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Let’s Review!! Bellringer:

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1 Let’s Review!! Bellringer:
When do teeth form beneath the gums? On average, when do most teeth break the gum surface? What is the average length of a newborn baby? What is the average weight of a newborn baby? What is the process where bones begin to harden? What two nutrients are essential for bone development? What is gross motor development? What is fine motor development?

2 When do teeth form beneath the gums?
Before birth On average, when do most teeth break the gum surface? Last half of 1st year: 6-12 months What is the average length of a newborn baby? 20-21 inches What is the average weight of a newborn baby? 7-8 lbs What is the process where bones begin to harden? ossification What two nutrients are essential for bone development? Calcium, vitamin d, protein, phosphorus, vitamin c What is gross motor development? Large muscle movements What is fine motor development? Small muscle movements

3 Infants – Physical Development Part 2
Child Development Unit 2: Infants Godbey 3

4 Head-to-Foot Begins before birth
Unborn baby develops a head, then arm buds, and then leg buds At birth, babies have well-developed facial muscles but less-developed leg muscles. 4

5 5

6 Head and Neck Control Heads supported continually
By two months= most babies spend a great deal of time with their heads and chests raised. 3 and 4 months= eye muscles are well developed, permitting babies to focus on objects in any direction, smile, 6 months= head control is complete

7 Trunk Control Control of trunk develops slower than control of the head Two milestones of trunk control: Rolling over Sitting

8 Rolling Over 2-5 months = Roll over front to back
3-6 months = Roll over back to front

9 Sitting Takes time Must first gain strength in neck and back and must be able to control the head

10 Watch What I Can Do!! 2 months = chin up
3 months = chest up, arm support 4 months = sits with support (pillow) 5 months = sits on lap; grasps object 6 months = sits on high chair, grasps dangling objects 7 months = sits without support

11 8 months = stands with help
9 months = stands holding furniture 10 months = creeps 11 months = walks when led 12 months = pulls to stand by furniture 14 months = stands alone 15 months = walks alone

12 Examine the following photos
Examine the following photos. Estimate the babies’ ages based on the skills each is demonstrating

13 Approximately 3 Months

14 Approximately 10 Months

15 Approximately 4 Months

16 Leg Control Last phase of head-to-foot development
Leg control = LOCOMOTION! Babies usually go through the following stages: Crawling Creeping Standing Walking

17 Crawling Playing with toes is a sign of the leg control needed for crawling When hands and feet work together smoothly, this shows leg control. Babies crawl by pulling with the arms; abdomen is not lifted from the floor Usually occurs around 7 months!

18 Creeping Occurs between 6-8 months
Creeping means to move by using the hands and knees or hands and feet. Abdomens and hips are lifted from floor, alternatively

19 Standing and Walking Supported Standing
Pull themselves to standing position Cruising = walking by holding something for support As they develop, babies stand further away from objects

20 Center-to-Extremities Development
Control begins with the trunk then arms, hands and fingers Then extends to hips, legs, feet then toes. Control = starts center and moves outward Grasping Handout! 

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