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BRAZIL Official Name: _____________________

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1 BRAZIL Official Name: _____________________
Brazil is a _________________with the power divided between the central government and the state and local governments ( ex. _________) Brazil is also a _____________l democracy The citizens ______________________and they also elect the legislature which is called the Congress ( like the USA) The president serves a _____________ term with a limit of two terms ( like the USA)

2 BRAZIL Citizens of Brazil can vote, both ____________ ____________
Citizens who are may vote if they choose, however citizens __________ are required to vote by law. Citizens over 70 have the choice to vote or not

3 BRAZIL Party of the Liberal Front Liberal Party
There are many ______________in Brazil People may join ________________________ Most center around particular beliefs and some center around certain people Examples of Brazilian political parties: Party of the Liberal Front Liberal Party Party of Brazilian Social Democracy Brazilian Labor Party

4 BRAZIL Brazil enjoys _____________ level of freedom compared to other countries in the world. Its score with the State of the World Liberty Project is ________ ___________________ is not always protected and the court system ________________________to help people in all cases.

5 MEXICO Official Name: The _______________________
Mexico is a _________________with the power divided between the central government and the state and local governments ( like USA) Mexico is also a ________________democracy The citizens elect _______________and they also elect the legislature which is called the Congress ( like the USA) DIFFERENCE: The president serves _____________ term, no more.

6 MEXICO Citizens of Mexico can vote, both men and women, over the age of ________ It is ________________that all citizens vote Like Brazil, there are many political parties that center on particular beliefs or people.

7 MEXICO Mexico has an _________________of freedom with its score being __________% with the State of the World Liberty Project. The court system is managed by the central government and is not ________ _____________________________ (unlike the USA)

8 CUBA Official Name: _____________
Cuba is a _________________ with the central government controlling _________________ in the country. Cuba is a ______________________run by Raul Castro

9 CUBA The communist government of the _________ _________ helped to support Cuba until 1991. When the ______ __________collapsed, Cuba faced difficult times economically Photos are of Nikita Kruchev of the USSR and Fidel Castro of Cuba

10 CUBA The citizens _______________elect the president
The ________________________by the National Assembly of People’s Power, the Cuban legislature and _____________________ People may vote for members of the legislature, but only those approved by _______________ ____________________ the Communist Party of Cuba. The Communist Party controls all ___________ _________________________.

11 Cuba Citizens have __________ _____________
Men and women 16 years and older ________________to vote. Citizens have _________ ___________with only one political party allowed, the Communist Party of Cuba This party has been ruled by Castro since ________. Now that Castro is in poor health, his brother Raul is running the country. Cuba

12 CUBA Cuba is one of the ______ free countries in the world.
Its score with the State of the World Liberty Project is _____________% The government controls nearly ____________of life and there is little opportunity to own ____________________ Almost all businesses, ____________________are run by the government

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