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DRPT Overview Jennifer Mitchell Agency Director

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1 DRPT Overview Jennifer Mitchell Agency Director
Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders April 23, 2018

2 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

3 2018 Transit Reforms Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund Restructuring
Statewide Operating- 31% Statewide Capital- 12.5% WMATA Operating & Capital-53.5% Special Projects-3% Statewide Transit Capital Prioritization Beginning FY 2020 Processes for State of Good Repair and Major Expansion Transit Operating Funds Distribution Beginning FY 20, 100% allocation using service delivery factors Urban Transit Agency Strategic Plans Required every 5 years from agencies with 20+ bus fleet serving urbanized area of 50,000+ 2018 Transit Reforms 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

4 Additional WMATA Capital Funding: $154 M Annually
4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

5 WMATA Reforms WMATA Board of Directors
Limits VA appointments to two members and restricts role of alternates Must have relevant experience & be familiar with WMATA CTB will withhold 20% of funding if alternates participate when both VA board members present NVTC Oversight & Annual Reporting WMATA to submit annual budget, independent financial audit, National Transit Data annual profile, & audit reports NVTC to certify receipt to VA before DRPT allocates funding NVTC to report by November 1 on WMATA performance & condition 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

6 WMATA Reforms WMATA Operating Expenses
CTB will withhold 35% of funding if VA’s operating assistance to WMATA increases by more than 3% yearly. Exceptions: Any service, equipment, or facility required by law Increased operating costs for major capital expansions (Silver Line, Potomac Yards) Legal Costs WMATA Capital Improvement Program & Strategic Plan CTB will withhold 20% if WMATA does not adopt a CIP covering next five years or a strategic plan within next three years WMATA Reforms 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

7 Additional Dedicated Funding for Transit
VRE - $15 M Annually Commuter Rail Operating and Capital Fund: $4.85 M: Gas Tax Floor revenues collected in NVTC $10.15 M: Gas Tax Floor revenues collected in PRTC PRTC - $7.85 M Annually Gas Tax Floor revenues collected in PRTC $1.7 M: Transient Occupancy Tax collected in non-NVTC jurisdictions must also be used for public transportation purposes Additional Dedicated Funding for Transit 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

8 Rail Projects Programmed in FY19-24 SYIP

9 Rail Program Highlights 2019-2024
Atlantic Gateway - $535M VRE Platform and Track Improvements - $42.7M Acca Yard Mainline Bypass - $132M Allows for 2 new Norfolk passenger trains Resolving 100+ year old congestion issue Newport News Station and – $20M Port Projects – $54.4M Rail Program Highlights 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

10 DC2RVA 123- mile corridor Follows CSX’s rail line
Shared freight rail and passenger rail corridor DRPT has completed a draft EIS and is currently developing the final EIS for FRA’s review FRA Record of Decision expected in 2019 DC2RVA 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

11 Long Bridge Expansion TOP PRIORITY for Virginia
Bridge is currently at 98% capacity in peak hours All freight, Amtrak, and VRE rail traffic between VA and Northeast uses Long Bridge Major bottleneck for rail network on entire east coast DDOT is completing NEPA with 2020 estimate completion 4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

12 Atlantic Gateway and Long Bridge Expansion
4/23/2018 Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders

13 DRPT Overview Jennifer Mitchell Agency Director
Transportation Forum for Northern Virginia Elected Leaders April 23, 2018

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