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DoSE Update December 2017 Welcome to a brief overview of College and Career Readiness for the Alternate Assessment in Kentucky. This training will focus.

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Presentation on theme: "DoSE Update December 2017 Welcome to a brief overview of College and Career Readiness for the Alternate Assessment in Kentucky. This training will focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 DoSE Update December 2017 Welcome to a brief overview of College and Career Readiness for the Alternate Assessment in Kentucky. This training will focus on new career ready measures developed for students participating in the alternate assessment. The measures were developed for inclusion in the state accountability system. The training session will walk you through the basic components of the system and district planning activities. Adapted from CCR-AA Overview by Jill Griffiths, HDI

2 Overview Transition Readiness Components
EFAS ESAR CWEC Course of Study Course descriptions Online trainings, quizzes, and guidance documents for the ESAR and CWEC Action Plan Regional Trainings March 14, 2018-Curriculuar Planning District coaching and supports

3 Kentucky’s New Accountability System
TRANSITION READINESS Today you will get a foundation and understanding of the career ready measures developed for students participating in the alternate assessment. While learning about the measures please note that the Kentucky Department of Education is currently developing a new accountability system. The career ready measures will align to the Transition Readiness component of the new system. Once the proposed components of the new system are approved by the Kentucky Board of Education, needed edits and tweaks, if any, will be determined. Information about the edits and tweaks will be provided in future training modules.

4 New Accountability Requirements

5 Meet Requirements of ONE type of Readiness
Student Expectation for Transition Readiness Alternate Assessment – High School Earn a high school diploma AND Meet Requirements of ONE type of Readiness Academic Readiness Transition Attainment Record Career Readiness Employability Skills Attainment Record AND Career Work Experience Certification Military Readiness Military readiness may not be an option for students participating in the Kentucky Alternate Assessment Along with earning a diploma a student can meet Transition Readiness by meeting the requirements of Career Readiness. Career Readiness includes two measures, the Employability Skills Attainment Record and the Career Work Experience Certification. The Employability Skills Attainment Record is an assessment. The Career Work Experience Certification is a process.

6 Opportunity and Access
Opportunity and Access – KY Work Ethic Certificate questions Silver and Gold level- I recommend during the training that school districts make sure students on the alternate assessment are considered when they develop the additional requirements. Gold Level – Would competition in state/national level Special Olympics count for the second requirement?

7 What is assessed? Employability and Foundational Academic Standards- Alternate Assessment Derived from the Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) used by CTE. Used as the foundation for assessing career readiness for students in KY’s alternate assessment program For instructional purposes, the work group developed and vetted progressions for the EFAS-AA. Participant Handout: EFAS-AA Combined What is assessed to determine career readiness for students participating in the alternate assessment? The Employability and Foundational Academic Standards: Alternate Assessment are the foundation for the career readiness measures.. The Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment, the KOSSA, is used by the Office of Career and Technical Education to assess career readiness technical in the regular assessment. KOSSA standards were developed by business and industry and provide a common language, goals, and reference points for employers, students, and educators. All KOSSA standards include a list of essential skills common to all career areas. The essential skills within the KOSSA standards were reviewed for use with students participating in the alternate assessment. A narrowed list of those essential skills were selected and included in the EFAS.

8 EFAS-AA Forty (40) standards are included in the Employability and Foundational Academic Standards (EFAS-AA) including Progressions document. There was little change to the wording of the standards, essentially left as defined in the KOSSA by business and industry. Some standards do include the terms “school and work”, which were additions by the workgroup that developed the career ready measures. Take a few moments to pause and look at the standards included in the EFAS document on pages 2 and 3. As you review the standards note they are organized by three main areas: Personal Qualities and People Skills, Foundational Academic Skills, and Workplace Knowledge Skills. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

9 EFAS-AA Progressions The standards within the EFAS needed to be further defined to assist teachers, related service personnel and employment specialists with providing instruction. So progressions for the standards were developed for that purpose. Background information about the progressions begins on page 4 of the EFAS-AA and progressions handout. The listing of the progressions begins on page 6. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

10 How are these standards assessed?
In summary, the standards are the foundation for the two career ready measures for the alternate assessment, the Employability Skills Attainment Record and the Career Work Experience Certification. The Career Ready component is comprised of an academic and technical area. A student must meet the requirements of both to be considered Career Ready.

11 Career Readiness Employability Skills Attainment Record AND
Career Work Experience Certification Let’s discuss the Employability Skills Attainment Record (ESAR)

12 Employability Skills Attainment Record
Assesses skills and knowledge in career awareness and development Similar in format and process to the Transition Attainment Record – TAR The Employability Skills Attainment Record (ESAR) is currently in pilot, beginning in spring 2017. The ESAR is similar in format and process to the Transition Attainment Record or TAR. The Employability Skills Attainment Record will be evaluated by the student’s educational team. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

13 Employability Skills Attainment Record
Participant Handout: Annotated ESAR for Test Administration The ESAR consists of 30 test items in a rating scale format. A Qualified ESAR Administrator will lead each student’s instructional team in completing the assessment. More in-depth information is available in the Employability Skills Attainment Record Administration Guide. You may download the guide from the Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program website. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

14 ESAR – Grade Level Administration
Administered at Grade 12 ESAR can be conducted for a student in Grade 11 under the following conditions: Student has completed two (2) courses leading to the Career Work Experience Certification and is enrolled in a third course Administered at Grade 14 if benchmarks have not been met in previous years Students assessed at Grade 14 cannot have a graduation code in place The ESAR will be administered at Grade 12. Grade 12 was selected due to the amount of testing within the KY Alternate Assessment Program conducted at Grade 11. Grade 12 was also selected because students will have completed more coursework that includes work-based learning experiences. Those experiences will provide students more opportunity to achieve the employability skills assessed. The ESAR can be conducted for a student in Grade 11 under the following conditions Student has completed two (2) courses leading to the Career Work Experience Certification and is enrolled in a third course. Students who have completed the Grade 12 assessment, and remained enrolled as a Grade 14 student, will have continued opportunity for assessment on the ESAR, if the benchmark has not been met in previous year(s). A graduation code cannot be in place for a student being assessed in Grade 14. This process aligns with the KY Occupational Skills Standards Assessment early test administration process for students participating in the regular assessment. Early assessment at Grade 11 would provide students planning to exit with a graduation code after Grade 12 two opportunities to meet benchmarks on the ESAR.

15 Career Readiness Employability Skills Attainment Record AND
Career Work Experience Certification In addition to the ESAR, the second major component of transition readiness for students participating in the alternate assessment is the Career Work Experience Certification (CWEC). Let’s take a closer look at the requirements related to the CWEC.

16 Career Work Experience Certification
Provides opportunity for student demonstrations of practical knowledge and skills Includes three phases: Career Exploration Student Centered Planning Experiential Curriculum with Work-based Learning Utilizes community based school-business partnerships The Career Work Experience Certification provides opportunity for student demonstrations of practical knowledge and skills included in the Employability and Foundational Academic Standards-Alternate Assessment (EFAS-AA) and assessed by the Employability Skills Attainment Record (ESAR). The overall process Includes three phases: Career Exploration in Grades and beyond; Student Centered Planning that includes transition planning and person-centered planning, as needed beginning at Grade 9; and An experiential curriculum that includes a minimum of three years of coursework. The coursework includes work-based learning. The certification process utilizes community based school-business partnerships. School-business partnerships assist in providing the work-based learning options provided to the student. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

17 Conduct Student-Focused Planning to include:
Career Work Experience Certification Outline of Process by Grade Level High School Grades 9-12, Grade 14 Conduct Student-Focused Planning to include: Annual Transition Planning, including development of Multi-Year Course of Study in accordance with the Course of Study Leading to an Alternative High School Diploma Multi-Year Course of Study includes courses specific to the CWEC, within an experiential curriculum that includes work-based learning for a minimum of three (3) years. Work-based learning is provided in accordance with LRE Person Centered Planning at Grade 9, as needed Discussion with parents and student about anticipated year of graduation Development of the postsecondary goals, in effect by age 16 Identification of students for Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Pre-Employment Transition Services Referral to district developed program or Community Work Transition Program (CWTP) in accordance with program guidelines. Summary of Performance given to student upon year of exit EFAS-AA & Progressions As noted in earlier slides, the EFAS-AA and progressions are expected to be taught in broadening settings, as the student advances through the grades. It is during the Career Work Experience Certification process that a student is given opportunities to practice, maintain and generalize knowledge and skills related to the standards in community and work-based settings. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

18 Components for Statewide Fidelity
Align work-based learning experiences with KDE-CTE Work-Based Learning Manual Provide work-based learning a minimum of twenty (20) hours per semester or forty (40) hours per year within each course leading to the CWEC. Base placement in work-based learning environments on the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for each student Provide instruction in skills in Employability and Foundational Academic Skills-Alternate Assessment during work-based learning to give opportunities for generalization of the skills in community and work environment(s) Provide individualize work-based learning experiences for students in accordance with the Specially Designed Instruction on the IEP Develop courses to meet the course descriptions within the Course of Study for the Alternative High School Diploma Align district programs with the Kentucky Taxonomy for Transition Programming Utilize evidence-based practices in school, community and work settings, for both instructional and transition practices Incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) practices within instruction Utilize interagency collaboration for work-based learning opportunities Include Person Centered Planning, when needed with district choice of specific planning method(s) Begin ILP at grade 6 Pages 4 and 5 of CWEC handout outline the components needed for state-wide fidelity of the CWEC process. Some were mentioned in the previous grade level slides. All districts are expected to: Align work-based learning experiences with KDE-CTE Work-Based Learning Manual; Provide work-based learning for a minimum of twenty (20) hours per semester or forty (40) hours per year within each course leading to the CWEC; Base placement in work-based learning environments on the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for each student; Provide instruction in skills in Employability and Foundational Academic Skills-Alternate Assessment during work-based learning to give opportunities for generalization of the skills in community and work environment(s); Provide individualize work-based learning experiences for students in accordance with the Specially Designed Instruction on the IEP; Develop courses to meet the course descriptions within the Course of Study for the Alternative High School Diploma; Align district programs with the Kentucky Taxonomy for Transition Programming Utilize evidence-based practices in school, community and work settings, for both instructional and transition practices; Incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) practices within instruction Utilize interagency collaboration for work-based learning opportunities; Include Person Centered Planning, when needed, with district choice of specific planning method(s); and Begin the ILP process at grade 6 Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

19 Courses for Career Work Experience Certification
Developing Career Options Developing Leadership Skills Experience in Workplace Principles Individualized Career Work Experience There are four specific courses that lead to the achievement of the Career Work Experience Certification. The courses are included in the Courses of Study Leading to Alternative High School Diploma document The descriptions for each course will be discussed in later slides today.

20 Flexibility: Work-Based Learning Options
Cooperative Education Entrepreneurship Internship (Paid-Unpaid) Mentoring School-based Enterprise Service Learning Shadowing The need for flexibility within the CWEC process is met by providing various options for work-based learning to students within the courses leading to the certification. The work-based learning options include service learning, mentoring, shadowing, entrepreneurship, school-based enterprise, internship and cooperative education. Admission and Release Committees will determine the work-based learning for individual students. The options provided will look different for individual students based on their post-secondary goals, IEP Present Levels, and needs related to the LRE. Remember work-based learning, for the purpose of state-wide fidelity, must be provided for a minimum of 20 hours per semester or 40 hours per year, within each course leading to the achievement of the Career Work Experience Certification. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

21 Documenting Career Ready Measures
Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder CRAAF The previous slides provided information about the Employability Skills Attainment Record and the Career Work Experience Certification process. The next group of slides will discuss where and how to keep the needed documentation for these measures.

22 College & Career Ready Documentation
College Ready Career Ready Alternate Assessment and Accountability Folder (AAAF) College Ready: Transition Attainment Record Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder (CRAAF): Employability Skills Attainment Record Career Work Experience Certification Teachers of students with moderate and severe disabilities are familiar with the Alternate Assessment and Accountability Folder, also referred to as the AAAF (pronounced Triple A-F). The folder has been a requirement of the Alternate Assessment Program for several years. The AAAF contains the following: Student Information; Teacher Code of Ethics form; Teacher Quiz Certifications; Attainment Task documentation; and  Transition Attainment Record (TAR) documentation. The AAAF also serves monitoring purposes at both a district and state level. The Office of Assessment and Accountability conducts audits of the AAAF. A second folder will be maintained for the new career ready measures, the Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder (CRAAF). The folder can be referred to as the “Double A-F. The folder mirrors information maintained for the Alternate Assessment and Accountability Folder (AAAF). The AAAF was used as a basis because teachers have prior knowledge of this organizational system.

23 Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder (CRAAF)
CRAAF Components: Student Information Page Teacher Code of Ethics Teacher Quiz Certification(s) Employability Skills Attainment Record Career Work Experience Certification The CRAAF will be a separate folder from the AAAF because the Career Ready designation will be awarded by KDE’s Office of Career and Technical Education. The office will audit CRAAFs when conducting monitoring or review visits for Career and Technical Education programs. The CRAAF is divided into five components to include: Student Information; Teacher Code of Ethics form; Teacher Quiz Certifications; Employability Skills Attainment Record Career Work Experience Certification The first two components of the CRAAF are identical to the AAAF. The third component of the folder, Teacher Quiz Certification(s) will house the certification documents awarded for successful completion of the ESAR and CWEC online quizzes. Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant/CCR

24 Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder
Documentation to Data Collection Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder Career Ready Database Now let’s switch from how and where the career ready documentation is kept to how the data is collected for submission to the Kentucky Department of Education.

25 Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program Website
The Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program website houses the platforms for collecting alternate assessment data. Most high school teachers of students participating in the alternate assessment are familiar with this site. If you are a new user to the systems, you must first register  in the Online Training System, OTS. Once registered, your user name and password will provide you access to the systems when they are open.

26 Online Training System (OTS)
Access trainings, quizzes, and certificates Print the TAR, ESAR, CWEC OTS The OTS is used for accessing KDE training materials, quiz completion, printing certificates, and downloading the Transition Attainment Record and the Employability Skills Attainment Record. Each district must have at least one person certified to facilitate the assessment process for the TAR and ESAR. Someone must also be certified for having an understanding of the CWEC process.

27 Once you are registered and log into the Online Training System you will find Training and Resource Documents. The Employability Skills Attainment Record Administration Guide and the Career Work Experience Certification Guide are included. In time a Career Ready Database (CRD) Manual will be added.

28 Student Registration Database (SRD) Score entry for:
Attainment Tasks (AT) and Transition Attainment Record (TAR) SRD The Student Registration Database (SRD) is used for score entry for both the Attainment Tasks and the Transition Attainment Record.

29 Career Ready Database (CRD)
Enter scores for any 12th grade students during the school year CRD The Career Ready Database (CRD) is used for score entry for the Employability Skills Attainment Record and the student status in completing the Career Work Experience Certification. After the completion of the ESAR, qualified personnel will key the ESAR scores into the database. For the Career Work Experience Certification the qualified personnel will key the student status into the database, indicating Yes (Y) or No (N), the student completed the coursework leading to the CWEC. The data is included in state accountability reporting the year the student exits with a graduation code.

30 Print Administration Guides for the
Print Administration Guides for the ESAR & CWEC You can explore the Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program website further by accessing the link to the site provided on the slide.

31 CCR Action Plan Goals Goal #1: Establish District Level Team for Strategic Planning Goal #2: Include the Employability Foundational Academic Standards-Alternate Assessment (EFAS-AA) in IEP development (functional performance) and Instruction Goal # 3: Develop the Courses Leading to the Career Work Experience Certification (CWEC) Goal # 4: Develop Work-Based Learning Program(s) Goal #5: Administer the Employability Skills Attainment Record in Pilot Year The first five goals in the Action Plan template are typical goals district teams need to tackle in order to scale up for implementation of the new career ready measures. Team members may determine which goals to include in the Year 1 plan. Goal #6 – Person-centered planning Goals #7-10 – blank for other areas needing action

32 Piloting & Instruction
Begin using the EFAS-AA Develop Units of Study & Lesson Plans Develop the CWEC Courses Develop WBL Programs Include Courses in IC Include Courses in Multi-Year Course of Study Include the courses leading to the Career Work Experience Certification in each student’s Multi-Year Course of Study. Admission and Release Committees must develop a multi-year course of study for individual students as a transition requirement on the student’s IEP. That course of study leads to the Alternative High School Diploma. The course of study should also include the courses that lead to the achievement of the CWEC Since the Multi-year Course of Study is a requirement for students with disabilities beginning at age 14, Middle School teachers should also become familiar with the course descriptions. The multi-year course of study component is included in the IEP and serves as a documentation tool for courses by school year. The Multi-Year course of study is determined on an annual basis.

33 Next Steps Complete online trainings for
ESAR CWEC Complete the ESAR for Grade 12 Students Continue/update action plan and send to Jenny Hogg or upload to Google Drive

34 Next Steps: Opportunities for Professional Development Upon Request
Trainings: ESAR & CWEC Guidance Documents Trainings Course Codes and Curricular Planning Training Work-Based Learning Options Person-Centered Planning Coaching: District Team Action Plan Review and Update

35 Curricular Planning Professional Development March 14, 2018
Build high school courses: Use EFAS-AA standards cards Work as a team to align the standards across the 4 courses that lead to the CWEC Determine work-based learning options within each course Determine Units of Study needed for each course Plan Units of Study and lesson activities that intentionally target the skills required to meet the standards Develop a system to keep track of instruction & results (some of this may be for use in the CRAAF) Attending a curriculum planning professional development session will assist you with developing the courses and related units of study. Transition and/or Low Incident Consultants from the regional educational cooperatives have access to the training materials. Please contact your consultant for more information. This slide shows an overview of the training components. School or district teams attend to build the high school courses. The teams review the forty EFAS-AA standards individually and divided those standards across the four courses. Then the work-based learning options are determined for each course. Looking at the course descriptions and standards included, the team determine the Units of Study needed. Next, teams get practice in developing a unit of study. From the units, teachers could develop lessons and activities using a variety of resources as well as develop a system of documentation. Some of the documentation fits into the Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder for accountability purposes.

36 KDE Advisory Group-Ongoing Work

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