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Deposition: the dropping of sediment by wind, rain, water, ice or gravity. Check it out…

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Presentation on theme: "Deposition: the dropping of sediment by wind, rain, water, ice or gravity. Check it out…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deposition: the dropping of sediment by wind, rain, water, ice or gravity.
Check it out…

2 Deposition by Wind In the desert, winds create sandstorms, lifting huge amounts of sand and carrying them from one place to another (erosion). When the sand is dropped or deposited, dunes form.

3 This is a sandstorm moving through Egypt, seen from a satellite
This is a sandstorm moving through Egypt, seen from a satellite. Look how much sand the wind is carrying!

4 These dunes were formed in the Namib desert because the wind deposited the sand there.

5 Deposition by Water Do you see the green area in the picture on the left? That’s the Nile River Delta. It was created by the deposition of sediment, carried by the Nile River to the Mediterranean Sea.

6 This is the Mississippi River Delta (before Hurricane Katrina).
The Mississippi River deposits its sediment into the Gulf of Mexico. Over the last 5,000 years, this process has caused the Louisiana coastline to grow up to 50 miles into the Gulf.

7 Deposition by Ice Remember those huge boulders that were picked up and dropped by glaciers? Those are examples of deposition by ice. We’ll see some other examples.

8 Do you see all the rock and gravel at the bottom of the mountains
Do you see all the rock and gravel at the bottom of the mountains? All that was deposited by a glacier that melted here.

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