting (a) Personnel Summary (PERSUM) (b) Personnel Requirements Report (PRR) (c) Joint Personnel Status (JPERSTAT) (d) Personnel Status Report (3) Rear Detachment Report (4) Battlefield Flow

12 SR Doctrinal Responsibilities
ASCC G-1/AG Corps/Division G-1/AG Brigade/STB S-1 Battalion S-1 Show Slide 12: STRENGTH REPORTING (SR) DOCTRINAL RESPONSIBILITIES NOTE: Ask the students to refer to FM 1-0 Paragraphs through 3-73 for each of the echelon’s list of responsibilities. Tell the students to take a few minutes to look at each responsibilities . b. Strength Reporting doctrinal responsibilities encompasses: (1) ASCC G-1/AG (2) Corps/Division G-1/AG (3) Brigade/STB S-1 (4) Battalion S-1 NOTE: Do not cover this in detail, just ensure that students open up the regulation and sift thru it to ensure they know how the regulation lay out is in each section/chapter pertaining to SR. Only touch on key points that you know or students bring up in each echelon in regards to SR.

13 Manual Reporting Manual reports are used in the event automated systems are not available or periodically to support commander’s requirements Manual reports required for OPCON/TACON units Reports flow from subordinate units, are rolled up, and then reported higher S1s must reconcile manual reports with automated systems Examples of standard manual reports are: Personnel Summary (PERSUM) Personnel Requirements Report (PRR) Joint Personnel Status Report (JPERSTAT) Personnel Status Report (PERSTAT) Rear Detachment and Personnel Availability Report Show Slide 13: Manual Reporting Learning Step / Activity 3. Identify Strength Reporting Formats. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Large Group Instruction c. Battalion and Brigade S-1 sections submit by-name strength-related transactions via eMILPO which are visible at all levels up to HQDA. The Army also has an automated personnel accountability software package for use in a deployed theater. In the event the automated system is not available, especially during the initial phase of an operation, manual reports become the primary reporting method. Manual reports are the primary method for reporting situational awareness for OPCON/TACON units; official accounting and reporting via JPERSTAT and DTAS are conducted by parent unit. Examples of standard manual reports include: Personnel Summary (PERSUM), Personnel Requirements Report (PRR), Joint Personnel Status (PERSTAT), Personnel Status (PERSTAT). The Rear Detachment and Personnel Availability Report is not a manual report; however, it is a standard report that can be retrieved from Datastore. NOTE: Explain to the students that reporting is required both manually via the JPERSTAT, and in automated system, DTAS, daily in theater. Unit must reconcile numbers reported in DTAS with the numbers they report on the JPERSTAT. Give an example of pulling information off of Alpha Rosters, etc. in regards to creating pivot charts/tables through Windows Excel spreadsheet. Inform students how using pivot charts/tables, you can pull “commander’s requirements” such as Soldiers personal information in regards to the aftermath of natural disasters. Use the relief efforts in New Orleans and Haiti as examples of Senior Leadership wanting information on any Soldiers with family affected in those areas after the natural disasters they faced.

14 Personnel Summary (PERSUM)
Displays a unit’s personnel strength in aggregate numbers, as of a given time; used to assess combat power and set priorities. SHOW SLIDE 14: Personnel Summary (PERSUM) d. This report displays a unit’s personnel strength in aggregate numbers, as of a given time. It reports strength by personnel category (officer, warrant, enlisted, and civilian), gains, losses, and duty status changes since the last report. Unit SOPs will determine report format and reporting times. Reports from subordinate units are rolled up and reported higher. Commanders and personnel readiness managers use the report to assess organizational combat power and set priorities. NOTE: This format is provided as an Example only. FM 1-0, Para 3-67

15 Personnel Requirements Report (PRR)
Displays a unit’s personnel replacement requirements by grade/MOS; based on comparison of authorized vs. strength Show Slide 15: Personnel Requirements Report (PRR) e. Human resource managers report personnel requirements through a personnel requirements report. This report lists a unit’s personnel replacement requirements by grade/MOS based on a comparison of authorized versus assigned strength. The PRR is primarily used to manage replacement operations. Unit SOPs will determine report format and reporting times. NOTE: This format is provided as an Example only. FM 1-0, Para 3-67

16 JPERSTAT (1 of 2) Provides an assigned and available strength count, and captures gains and losses since the last reporting period Used in Joint Environment Reports Military, Civilian and Coalition personnel physically present in the theater by unit and location Numbers must reconcile with DTAS Show Slide 16: JPERSTAT (1 of 2) f. The Joint Personnel Status Report or JPERSTAT gives the unit and the commander a strength summary. It provides an assigned and available strength count, and captures gains and losses since the last reporting period. Data is broken down by unit and deployed installation and includes Army Soldiers of all components, DOD civilians and contractors, allied, multi-national and joint personnel in theater. Soldiers on leave, TDY, emergency leave, etc. in CONUS are not included on the JPERSTAT. (1) The J-1 must develop and publish the JPERSTAT format and enforce its use. The unit’s PERSTAT should be in exactly the same format as the final theater JPERSTAT product. (2) The unit’s numbers on the JPERSTAT must match the unit’s numbers in the Deployed Theater Data Base (DTAS). Army planners rely on theater database to make operational decisions, budgeting requirements, AAFES, MWR and intra-theater pass program planning and executions. NOTE: Explain that the JPERSTAT in theater may look a little different, but that they have the same basic elements. Discuss with students each element of the JPERSTAT (civilian and coalition example on next slide). Open up the JPERSTAT on this slide and give the class scenarios of having to input/update data on this JPERSTAT. Give examples using the different Task Forces they will utilize during the CPX/FTX. JP 1-02, III-3

17 Personnel Status Report

18 Rear Detachment Report
Show Slide 18: Rear Detachment Report NOTE: A Soldier is carried as non-deployable on the Rear Detachment Report if for any reason they will not deploy with the unit. j. The Rear Detachment provides HQDA with a comprehensive view of the major combat units. Major combat unit is defined as a BCT, Division headquarters, and combat Aviation BDE from the active component, the U.S. Army Reserves and Army National Guard. The report is submitted monthly once BCTs reach their LAD-180 and then weekly at LAD-90 until deployment Other units may be required to also submit this report as designated by the senior leaders of the Army. The report provides an update of the following categories: Total number of Soldiers deployed Number of Soldiers assigned as rear detachment cadre Number of Soldiers that are Non-Deployable. There are 24 categories in the RD Report with the majority aligning to specific categories in the Unit Status Report. There are 8 (eight) additional categories that are included in the Rear Detachment Report that are not included in the USR: Emergency LV, School, Dwell (Dependent Limiting Tours), Deployment Dwell, TSIRT/IRT, Available Not Deploying (Commander’s Discretion), Rear Detachment Cadre and Not Scheduled for Deployment or Redeployed at End of Unit Mission Number of Soldiers ready to fly with a flight scheduled (5) Number of Soldiers ready to fly without a flight scheduled k. The number of Soldiers in these categories should equal the total number of Soldiers assigned to the unit. Units will annotate the next scheduled flights and total number of pax at the bottom of the spreadsheet. 19 Jun 2010

19 Battlefield Flow Slide 19: Battlefield Flow FM 1-0, Para 3-74
l. Prior to arriving in theater, the ASCC G-1/AG or Army Force G-1/AG establishes theater policy for personnel strength reporting to include reporting standards and timelines. Coordination with the G-6 is necessary to ensure access to NIPRNET and SIPRNET is established for required HR databases and automated systems. During initial entry, strength managers must be prepared to operate with limited or no connectivity. (1) The early entry element of the HRSC establishes the DTAS and initiates database hierarchy management. (2) The TG PAT, supported by an HR Company, establishes theater personnel accountability operations at theater reception points (APOD/SPOD). (3) The TG PAT ensures all personnel and units arriving in theater are accurately entered into DTAS. For units, the S-1 normally provides a copy of their unit’s database which the TG PAT then uploads into DTAS. (4) The HR Company establishes PATs at designated locations to maintain accountability and tracking of personnel as they transit the theater of operations. (5) CLTs are established at the APOD and at other designated locations. m. All arriving personnel (Soldiers, civilians and contractors) and units must be accurately entered in the system to ensure accurate personnel strength reporting throughout the duration of the theater-level operation. As units and individuals arrive in theater, the PAT, which directly impacts the effectiveness of deployed personnel strength reporting operations, records their arrival in theater. HR PAT elements capture and record data into DTAS information on Soldiers and units who can be tracked as they enter, transit, and depart the theater. PATs are only located at locations where the personnel flow equals 600 or more per day. S-1 sections complement this system by performing personnel accountability tasks within their elements for small- scale movements conducted within the brigade AO and in movement to the intra-theater APOD where no HR organization assets are assigned. NOTE: Figure depicts the information flow for both automated and manual personnel accountability reporting.

20 Check on Learning Q. What is the personnel flow amount need to establish a Personnel Accountability Team (PAT)? a or more per day b or more per day c or more per day d or more per day Q. Who is responsible for submitting PERSUMs and PRRs by unit SOPs? a. Battalion XO b. Commander c. Battalion S-1 d. Brigade S-1 Q. Which of the following is a manual report? a. PRR b. PRS c. PRT d. PRU SHOW SLIDE 20: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Summary: During this learning activity we discussed the PERSUMS, PRRS, PERSTAT, JPERSTAT, the Rear Detachment Report and the Battlefield Flow. NOTE: Inform the students they will be given a PE on JPERSTAT. Upon completion and review of the PE you will be discussing eMILPO Personnel Strength Accounting Reports and the Personnel Registry - DA Form 647/647-1

21 JPERSTAT Practical Exercise
SHOW SLIDE 21: JPERSTAT PRACTICAL EXERCISE Learning Step / Activity 4. Practical Exercise - JPERSTAT. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 20 mins Media: Practical Exercise Learning Step / Activity 5. Practical Exercise Review. Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction NOTE: This practical exercise measures your ability to input/update soldier data in the JPERSTAT in the role of a BN S-1. You will demonstrate your knowledge of the personnel readiness data of the (J)PERSTAT by accurately calculating the personnel measurement areas of the gains and losses of the unit. NOTE: Inform students that the hard copy of the blank (J)PERSTAT is provided to conduct calculations on. The students should use the electronic copy of the (J)PERSTAT found on the AKO, Knowledge Collaboration Center (KCC) to complete the final (J)PERSTAT. Students must receive a 70% passing score to receive a GO on the PE. NOTE: Inform the students that they will have 50 minutes to complete the Practical Exercise.

22 Personnel Strength Accounting
eMILPO Reports Unit Personnel Accountability Report - AAA162 Unit Personnel Accountability Notice - AAA165 Personnel Registry (DA Form 647/647-1) SHOW SLIDE 22: PERSONNEL STRENGTH ACCOUNTING Personnel strength accounting must provide sufficient management information to local commanders, immediate commanders, and HQDA during peacetime. It must also provide essential personnel strength management information during periods of conflict, mobilization, and war. Some of the eMILPO tools available to the user include: (1) The personnel strength accountability reports are the: Unit Personnel Accountability Report – AAA162 Unit Personnel Accountability Notice – AAA165 (2) The Personnel Registry (DA Form 647/647-1)

23 AHRS Web Portal Reports Link SHOW SLIDE 23: AHRS WEB PORTAL
b. AHRS WEB PORTAL - As previously stated the AHRS Web Portal will give you access to several different hyperlinks. (1) To access the eMILPO Reports link the students must go following URL: ( and log-in (2) Student User Name: The User name will be c??.s?? The first pair of question marks represents the classroom you are using, for example (c71 or c22). The second pair of question marks represent the students number, for example (s13 or s44). (Each student must have a different account, i.e. c67.s01 through c67.s50). (3) Student Password: 0p-lim-e for all users. Note: the first character is a number not a letter. Inform the students that during this block of instruction they access the “Reports” hyperlink to view the Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162) and the Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (AAA-165) NOTE: Once the Reports link opens, inform the students to scroll down and click on the Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162)

24 Unit Personnel Accountability Report (UPAR) AAA – 162
eMILPO Reports Menu Unit Personnel Accountability Report (UPAR) AAA – 162 SHOW SLIDE 24: eMILPO REPORTS MENU (W/ARROW POINTED TOWARD UNIT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT (AAA-162) d. The Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162) is the source and historical document for strength reconciliations. The AAA-162 lists all Soldiers assigned and attached to a specific organization and identifies their present and last duty status. (1) Soldiers are listed alphabetically by name. (2) It is intended that this report be produced from the AHRS (Army Human Resources System) Web Portal, eMILPO Reports Menu at the S1, MPD, PAS or G1/AG level. (3) The AAA-162 must be reconciled on the 1st of the month for accountability purposes and on the 15th of the month for the Unit Status Report (USR) submission. NOTE: Instruct students to click the “Unit Personnel Accountability Report” and enter the UIC that begins with “WK_ _ _ _. The report will show the classroom and individual student number they logged on with – i.e., WK0101 and click the “Ok” button.

25 AAA – 162 (UPAR) (1 of 3) SHOW SLIDE 25: AAA-162 UNIT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT (UPAR) 1 of 3 e. Go over each portion of the Unit Personnel Accountability Report AAA The first portion of the report is the heading. The words “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY” are no longer located on the top and bottom of every page. This does not change the classification of the report. This report is only to be used for the performance of official duties. The items in the heading are: (1) Production Date – Located on the right side of the page above the report title. This is the date that the report is produced. It should reflect today's date. (2) Report Title – Centered on the next line is the report title. The name for this report is the Unit Personnel Accountability Report AAA-162. (3) Unit Name – On the next line and left justified is the unit name. The unit name corresponds with the UIC entered to run this report. The unit is SSI Training Unit. (4) Unit Identification Code (UIC) – The UIC displays the unit identification code that we entered for this report and it is located on the same line as the unit name and is right justified. The UIC is WKCL#SN#.

26 AAA – 162 (UPAR) (2 of 3) SHOW SLIDE 26: AAA-162 UNIT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT (UPAR) 2 of 3 f. The next portion of the report is a by-name listing of all Soldiers assigned or attached to the unit. This portion of the report contains valuable information that is necessary to perform accurate strength reconciliation. The section is seParated according to Soldier status; assigned and attached. The columns and their definition in this section are: (1) ASGN/ATCH - This column denotes whether the Soldier is Assigned or Attached to the unit. Soldiers that are attached to the unit will be located under the assigned Soldiers, not integrated within. (2) Name - The Soldier's full name, Last, First, and then Middle. The names are listed in alphabetical order by last name. (3) Social Security Number (SSN) – The Soldier's nine digit social security number. (4) Rank - The Soldier's current grade abbreviation as reflected on the eMILPO database. (5) Gain Dt - The date the individual was assigned to the unit. (6) DLOS - The approximate date the individual is scheduled to depart the unit. The loss date only appears if the Soldier is pending reassignment or expiration of term of service. (7) Old Dty St - The Soldier's previous Duty Status. (8) New Dty St - The Soldier's current Duty Status. (9) Dty St Date - The Soldier's current Duty Status effective date. (10) Non Avail Stat - This is the Soldier's Deployment Nonavailability Status. Note: The eMILPO Functional Guide lists this acronym as Dpl Navail St. For the purpose of this lesson we will refer to it as shown on the system printed UPAR. (11) Non Avail Rsn - This is the Soldier's Deployment Nonavailability Reason. Note: The eMILPO Functional Guide lists this acronym as Dpl Navail Reason. For the purpose of this lesson we will refer to it as shown on the system printed UPAR.

27 AAA – 162 (UPAR) (3 of 3) SHOW SLIDE 27: AAA-162 UNIT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT (UPAR) 3 of 3 After the last name is listed in the Assigned portion of the UPAR, the report provides the exact same information for the Attached personnel. h. Immediately under the Total number of ATCH personnel heading the report displays the Military Personnel Class for which the strength summary pertains. The classes are: (1) Total Number of Assigned Enlisted: 144 (2) Total Number of Assigned Warrant Officers: 11 (3) Total Number of Assigned Officers: 42 (4) Total Number of Attached Enlisted: 0 (5) Total Number of Attached Warrant Officers: 0 (6) Total Number of Attached Officers: 0 NOTE: Instruct the students to close the “Unit Personnel Accountability Report” and return to the eMILPO Report Menu.

28 Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (UPAN) AAA – 165
eMILPO Reports Menu Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (UPAN) AAA – 165 SHOW SLIDE 28: eMILPO REPORT MENU (W/ARROW POINTED TOWARD UNIT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY NOTICES AAA-165) NOTE: Inform the students to scroll down and click the Unit Personnel Accountability Notices report (AAA-165) i. The Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (AAA-165) provides personnel discrepancies or notices for the unit. These notices list Soldiers whose personnel record contains specified unit accountability conditions for which action must be taken at the unit. j. The S1 is responsible for resolving the following discrepancies: Failure to gain AWOLS over 25 days (3) Expired Date Eligible for Return From Overseas (DEROS) (4) Expired Expiration Term of Service(ETS)/ Expiration of Service Agreement (ESA) (5) Soldier discharged by Human Resources Command (HRC) (6) Failure to Lose (7) Assigned not joined over 10 days NOTE: Instruct students to click the “Unit Personnel Accountability Notices” and select the UIC that begins with “WK_ _ _ _. The report will show the classroom and individual student number they logged on with – i.e., WK0101 and click the “Ok” button.

29 AAA – 165 (UPAN) SHOW SLIDE 29: UNIT PERSONEL ACCOUNTABILITY NOTICES (AAA- 165) k. S1 Actions: Produce the AAA-165 daily. Research and resolve notices appearing on the AAA-165. (3) Submit necessary eMILPO transactions to resolve notices. (4) Notify local retention office if necessary to update ETS/ESA dates to resolve notice l. It is the Commander’s responsibility to verify and update the information on the Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (AAA-165). Commander’s can verify this by checking the information requested in the “Notice-Date” column. The S-1 section is able to provide the Commander with validating information, as they are able to check each individual record in question. Verifying the data as soon as it is noted will allow the Soldiers record to remain updated at all times. Disregarding the information on this report could possible cause the Soldier to be dropped from the system. For example, this could occur if the ETS date was not updated upon reenlistment to ensure that the most accurate date was reflected. NOTE: Instruct the students to close the “Unit Personnel Accountability Notices Report” and return to the eMILPO Report Menu.

30 Personnel Registry (DA Form 647)
SHOW SLIDE 30: PERSONNEL REGISTRY (DA FORM 647) m. An out of balance strength condition is the result of the occurrence of a strength related personnel action and the appropriate eMILPO transaction not being prepared. Although the eMILPO transaction can be overlooked, a source document cannot. The source document is the driving force behind the personnel action. It is the source documents that will assist you in determining accurate strength figures.  n. The Personnel Register (DA Form 647/647-1) is a source document used when performing strength reconciliation. It is used to record military personnel arrivals to or departures from units on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Temporary Duty (TDY) Orders. It is also used for recording passes, leaves, and visitors. The items on the form are: (1) Organization – This is the organization / unit that the information pertains to. As you can see on the slide and in the handout this DA Form 647 is for the SSI Training Battalion (WP01AA). (2) Date – This is the period covered by the form (20 November 2014). (3) Date and Time – This is date and time the action pertaining to the individual occurred. (4) Action – This item indicates whether the Soldier is signing "IN" or signing "OUT". An "X" is placed in the applicable block. (5) Reason – This item indicates whether the Soldier is going on leave, TDY, PCS or other. An "X" is placed in the applicable block. (6) Name/Signature – This is the name of the Soldier that the line applies. The Soldier's printed/typed name is on the top line and the Soldier's signature is on the bottom line. (7) Social Security Number – This is the SSN of the Soldier that the line applies. (8) Grade – This is the grade of the Soldier that the line applies. (9) Remarks – This line serves a variety of purposes. It is primarily used to clarify the entry or provide additional information. Since this personnel register pertains to Soldiers within a battalion, the remarks indicate the unit of assignment.

31 Personnel Registry (DA Form 647-1)
SHOW SLIDE 31: PERSONNEL REGISTRY (DA FORM 647-1) o. The DA Form 647 will be used to the greatest extent possible, and the DA Form will be used when the use of the DA Form 647 is impractical. For example, when the Soldier’s duty station is located away from the Unit maintaining the Personnel Register, mail the DA Form to the parent unit when the Soldier signs in or out. p. Unit Commanders will establish procedures for maintaining the personnel register and designate a place where it will be located, during and after duty hours. q. The completed DA Forms 647 and should be filed in accordance with (IAW) AR , the Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS). NOTE: Inform the students that they can refer to AR , Table 2-7 to read the four steps on how to reconcile the personnel register.

32 Check on Learning Q: Which of the following is / are characteristics of the Unit Personnel Accountability Report ( AAA-162)? a. It is the source for strength reconciliations b. It is an historical document for strength reconciliations c. It lists all Soldiers assigned and attached to a specific organization and identifies their Deployability and Duty Status d. All of the above e. Both a and c Q. Which report provides personnel discrepancies or notices for the unit? a. The Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162) b. The Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-163) c. The Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (AAA-165) d. The Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (AAA-167) Q: What is the purpose of the Personnel Register DA Form 647? a. It is also used for recording sick leave b. It is a source document used when performing strength reconciliation c. It is used to record military personnel arrivals to or departures from units e. Both b and c SHOW SLIDE 32: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Summary: During this learning activity we discussed strength accountability reports that can be found in eMILPO - the Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162) and the Unit Personnel Accountability Notices (AAA-165) and the Personnel Registry (DA Forms 647/647-1).

33 eMILPO Personnel Accounting Transactions
Arrivals Attachments Departures Duty Status Show Slide 33: eMILPO PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS NOTE: Inform the students that during this portion of the lesson they will receive a general overview of personnel accounting transactions that can be performed within the Personnel Accounting functions of eMILPO. Learning Step / Activity 6. Submit eMILPO Strength Reporting Transactions. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Large Group Instruction

a. Personnel Accounting capability of eMILPO and outlines the functional areas available to support personnel accounting. The functional category of Personnel Accounting offers the following areas within eMILPO: (1) Arrival (Soldier Arrival, OCONUS Arrival, Arrival Date Correction, Mass Arrival, and Revoke Arrival) (2) Attachment (Attach Soldier (including Release from Attachment) and Mass Attachment) (3) Slotting (Slotting – Authorized Documents and Slotting – No Authorized Documents) (4) Duty Status (5) Soldier Patient History (6) Assignment History (Assignment/Duty History and Tour Credits (7) Reserve Component Accounting (Soldier Mobilization, Soldier Demobilization, Unit Mobilization, Unit Demobilization and Attach RC Soldiers/Operational Support (ADOS)) (8) DFR/DFS (Drop from Rolls or Strength, Return from DFR/DFS, and Revoke DFR/DFS) (9) Transition/Loss (Soldier Transition/Loss to the Army and Mass Transition) (10) PCS Departure (Departure, PCS Departures, and Revoke Departure) (11) RA Strength (Recall Retiree, Sanctuary/UCMJ, and Enlistment Into RA) (12) Casualty Affairs NOTE: Inform the students that the arrows point to the functions within Personnel Accounting that are used more frequently and will be covered during this lesson. The other functions not covered during this lesson will be covered in other lessons throughout this course.

35 Soldier Arrival – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE 35: SOLDIER ARRIVAL – SOLDIER SELECTION NOTE: Have student click (+) to see the types of transactions that are listed under Arrival. Have student click “Arrival” to submit an arrival transaction. b. Arrival – An arrival transaction is used to report the arrival of an individual or group of individuals. The transaction is also used to report individuals who were previously attached. This transaction also adds one to the Present For Duty (PDY) status in the applicable MPC. This includes the Mass Arrival Transaction. The “Arrival” options consist of Soldier Arrival, OCONUS Arrival, Arrival Date Correction, Mass Arrival, and Revoke Arrival. eMILPO supports the sign-of-life concept in that, if a Soldier arrives on site, the system can arrive the Soldier without requiring the Soldier to be properly departed from the losing unit. (2) In the Mass Arrival process, the system will notify you that Soldiers must be properly departed in the system prior to processing a mass arrival. c. Search Criteria – To submit an arrival transaction, the user must select one of the following: SSN Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”.

36 Soldier Arrival – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE 36: SOLDIER ARRIVAL – SOLDIER DATA d. When submitting an arrival transaction, user must enter or select the requested data. (*) denotes a required field. (1) Assignment Type: Local CONUS (2) Gaining UIC: WC_ _ _ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). (3) Departure Date: Should be same as arrival date (4) Movement Designator: NO COST – ASG TO SAME LOCATION NOTE: Inform students to click “Save”, a Soldier Arrival – Summary should appear.

37 Soldier Arrival - Summary
SHOW SLIDE 37: SOLDIER ARRIVAL – SUMMARY e. Arrival transactions are gain transactions which will add to the total assigned strength in the applicable Military Personnel Code (MPC). Once the transaction has been submitted the user will see the Soldier Arrival Summary that shows the Soldier has been added. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the gaining unit. NOTE: Once the transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

38 Attach Soldier – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE 38: ATTACH SOLDIER – SOLDIER SELECTION NOTE: Have student click (+) to see the types of transactions that are listed under Attachments. f. Attachments – The Attach Soldier action allows you to attach one or more Soldiers to a unit. You have the option to further attach the Soldiers without terminating the previous attachments. While the selected Soldier is stationed at the second attached unit, both units of attachment as well as the Soldier’s parent unit will have access to the Soldier’s record. If the selected Soldier is already attached to a unit, the system will prompt you at the second unit to determine whether the first attachment should be terminated. (3) To initiate the process adding or releasing an attachment for a Soldier, you must first build a Soldier list. g. Search Criteria – To submit an arrival transaction, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”. At the next screen have student place a check in the “Add Attachment” box and click “submit”.

39 Attach Soldier – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE 39: ATTACH SOLDIER – SOLDIER SELECTION NOTE: Have students to check the block “Add Attachment” and click “Next”

40 Attach Soldier – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE 40: ATTACH SOLDIER – SOLDIER DATA h. To submit an attachment transaction the students must enter the requested data. (*) denotes required fields. (1) Attachment UIC: WK_ _ _ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). (2) Attachment Reason Code: ADMIN/TNG/PAY Attachment Start Date: (Use today’s date) Attachment Start Time: The system generates the time (4) Attachment End Date: (Last day of following month) (5) Duty Status: Present for Duty NOTE: Have students click “Save” once required data fields have been populated.

i. Attachment transactions are gain transactions which add to the total attached strength in the applicable Military Personnel Code (MPC). Once the transaction has been submitted the user will see an Attachment Listing showing the Soldier has been attached. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the attached unit. NOTE: Once the transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

42 PCS Departures – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE 42: PSC DEPARTURES – SOLDIER SELECTION Note to Instructor: Have student click (+) to see the types of transactions that are listed under PCS Departure. j. Departure – A departure transaction is used to report the physical departure of a Soldier from their unit of assignment (based on orders). This transaction subtracts one Soldier from the PDY status in the applicable MPC. (1) Departure allows you to create a departure status for one or more Soldiers. To initiate the process of adding departure data for a Soldier, you must first build a Soldier list. (2) The PCS Departures allows you to process the departure of a soldier from one installation to another. k. Search Criteria – To submit an arrival transaction, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click on “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”.

43 PCS Departures – Soldier Data
SHOW SLIDE 43: PSC DEPARTURES – SOLDIER DATA l. When submitting a departure transaction, user must enter or select the requested data. (*) denotes a required field. Gaining UIC – W9_ _ _ _(First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). (2) Movement Designation Code – 1A-ACC-Enilsted Gain/Officer Gain (3) Reassignment Type – RD-RSGM W/I Active Unit (4) Reassignment Reason – AC-Compassionate. NOTE: Inform the students change the departure date by adding one day from today’s date and add one day of Leave Days then click “Calculate” and click “Save” NOTE: Once transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

44 PCS Departures - Summary
SHOW SLIDE 44: PCS DEPARTURES – SUMMARY m. Departure transactions are loss transactions which will take away from the total assigned strength in the applicable Military Personnel Code (MPC). Once the transaction has been submitted the user will the PCS Departures Summary which shows that the transaction has processed. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the losing unit. NOTE: Once the transaction has been submitted have students click “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

45 Duty Status – Soldier Selection
SHOW SLIDE 45: DUTY STATUS – SOLDIER SELECTION NOTE: Inform the students to click “Duty Status” to submit a Duty Status” transaction. n. Duty Status – The duty status transaction has a dual effect. Each transaction is counted as a gain or a loss within the applicable duty status. Remember, these transactions do NOT always affect the assigned or attached strength. Sometimes they only affect the applicable duty statuses. For example, Leave, Hospital, Temporary Duty, etc. o. Search Criteria – To submit a duty status transaction, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In Search Criteria, inform student to select SSN and type in the SSN 9_ _4364_ _ (First set of _ _ is CL# and second set of _ _ is SN#). Select add to the Selected Criteria and click on “search”. Students should be doing an arrival transaction on SSG Tammy Branson. NOTE: Inform the students to check the Select/Deselect box and click “OK”.

46 Duty Status – Listing SHOW SLIDE 46: DUTY STATUS – LISTING
p. The Duty Status allows you to add or remove a military duty status for the selected Soldier. You have the option to add new statuses and to remove the most current status. (1) To initiate the process of adding or removing Duty Status data for a Soldier, you must first build a Soldier list. (2) The Duty Status module lists the 12 most recent military duty statuses recorded for the Soldier and the corresponding effective date and time. (3) You may also view and print the Personnel Action report for each successful action. (4) The system will prompt you to confirm before changing a Soldier’s military duty status. NOTE: Inform the students to place a check in the “Add Duty Status” box and click “submit.”

47 Duty Status – Soldier Data
 SHOW SLIDE 47: DUTY STATUS – SOLDIER DATA q. When submitting a duty status transaction, the user must enter or select the requested data. (*) denotes a required field. (1) Duty Status picklist arrow select “Hospitalized” (Nonbattle Incurred). (2) Effective date and time will automatically populate. Do not change. NOTE: Inform the students to click “Save” to add the Duty Status.

48 Duty Status – Listing SHOW SLIDE 48: DUTY STATUS – LISTING
r. From the Duty Status –Soldier Data screen once the students click “save”, the user will see the Duty Status listing that shows the transaction has processed. This can be verified by reviewing the AAA-162 – Alpha Roster of the assigned or attached unit. NOTE: Inform the students click on “Close” to return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

49 Check on Learning Q: What effect does a Departure transaction have on unit strength? a. It is a loss to the unit's assigned strength b. It is a loss to the unit’s attached strength c. It impacts both assigned and attached strength as losses Q: What effect does a Duty Status Change transaction have on unit strength? a. No impact b. Each transaction is counted as a gain and a loss within the applicable duty status c. Establishes and executes brigade/STB PRM and distribution fill plan and coordinates with HRC for operational requirements. d. Both b and c Q. During mobilization, which system(s) is / are utilized to account for Army Reserve and National Guard personnel for accountability purposes? a. RLAS b. RCAS c. e-MILPO d. SIDPERS e. Both b and d SHOW SLIDE 49: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Summary: During this learning activity we discussed the eMILPO and the strength reporting transactions within eMILPO that support strength accounting. NOTE: Inform the students that they will be given a PE on Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data and upon completion and review of the PE you will discuss TPS and DTAS.

50 Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data Practical Exercise
SHOW SLIDE 50: PREPARE UNIT PERSONNEL STRENGTH DATA PRACTICAL EXERCISE Learning Step / Activity 7. Practical Exercise # 2 Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Learning Step / Activity 8. Practical Exercise Review. Time of Instruction: 5 mins NOTE: Inform the students that the Practical Exercise will be completed using eMILPO. Students must complete all required transactions in eMILPO and print a new AAA-162 for each UIC. NOTE: Inform students that this is a GO/NO GO Practical Exercise, they must accurately submit all transactions and reconcile each AAA-162 to receive a GO on the PE. NOTE: Inform the students that they will have 50 minutes to complete the PE and upon completion and review of the PE, you will discuss the final two strength reporting enabling systems - TPS and DTAS.

51 Identify Strength Reporting HR Enabling Systems
Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) Tactical Personnel System (TPS) Learning Step / Activity 9. Identify Strength Reporting Enabling Systems. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 40 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Show Slide 51: Identify strength reporting HR Enabling Systems NOTE: Explain to the students that this portion of the lesson will be a general overview of the systems that support PA and in subsequent lessons that will receive more in-depth, hands-on training on each of the enabling systems. a. There are several HR enabling systems that assist Brigade S-1s in the performing accurate and timely personnel accountability, if the systems are used properly. The critical enabling systems for personnel accountability include: Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) Tactical Personnel System (TPS)

52 eMILPO The Army’s personnel accountability system of record…including mobilized USAR and ARNG Provides reliable, timely and efficient mechanism for managing strength accountability, strength reporting and personnel actions Provides visibility of location, status and skills of Soldiers down to company level…vital in determining unit’s warfighting capability Active and mobilized RC units must maintain in garrison and while deployed Web based application via NIPRNET Show Slide 52: ELECTRONIC MILITARY PERSONNEL OFFICE (eMILPO) b. The Army’s personnel accountability system of record is the Electronic Military Personnel Office or eMILPO. c. It is an unclassified web-based application that provides the Army with a reliable, timely, and efficient mechanism for managing strength accountability and performing personnel actions. This system provides visibility of location, status, and skills of Soldiers both from a high level (top of the system) and a unit level (bottom of the system). (2) This visibility is vital in determining the war fighting capability of the Army and subordinate commands. (3) The active component is responsible for maintaining the eMILPO data in peacetime and while deployed. (4) During mobilization, Army Reserve and National Guard personnel are also entered into eMILPO for accountability purposes. Reserve component units are responsible for maintaining eMILPO data throughout their mobilization. NOTE: Discuss challenges for RC units in maintaining system (training, access, etc.)

53 Unit Personnel Accountability Report
(AAA-162) SHOW SLIDE 53: UNIT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABLITIY REPORT (AAA-162) Note to Instructor: Have the students create a DTAS Temp Folder on their desktop screen naming the folder “DTAS Temp Folder-Student Last Name” for example (DTAS Temp Folder-Castro). Inform the students that they will be using this folder during this lesson and they will DELETE the folder when completed. Note to Instructor: Inform the students that they will first pull a UPAR (AAA-162) for UIC (WK_ _ _ _ ), using their class number on the third and fourth digits of the and their student number for the fifth and sixth digits, have the save the AAA-162 as (AAA-162-1) file in the folder that they have just created on their desktop. Note: The eMILPO Unit Personnel Accountability Report (AAA-162) has 5 animations that highlight the “OLD/NEW Duty Status”, and the “Total Number of Assigned E/WO/O”. Note to Instructor: Review the AAA-162 with the students elaborating on the duty status and “Total Number of Assigned and Attached E/WO/O” numbers. Note: Elaborate on the Old/New Duty Status columns and the assigned / attached numbers at the bottom of both first and clean reports. This will be part of their hands on exercise during the lesson. Inform the students that they must follow along closely during this lesson because they will be conducting the first part of the exercise.

54 eMILPO DTAS Scenario You are the HR Specialist currently assigned to the HHC, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and the unit is preparing to deploy to Iraq. The Adjutant has been briefed by the Brigade Commander to prepare the Deployment Roster and Rear Detachment Personnel Roster. The Adjutant provides you with a list of names of personnel that will be part of the Rear Detachment and will not be deploying. He also hands you a folder with documents that must be processed in eMILPO. The Adjutant informs you that the transactions that you are about to do must reflect on the a clean copy of the AAA-162 so he can provide the copy to the Brigade Commander. He also informs you that the Soldiers that you have completed the transactions on will not be part of the deployed roster and must be checked off from the Extensible Markup Language (XML) File that will be UP-Loaded in to DTAS when the unit arrives in Iraq. Show Slide 54: eMILPO DTAS SCENARIO Note to Instructor: Have the students open the LP Supplement that has a copy of the list of Soldier names that will not be deploying and the documents that they need to perform the eMILPO transactions. Emphasize to the students that failure to perform the transactions will create an inaccurate AAA-162 for the Brigade Commander. Note to Instructor: Inform the students that the Rear Detachment roster will be used later in this lesson as they build the XML File. The AAA-162 clean copy is to assist the students in remembering who needs to be checked-off from the XML File. Note to Instructor: Ensure that you assist the students as they process and complete the transactions. Once they have completed the eMILPO transactions, ensure that the students have pulled a clean copy of the AAA-162 and “save” the file in the DTAS folder that they have created on their desktop. Note to Instructor: Upon completion of the hands-on portion, have the students “save” the clean AAA-162 for UIC (WK_ _ _ _ ), and review it with them ensuring that their transactions processed. Note: (SPC Sargent, Jared) will NOT SHOW on the clean AAA-162 due to the PCS transaction. If he shows on a student’s roster they did not process the DEPARTURE correctly. Assist them with the transactions. Note to Instructor: Inform the students that they will now create the XML File using the eMILPO Training Database, DTAS sub-menu.

NOTE: Ensure that all students have accessed the AHRS Web-Portal and are on the eMILPO Main Menu page. NOTE: Inform the students that during this learning activity, they will be given a brief overview of the DTAS functions within eMILPO. d. The DTAS function allows the user to create a DTAS Soldier Record download file and to upload a TRN file from the Tactical Personnel System (TPS). NOTE: On the “DTAS” Sub-menu, have the students click the “DTAS Soldier Record”.

56 eMILPO DTAS – Soldier Selection
1 of 3 SHOW SLIDE 56: EMILPO DTAS - SOLDIER SELECTION ( 1 OF 3) NOTE: Inform the students that they will now create the XML File using the eMILPO Training Database, DTAS sub-menu. e. DTAS Soldier Record - allows the user to generate a file containing Soldiers’ records that can be used to upload data to the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) application. To initiate the process of downloading a DTAS Soldier Record, you must first build a Soldier list. f. Search Criteria – To submit a build a Soldier list, the user must select one of the following: (1) SSN (2) Gaining UIC (3) Rpt Date (yyyymmdd) NOTE: In the “Search Criteria” have the students select “UIC” and type in (WK_ _ _ _), click “ADD” then “Search”. Note: On “Select/Deselect” have the students click on “Select” this will place a check by all the Soldier’s names. As they review the first page, ensure that they “uncheck” the Soldier’s who are not being deployed using the LP Rear Detachment Roster and the clean AAA-162. Have the students click “Next” to view the next page. Note: Explain to the students that by selecting this function, it makes it quicker for them to “uncheck” a few names than to place a “check” on each individual Soldier on the roster.

57 eMILPO DTAS – Soldier Selection
2 of 3 SHOW SLIDE 57: EMILPO DTAS – SOLDIER SELECTION (2 OF 3) g. Have the students click on “Select” and then have them review the list and ensure that they “uncheck” the Soldier’s who are not being deployed. Have the students click “Next” to continue to the next page. NOTE: Explain that eMILPO will not depart the Soldier (SPC Sargent, Jared) until after midnight when the eMILPO system refreshes. For this purpose, they must review their most current AAA-162.

58 eMILPO DTAS – Soldier Selection
3 of 3 SHOW SLIDE 58: eMILPO DTAS – SOLDER SELECTION ( 3 OF 3) h. Have the students click on “Select” and then have them review the list and ensure that they “uncheck” the Soldier’s who are not being deployed. Have the students click “OK” to continue to the next page.

59 eMILPO DTAS – Data Extract
SHOW SLIDE 59: eMILPO “DTAS – DATA EXTRACT” i. Have the students click on the “Hyperlink” so that the eMILPO Database could create the XML File. This may take about 10 to 30 seconds.

60 Data Extract (XML) File
(1 of 2) SHOW SLIDE 60: DATA EXTRACT (XML) FILE (1 OF 2) j. A File Download” window appears, have the students click “Save” to the file in the DTAS folder that they created on their desktop.

61 Data Extract (XML) File
(2 of 2) SHOW SLIDE 61: DATA EXTRACT (XML) FILE (2 OF 2) k. A “Save As” window opens; inform the students that on the left side of the window have them locate the “Desktop” icon, to view their desktop on the “Right” window. Have the students locate the “DTAS Temp Folder” that they created and double click the folder to open it. Have the students click “Save”. NOTE: Have the students minimize all windows on their computer so they can view their desktop. Have the students locate the “DTAS Temp Folder” have them open the folder, and have them double click on the file they have just saved file name (FOUO-DtasFile.XML).

62 Extensible Markup Language
(XML) File SHOW SLIDE 62: EXTENSIBLE MARKUP LANGUAGE (XML) l. The FOUO-DTASFile.XML is the deployed roster that user has just created and will be UPLOADED on to the DTAS Database when they arrive at their deployment location. The DTAS Database can read three types of files; (TRN), eMILPO (XML), or Excel (CSV) Load File. Once the file has been uploaded to DTAS the information will be readable. NOTE: Direct students to their desktop icons on their laptops and to open the DTAS icon to take a look at it. Point out that not all functions will be available until data is populated. As a result, we will partly cover the mass add function to populate the system with data. It will be covered again in more detail later in the lesson. NOTE: Inform students that if they use the DTAS training database on a computer with Windows VISTA, they will not be able to pull up this report.

63 Utilizing Deployed Theater Accounting System
Show Slide 63: Utilizing DEPLOYED THEATER ACCOUNTING SYSTEM NOTE: Direct students to their desktop icons on their laptops and to open the DTAS icon to take a look at it. NOTE: Inform students that if they use the DTAS training database on a computer with Windows VISTA, they will not be able to pull up this report. m. The DTAS System operates on a secure network (SIPRNET), but is capable of operating disconnected from the network. The DTAS is comprised of three distinct sub-systems: (1) Mobile System level (User level)  (2) Theater System level  (3) Enterprise System level n. DTAS shows the UIC hierarchy for all UICs within the unit and displays all names in the unit. By highlighting one of the subordinate unit UICs, DTAS will display only the names for that subordinate unit. S-1s should insure number of names displayed match the numbers reported on the JPERSTAT.

64 Mass Assign Wizard Show Slide 64: MASS ASSIGN WIZARD
NOTE: Ensure that students have opened the DTAS folder on their computers. Verify that the files needed are in this folder on the desktop of each computer. The Folder is called DTAS Temp Folder, and the (XML) file that they have just downloaded. o. Performing a Mass Add. Using the XML file you have just downloaded in to the DTAS Temp folder, you will now populate your DTAS Mobile System with personnel using the Mass Assign Wizard.

65 Upload Select Source File
SHOW SLIDE 65: UPLOAD SELECT SOURCE FILE p. To do the first Mass Assign, perform the following: (1) Select Mass Assign Wizard from the Tools menu. DTAS displays the Mass Assign Wizard dialog (2) Click the Select File button to select the file. DTAS displays the Open dialog box. Navigate to the folder location of the file you wish to upload. Highlight the file and then click Open or double click on the file to select it. DTAS displays the file name and path on the dialog and activates the Next button. Click Next to proceed.

q. Select People to Load dialog box. (1) DTAS displays the Select People to Load dialog box. (2) By default, all records are selected. Click Select All to select all records or you can select individual records by clicking the check box to the left of each record to select individual records you wish to load. You can also click Deselect All to deselect all the records or you can deselect individual records by clicking the checkbox to the left of the record

67 Date/Time and Operation Data
SHOW SLIDE 67: DATE/TIME AND OPERATION DATA r. Select Arrival Date/Time and Operation data. (1) Click Next to proceed. The application displays the Select Arrival Date/Time and Operation data (or if adding personnel from a CSV file, the Select Operation Data) dialog. (2) Select the name of the operation to which the personnel are being added from the Operation picklist. This is a required field. (3) The Arrival Date/Time picklist defaults to what has previously been entered for the arrival date and time (the Arrival Date/Time field is not displayed for CSV files). If you enter an Arrival Date/Time that is 30 or more days old, DTAS enables the Re-enter Arrival Date/Time field and you must re-enter the arrival date and time.

s. Select Assigned and Physical Location. (1) Click Next to proceed with the load process. DTAS displays the Select Assigned and Physical Location dialog. (2) In the Assigned area, select an Assigned location from the Location picklist. DTAS defaults the Date/Time field to the current date and time (3) In the Physical section, select the type of location from the Type picklist (4) Select a location from the Location picklist. DTAS defaults this to the Assigned location you selected in the Assigned data entry area. The Assigned and Physical locations can be different (5) Enter the Grid Zone Designator (this is two numbers and one letter); this is a required field. The Grid Square Identifier and Grid Zone Coordinates (this must consist of six or eight numbers) fields are populated with the identifier and coordinates associated with the Physical location selected. (6) Click Next to proceed with the load process. DTAS displays the Select Tour Status Data dialog, if the person or persons you have selected are a U.S. Army soldier. (Note: The Select Tour Status Data dialog is not displayed if the persons selected are other person types.)

t. Select the soldier’s tour status from the Tour Status picklist. The picklist defaults to Temporary Change of Station. (1) Select an appropriate value from the Tour Status Subtype picklist. This is a required field (2) Select the appropriate date in the Date/Time field. For XML and TRN files, the Date/Time field defaults to the Arrival Date/Time; for CSV files, the field defaults to the current system date/time. You may enter the date by either using the calendar function or manually typing the date. This is a required field (3) Enter the length of the tour in the Number of Days field. The field defaults to Type the appropriate number of days for tour duration. This is a required field. (4) Click Finish to load the data into the database. (5) Click Back to return to the previous step in the process. (6) Click Cancel to exit the process without adding data.

u. The Assign Personnel option allows users to add various types of personnel (Soldier, Civilian, Contractor, Marine, etc.) as they are assigned to a DUIC. This action is performed at the lowest level of SIPRNET connectivity. In the event that an incorrect mini-record is pulled down due to an incorrect SSN entry, the record cannot be deleted. Instead, submit a duty status update changing the Soldier’s duty status to ‘Redeployed - Mission Complete’. The record will ‘age off’ the Mobile System 24 hours later. Then add the correct SSN. There is no departure transaction in DTAS. If a person is reassigned from one unit to another unit in theater, the gaining unit will submit an ‘Add Personnel’ transaction which will remove the associated mini-record from the losing unit’s mobile system. For example: (1) For new personnel arriving in theater, the Mobile System User will add them to the Mobile System within 12 hours of arrival to the unit. (2) For personnel reassigned within theater, the Losing Unit Mobile System User will submit a ‘Duty Status Update’ of ‘In-Transit-Local Reassignment’ within 12 hours of departure. The person will remain assigned to losing unit’s Mobile System, will appear as an ‘Operational Loss’ on PERSTAT and will appear on the ‘In-Transit Report’ until the gaining unit adds the person. (3) The Gaining Unit Mobile System User will add the person to unit’s Mobile System within 12 hours of arrival. The Mobile System User will then select and enter the person’s correct Duty Status, Assigned Location, and Physical Location. (4) If the correct ‘Assigned Location’ is not available in the drop down menu, contact the Theater Manager to update that Static Table.

v. The Update Personnel option allows users to update basic personnel information on the user’s DTAS system. This update only updates the Theater System for SSN. All other changes remain only on the User’s System. Personnel Updates can only be performed with a mini-record indicator of ‘P’ (Pending), or ‘U’ (Unverified). Once the mini-record indicator changes to ‘D’ (Downloaded) the Update Personnel function is unavailable for that record (is ‘grayed out’). For example: (1) The Mobile System user will update personnel information on Mobile System as necessary. (2) The Mobile System user will monitor and review all the mini-records with a ‘U’ status code for incorrect SSNs. If a person has been added to the Mobile System with an incorrect SSN, then use the Update Personnel function to submit the correct SSN. This will pull down the correct mini-record.

72 Update Duty Status SHOW SLIDE 72: ASSIGN PERSONNEL w. The Update Duty Status option allows users to update a person's deployed duty status as it changes. It is important to note that updating duty statuses in DTAS, does not update them in eMILPO. (1) Review the Duty Statuses and point out that three duty statuses: Missing (MIS), In-Transit (TRA), and Redeployed (RED) require a ‘Reason Code’. The reason codes are listed in the table below the Duty Status table in the Functional Guide. (2) DTAS Duty Status Updates do not replace Casualty Reporting requirements. The current casualty reporting procedures are still required for all casualty related duty status updates. (3) To update to a duty status of ‘Hospitalized (battle incurred) (HOW)’ or a duty status reason of ‘Redeployed Hospitalized (Battle Incurred) (RED HOW)’ the person’s current duty status must be ‘Wounded in Action (WIA). (4) It is imperative that casualty status data be treated as sensitive until verification of notification of Family Member/Next of Kin’. (5) Duty Status Updates require a ‘Physical Location’ Update.

x. The Update Location option allows the user to update the assigned and physical locations for a selected individual. The assigned location refers to the location of a unit a person is assigned to. Physical location is the actual camp, city or grid coordinates where the person is located. For example, a Soldier is assigned to 1-4 Cav at Camp Saber, Iraq, but is forward in Bader City. His Assigned location is Camp Saber; his physical location is Bader City. If the established city or base camp location you are relocating individual to is not available in the drop-down menu, contact the Theater Manager to coordinate a Location update on the Theater Database. Until the Location Table is updated, use the six or eight digit grid for the physical location. The Physical Location is important for a variety of reasons, not least of which is for medical tracking. It should be updated for any change in physical location, whether for a week, a day or a few hours. Units should update personnel physical locations to show movement through, over, or near any and all cities, base camps or established locations. All data updates will be performed within 12 hours of the completion of movement. y. The Update Deployed UIC option is primarily used at the battalion level to move people from one company to another. It is available only to the Mobile System users who have exclusive Mobile System control over the DUICs within their hierarchy. The Update DUIC is not available for a higher headquarters to move people in subordinate DUICs if that subordinate DUIC has a Mobile System, nor is it available between two Mobile Systems. If the Update UIC option is not available to the Mobile System User, it will be grayed out. Updating the DUIC does not record as assignment history at the Enterprise Level. To update assignment history in the DTAS Enterprise

z. The Update Tour Status option allows you to update the Tour Status type, Tour Status Subtype, date and time of the tour, and the length of the tour for a selected Soldier or selected Soldiers. aa. The Delete Person option allows the user to delete a personnel record for a selected individual that was erroneously added to the Mobile System. The Delete Person option is not used to delete personnel that were actually deployed, but have departed theater. To remove these personnel, an Update Duty Status transaction must be completed to redeploy the person and show a complete deployment history. The Delete Person option can only be performed with a mini-record status code of ‘P’ (Pending), or ‘U’ (Unverified). Once the mini-record status code changes to ‘D’ (Downloaded) the Delete Person function is unavailable for that record and (is ‘grayed out’). When the ‘Delete Person’ option is used to delete any person from a Mobile System, the record is completely removed from all levels of DTAS, to include History. For this reason, it is imperative that Delete Person is not used incorrectly.

bb. The View Mini-Record option provides an abbreviated personnel record for the selected individual. The Mini-Record is divided into three tabs: Basic, Service, and Personal. Mini-records Status codes are shown on the main page of the People Tab. There are three Mini-Record status codes. The Status Codes are: (1) P - Pending. This is the initial status of the Mini-Record after a person is added to the Mobile System and before the Mini-Record is pulled from the Enterprise System. Note: Foreign National civilian/military personnel will remain as a Record Status Code P as their record is never sent to Enterprise for verification. (2) U – Unverified. The record was not found or not successfully pulled from the Enterprise Level. There is a mismatched SSN. See Update Personnel for instructions on correcting erroneously added SSNs. (3) D – Downloaded. The record was found and has been pulled successfully from the Enterprise Level.

cc. The Locations Tab displays data related to locations within the deployment theater. This information is read only. Locations are managed by the Theater Manager. If the required city or base camp location is not shown in the Locations Table, contact the Theater Manager to coordinate a Location update on the Theater Database. Until the Location Table is updated, use the six or eight digit grid for the required location.

dd. The Reports Tab displays the available reports that a user may generate from the Mobile System database. All reports are produced in Microsoft Excel, and require Microsoft Office XP to run and display correctly. A user can generate the following four reports: (1) Gains/Losses Report – The report displays those personnel who have either arrived at the unit or become a non-asset to the organization during the 24-hour reporting period. The report presents data from the 24-hour period preceding the time you generate the report. The report consists of two parts—Gains and Losses—that are each presented on a seParate worksheet in Microsoft Excel. (2) In-Transit Report – Displays data on those personnel who are in transit from the DUIC for any reason. This report allows the unit to track an individual throughout a movement out of theater or to another unit. Personnel will remain on the In Transit report until a duty status change is submitted. A person may be in transit for any of the following reasons: (a) Convalescent Leave (b) Emergency Leave (c) Local Reassignment (d) Mission Complete (e) Rest and Recuperation (R&R Leave) (f) Temporary Duty (TDY)

78 Gains/Loss and In-Transit Reports
DTAS Gains/Loss and In-Transit Reports Show Slide 78: dtas gains/loss and in-transit reports NOTE: Explain to the students that the work center actions, mobile system user produces two key reports as necessary: Gains/Loss Report and In-Transit Report.

(3) PERSTAT Report – Displays a summary of DUIC Personnel assets and changes during the reporting period. The PERSTAT gives the user and the commander a strength summary throughout the entire deployment. It provides an assigned and available strength count, and captures gains and losses for the last 12 hour period. The PERSTAT works on a 12 hour rolling "window" or "block" of time. Because the report is produced in Excel, it can be archived to show past time periods. This is not automatic. The user can do this as desired. As long as the Mobile System is connected to the SIPRNET and turned on, the PERSTAT Report will roll up to and be visible at higher echelons of the DUIC hierarchy. If the Mobile System is not connected, the user will have to send the PERSTAT information to their higher headquarters by some other method. The PERSTAT is populated by the Add Personnel and Update Duty Status functions in the Mobile System. If the user does not add personnel or enter duty status changes in a timely manner, the PERSTAT will not reflect an accurate picture of the unit strength to the Mobile System user or the higher echelon. The PERSTAT is broken down into subsections or tabs that provide various view or summaries on the main report as follows: (a) Personnel Daily Summary – A breakdown of all the different personnel types and a count of assigned and operating strength for each UIC. The Assigned, Operating Strength, and Females columns are not subject to the 12 hour rolling window, but are cumulative snapshots of unit strength. The Females column is a subset of the Assigned Column, rather than the Op Strength Column. Loss Summary – shows the strength information such as total number of MOS by skill level that have been lost in the last rolling 12 hour block, and a by name report of personnel losses. Gains Summary – shows the strength information, such as total number of MOS by skill level that have been gained in the last rolling 12 hour block and a by name report of personnel gains. (d) Remarks – Edited by the user. (4) Unit Roster – Displays all deployed personnel assigned to the DUIC for which a user generates the report. It includes all the data elements in the Mini-Record, and is intended as a generic report that the user can modify as needed. The user can sort the report by any data column, and delete those columns that the user does not require.

NOTE: Explain to the students that the DTAS PERSTAT report displays a summary of UIC personnel assets and changes during the reporting period. Can be used to validate that changes have been made and/or generate information to create JPERSTAT report.

ee. The Management Tab allows a user to manage personal equipment issued to an individual, such as night vision goggles (NVGs) and weapons. There are additional blank columns that allow the user to store additional unit-specific and user-defined data. The data stored in the management tab is only visible on that Mobile User System. It does not roll-up to higher echelons. The name data in the Management Tab is pre-populated based on the personnel assigned to the Mobile System. Edits are not permanent until the "Save" button is clicked. There is no Print option in the management field. To print the data, save the desired data fields to an MS Excel file, and print in Excel. Since this data is local to the Mobile System, if the Mobile System is deactivated, crashes, etc, the data is lost. To avoid loss of this data, it should be backed up to a seParate database. (1) To back up data, the Mobile System user will perform the following steps: Select data elements for back up, or press "Ctrl A" to select all data fields. Press "Ctrl C" to copy selected data. (c) Open MS Excel to a new spreadsheet. (d) Press "Paste" or "Ctrl V" to paste data into spreadsheet. (e) Save spreadsheet as desired file name. (f) User can also overwrite data in a previous file, by selecting all data in the Excel file and pressing "Ctrl V". (2) To print data, the Mobile System user will perform the following steps: Select data elements for printing, or press "Ctrl A" to select all data fields. (e) Print spreadsheet by pressing "Print" or "Ctrl P".

ff. The Deactivate System function allows the User to reset the system. This option removes the existing database. To deactivate a system, select Deactivate System from the Tools menu. DTAS displays the Deactivate System confirmation message. (1) Click OK to proceed with the process. This will remove the existing database, deleting all your data. (2) Click Cancel to cancel the deactivation without making any changes. gg. There are two times when you will deactivate your Mobile System. Both must be coordinated with the Theater Manager. (1) Upon Mobile System unit redeployment. Upon Mobile System data base corruption. NOTE: Do Not execute these options without prior coordination or your system will have to be reloaded.

83 Tactical Personnel System
(TPS) Show Slide 83: TACTICAL PERSONNE SYSTEM (TPS) hh. TPS using a barcode scanner that reads each deploying Soldier’s CAC card and uploads them into the manifest. Each manifest (chalk) that has been captured of arriving and departing Soldiers can be viewed on the screen. The manifest detail screen shows the individual Soldiers listed on each manifest. ii. TPS captures all the manifesting of Soldiers, civilians and contractors at their departing station (during deployment and redeployment) and is digitally uploaded into DTAS (Deployed Theater Accountability Software). When the TPS manifest is finalized at the departure site, the disk is taken forward and given to the S-1 upon arrival. This file can be ed or carried by disk to higher echelons to build on the deployed database to have total accountability down to the individual Soldier. The information will be displayed both on DTAS and the individual TPS system at the unit S-1. NOTE: Direct students to their desktop icons on their laptops and to open the TPS icon to take a look at it.

84 Check on Learning Q: What file format does eMILPO produce for uploading in to DTAS? a. Extensible Markup Language (XML) File b. Extension Markup Language (XML) File c. Electronic Markup Language (XML) File d. Executable Markup Language (XML) File Q. Up to how many Soldiers will eMILPO pull data on when creating an .xml file for DTAS? a. Only the first 300 b. Only the first 400 c. Only the first 500 d. Only the first 700 Q. What report will display a summary of today's changes? a. PRR b. PERSUM c. PERSTAT Report d. JPERSTAT Report SHOW SLIDE 84: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Provide the following correct answers: NOTE: Summary: During this learning activity we discussed the DTAS and TPS which are also Strength Reporting HR Enabling Systems. NOTE: Inform the students that they will be given a PE on DTAS and upon completion and review of the PE they will be given a final test on Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data that encompass all activities discussed during this lesson.

85 DTAS Practical Exercise
SHOW SLIDE 85: DTAS PRACTICAL EXERCISE NOTE: Inform students that this is a GO/NO GO Practical Exercise. Students must receive a 70% passing score to receive a GO on this PE. NOTE: This practical exercise measures your ability to input/update Soldier data in the DTAS in your role as the BN S-1. You will demonstrate your knowledge of the personnel readiness data associated with the DTAS. NOTE: Inform the students that they will have 50 minutes to complete the Practical Exercise. Learning Step / Activity Practical Exercise - DTAS. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 20 Media: Large Group Instruction Learning Step / Activity 11. Practical Exercise – DTAS Review. Time of Instruction: 5 mins

86 Terminal Learning Objective
LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson provides an overview of doctrinal responsibilities, philosophies, and objectives for preparing personnel strength data. At the conclusion of this block of instruction, students will be able to identify and correctly use the proper reporting format, utilize DTAS, and submit eMILPO strength transaction. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Teamwork and Collaboration Communication and Engagement Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Tactical and Technical Competence TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to FM 1-0, ADRP 3-0 and ADRP 5-0, Deployed Theater Accounting System (DTAS) Functional Guidance, eMILPO Training Database, and student reading assignment material and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standards: Students will meet the standard when they: Define Strength Reporting Principles Define Strength Reporting doctrinal responsibilities at each echelon of command Identify Strength Reporting formats Submit eMILPO Strength Reporting transactions Reconcile Unit Personnel Accountability Report Identify Strength Reporting enabling Systems Utilize DTAS SHOW SLIDE 86: LESSON OUTCOME, 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES, & TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform Soldiers of the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO), Lesson Outcomes, and 21st Century Competencies SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction NOTE: Read back to the students the topics that were discussed in this lesson. During this block of instruction, we covered the following learning activities: Define Strength Reporting Principles. Define Strength Reporting doctrinal responsibilities at each echelon of command. Identify Strength Reporting formats. Submit eMILPO Strength Reporting transactions. Reconcile Unit Personnel Accountability Report. Identify Strength Reporting Enabling Systems. Utilize DTAS NOTE: Determine of the students have learned the material presented by soliciting questions and providing answers and explanations. Ask the students If they have any questions and correct misunderstandings. FEEDBACK: NOTE: Feedback is essential to effective learning. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students' questions about the test. Provide remedial training as needed. (END OF TRAINING)

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