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How much, where it comes from and where it was spent?

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Presentation on theme: "How much, where it comes from and where it was spent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How much, where it comes from and where it was spent?
Donor Funding F R Health HSIP TA How much, where it comes from and where it was spent?

2 Outline Background Methods & Analysis Results Discussion Conclusion

3 2000 Millennium Declaration
Background Millennium Declaration

4 Background…….continue
Global solidarity High-income countries close funding gaps

5 Background……..continue
1995 – 2003 Health Sector SWAp (Health Sector Improvement Program Trust Account)

6 What is not known? Question? How much? Where the funds come from?
Where the funds are spent?

7 Method and Analysis Descriptive study Year Funding source (GF)
Function (HIV) Activity (procurement of ART drugs) Appropriation (PGK) Expenditure (PGK)

8 Results PGK368.8 million 22% total health funding

9 69% on three health MDG areas
Results…….continue PGK254.5 million 69% on three health MDG areas PGK114.3 million 31% on other areas

10 PGK228.7 million Results……continue PGK206.5 million 62% funds on MDG 6
56% total funds spent

11 Earmarked funding & lack of prioritization
Discussion Impact of many reviews Affected funding Earmarked funding & lack of prioritization Skewed funding Capacity issues Affected spending

12 Reduce value of aid effectiveness
Conclusion Funding unstable Dropped steeply after 2010 Earmarked funds Affect funding for each MDG areas Reduce value of aid effectiveness Not all committed funds disbursed

13 Any Questions?

14 References Foster, M., & Piel, J. (2010). Review of Health Sector Improvement Program Trust Account, Report  Richards, S., Rupa, G., Shaw, L., & Glastonbury, I. (2012). Re-design of the Health Services Improvement Program (HSIP) trust account UNDP (2014). National Human Development Report. Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby: United Nations Development Programme and Department of National Planning and Monitoring UNAIDS (2013).  HIV in Asia and the Pacific. UNAIDS. WHO (2010a). The World Health Report: Health System Financing-the path to universal coverage. World Bank  (2017). Health Financing System Assessment – Papua New Guinea. Washington: World Bank. 

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